Celebrating Christina Kenna, Founder and CEO of the HEART Education Trust on her retirement

Richard Nobes • December 20, 2022

Celebrating Christina Kenna, Founder and CEO of the HEART Education Trust on her retirement

Last week, the four academies comprising the HEART Education Trust celebrated the legacy of former Head of Heartsease Primary Academy and Founder and CEO of the Trust, Christina Kenna.

Celebrations started on Wednesday evening, when Christina was invited by the staff and pupils of Lingwood Primary Academy to attend their Christmas celebration. Head of Lingwood Primary, Stuart Walker, led a tribute to close the evening.

On Thursday morning, Christina joined the community at Henderson Green Primary Academy for their Key Stage 2 Christmas show, where she was wowed by their selection of festive songs. Closing the morning, Co-Head of Henderson Primary, Clair Gribble , thanked Christina for her dedication to all of the Trust academies.

After spending lunch with colleagues from across the Trust’s business support teams, Christina finished her Thursday with a fantastic Christmas bonanza at Valley Primary Academy. The pupils filled the tiered stage, sang their hearts out, played violin and ukulele recitals and got plenty of laughs with some festive jokes. Head of Valley Primary, Sara Bush (above), closed the event with a thoughtful tribute to Christina.

Finally, on Friday morning Christina returned to Heartsease Primary Academy to join their celebration assembly – the academy where she joined as Head and launched the HEART Education Trust. Academy Head, Neil Campbell (below) invited Christina to sit at the front of the assembly throughout – a tradition she had brought in for all leavers when she was Headteacher there. 

Mr Campbell told the pupils how important Christina had been to the academy, including how she had overseen the building of the academy, achieved an Outstanding Ofsted in May 2016 and brought three fantastic schools into the HEART family.

Outside of her numerous achievements, Neil said, “Christina instilled aspiration within the academy and throughout the local community. She was always at the end of the phone, to listen, advise and guide – and is an outstanding source of educational wisdom who will be sorely missed.”

Closing the assembly, Christina shared “I started here at Heartsease over 18 years ago as Head, when it was an old-fashioned, unattractive school – I have put a lot of my life into this school and am so proud of where it has come today. I’d like to say a very big thank you to the whole community, staff, pupils – everyone – for being on this journey with me.”   

Interim CEO Hazel Cubbage commented “It has been a privilege to work with Christina, as Chief Operating Officer, and recently stepping into her shoes as Interim CEO. She has been an invaluable mentor to me and many members of staff across the Trust and I wish her the very best during her well-earned retirement. 

“While Christina is formally retiring, I am thrilled that she will continue to support our family of academies in the new year, sharing her expertise in school improvement and her wealth of educational insight on a consultancy basis.”

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