Attendance is currently remaining at 93.5%. Thank you for your continued support.
You will have noticed over the last two weeks that a new teacher has joined the school leadership team. Mr Walker is our new Deputy Headteacher in charge of teach and learning and pupil groups. He will be predominantly working across the academy ensuring that the quality of teaching and learning is improving week on week, monitoring lessons and discussing learning with groups of pupils. I am very pleased that he has settled well into the school and is visible at the start and finish of the day.
I would like to say a big well done to the year 1 children for completing their phonics screening checks. The year 4 children have also done very well completing their times table checks online. All in all a successful week with the children achieving above the national levels in the assessments taken. Well done.
Enjoy the sunshine and stay hydrated!
Mr Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - New lunch ordering system
Letters were sent home last week to those parents / carers who have not yet set up an account for their child on the new system. If your child has home packed lunches please can we ask that you still set up an account as themed lunches (i.e Christmas) will need to be ordered via this system. The letter provides clear instructions how to set up your account however if you need assistance please come to the school office so we can help you. Please note that lunches need to be ordered by 9am each day. If you have more than one child, please select on each individual child to order their lunch.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.

You are now able to view your child's test results through My Child at School - but not through the app. You need to sign in via the website rather than the app. You can then find your child's most recent assessments and test scores.

Leavers assembly
Friday 21st July - 1.30pm

Latest Covid Information
From 1st April, anyone with a positive COVID-19 test result will be advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for five days, which is when they are most infectious. For children and young people aged 18 and under, the advice will be three days. However, if children are still displaying symptoms after day 3 then they will remain at home.

Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning
Weekly class updates
This week we have been learning about Vets ready for the vet visit on Friday afternoon. We have read the story Hairy Maclary's Rumpus at the Vets. It made us all laugh. We have been talking about pets we have and those we would like and how to look after them. Some of the staff have talked about their pets. Willbor the tortoise came to visit and we were all able to stroke her if we wanted. We have also seen pictures of Randy the chameleon. Another busy week in nursery.
Reception - Jade / Jasper classes
This week our core book has been ,'Whatever Next?' by Jill Murphy . The children have explored the solar system and planets within it. They have learnt that the planet we live on is called Earth, and investigated its place in the Solar System. In maths our unit of learning has been 'Measure', with the learning focus being using non-standard units to measure capacity. The key language has been : full, empty, not full, half full, neary empty, half empty.
Year 1 - Onyx / Opal classes
This week the focus has been Phonics, the children all worked so hard and we are all very proud of their determination. In Maths we have learnt about money; the value of coins and comparing them (we even went shopping!) In English we have been doing comprehension tasks to show what we have understood from what we have read. In geography we learnt about the equator; building on last week's learning about continents and oceans. In art we used blocks and the pebbles to make bridges and other structures.
Year 2 - Aqua / Amber classes
In history we are learning lots of detail about the Great Fire of London. In science we are learning about respiration and other features of being alive. In maths we are adding and subtracting. Wolves is our English core text and we are learning to write facts.
Year 3 - Coral / Crystal classes
This week, year three have been getting creative and have been designing their very own quilt based on their favourite places. In science, we investigated the purpose of our skelton by building a paper straw structure (skelton) to protect an egg (our organs). In geography we learnt about how fold mountains can be formed and how this linked to our learning about the Peak District.
Year 4 - Garnet / Topaz classes
In English this week we have been learning about newspaper reports and fishing out about the important events that happened on Earnest Shackleton's expedition. In maths we are reviewing all aspects of the curriculum in readiness for our summer tests next week. We completed our year 4 Multiplication test check this week also. In History, we learned where, why and when the Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain. In Science we are reviewing our previous learning on living things and this week specifically vertebrates. In Art we are learning about block printing.
Year 5 - Emerald / Sapphire classes
In Year 5 this week we have started exploring our new text 'The Strange Case of Origami Yoda' by Tom Angleberger. This is written as a case study looking at event in the life of a group of friends where an origami Yoda on the finger of one of the boys makes predictions and helps the children to avoid embarrassment. The main characters is questioning whether the Yoda can really predict the future or not. In maths we are continuing to add and subtract decimals. This involves numbers with a different amount of decimal places and so the children have to be careful as to how they line the numbers up. Science saw the classes in twos running around with large plastic bin bags. This was to feel air resistance. We also finished off our jelly experiments testing whether oil increases or decreases the amount of friction. Finally we spent a lovely afternoon exploring trees which we then went back to class and represented using coloured paper as well as pastels.
Year 6 - Diamond / Dolomite / Quartz classes
On Monday, we had 2 people come in and talk about prices and how they could be used wisely. We discussed how much games could cost, how much netflix would cost and if we were given one grand, what could we do with it and many people replied cars and fancy items. The people said that what they would buy wasn't enough and £1,000 wouldn't be enough for cars and they told us about taxes, car insurance and bills and how they expensive they were. On Tuesday, we had 3 lovely people come in and tell us all about bees and how they affect the world in a good way by making honey and made us answer some questions about bees (some of the questions were year 1-2). The teachers also learnt something new about bees and how the sick / dead bees get kicked out so the infections wouldn't get passed on. After that we went outside and created a thing called bee bombs and how they attract bees . They used compost, clay and mud. Some people went out with the bishes and threw them!
This week Moonstone have been investigating with sand. We have been experimenting to see how sand changes when it's wet, dry and damp. We have been amazed and inspired by the sand sculptures we have seen, and designed and built our own sandcastles. We have had a fabulous visit from Rackheath Vets, and got the opportunity to be vets for the day. We learned how to take care of animals, looked at animal X-rays, and bandaged our toy animals. The children listened carefully to Chris the vet, answered his questions and asked some interesting questions about animals themselves.
This week, Ruby class read 'Here We Are - Notes for Living on Planet Earth.' There are some great pages that inspire description, so we played 'guess who' with them, then wrote descriptions about the characters on the page. We also wrote about how we are kind to others. In Maths we learnt to compare odd and even numbers. In Art, we used what we knew about positive and negative space to make printing blocks, which we will use next week. In Science, we learnt how a seed germinates; drew seeds; and prepared them so we can watch them grow over the coming weeks. We had a visit from Rackheath vets who taught us how to care for our ill cuddly toys.
Bees Knees Awards
PE Update
For our last half term, the children are getting ready for their sports days.
They will be beating the clock to speed up their running, they will be throwing different equipment like; javelins, shot put, bean bags, hoops and more for distance and practicing lots of different jumps including the triple jump!
Sports day dates