Heartsease Primary Academy Newsletter - 18th September 2023

joanne.rowley • September 22, 2023


Dear Parents and Carers, 

It was great to go through our records yesterday and identify the 325 children who at that point in the term had achieved 100% attendance. Well done to all of you! I will be monitoring attendance closely throughout the year so that I can ensure that even more children can celebrate their attendance and encourage them to keep coming to school. 

Remember at this point in the year 1 day off accounts for 8% of the days that they have been in school so it has quite an impact on your child's overall attendance percentage at this time. 

I am pleased to announce that we have now achieved the top spot in Times tables Rock Stars. We have overtaken all other schools in Norwich and the surrounding area. It has been great walking through the corridors today and being stopped by children to say "we did it! Mr Campbell..." I am certain that with our determination we will be able to increase our lead over the other schools in the coming weeks. 

Again, a great week of learning with the children achieving together. I am so proud of all the children for what they are learning 

Well done! 

Mr N Campbell

Office update

Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system

If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account.

Free School Meals

A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.

Parent Volunteers

If any parents / carers are able to volunteer to assist with supporting swimming lessons this would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the school office, the following classes are swimming on the below days:-

Tuesday's - Coral Class - Year 3

Wednesday's - Aqua class - Year 2

Thursday's - Garnet Class - Year 4

Friday's - Quartz class - Year 6

Child Absences

If your child is going to be absent from school please could you call the school office on 01603 307820 before 08:30am and advise the reason for absence, please could you inform us of the symptoms your child has so we can record their absence correctly. Alternatively you can email the school office with the details:- office@heartseaseprimary.co.uk

Dates for the diary this term:-

Wednesday 27th September - Reception -  Year 6 - Flu Immunisations

Thursday 28th September - Individual school photos

Friday 13th October - Just one tree - Non uniform day - wear Green

Friday 20th October - Last day of term

Monday 30th October - Return to school

Meet Teacher Sessions:-

Opportunity to come into school, meet the teacher and look around the classroom, The Year 5 session parents will be invited to join in the lesson.

Wednesday 27th September - Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes) - 2:40pm (enter via the reception gates)

Thursday 28th September - Year 5 (Sapphire/Emerald Classes) - 2:30pm (enter via the main school office)

Thursday 28th September - Year 6 (Quartz/Diamond Classes) - 2:30pm (enter via the main school office) - please join us and help your child with their Escape Room.


Please note that snacks (Fruit) for breaktimes are to be kept in the children's bags rather than in their lunchboxes.


Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning to school.

Weekly class updates


This week we have been learning about the different parts of our body. We drew round one of the children and named as many different parts of their body as we could. We have painted our portraits and drawn pictures of ourselves. We used mirrors to make sure we chose the correct colours. We have also investigated the sense of touch. We have felt items hidden in a bag and tried to describe them using words such as hard, soft, rough or smooth. We have also watched the NSPCC's Pantosaurus video and discussed the underwear rule -Talk PANTS. If you wish to learn more go to the NSPCC website and look for Talk PANTS.

Ruby Class

This week, Ruby class focussed on 'my family.' In PSHE, we talked about the similarities and differences between families, and drew our special people. In English, we read 'So Much' - about a baby's family preparing a surprise party; we wrote about our favourite characters and described a party. In maths, Key Stage 1 began working on the place value of 2-digit numbers; Reception worked on the concept of numbers to 4. In Art, we continued developing paintbrush control, experimenting with creating different lines and patterns. In Science, we talked about how we change from baby to toddler, child, teenager, adult and then older adult.

Reception - Jasper/Jade Classes

Both classes have had a great week with the children settling into the school routines. This week our focus book has been 'What makes me a me?' . The children have enjoyed listening to and discussing the story. They have been creating different people out of playdough, and drawing and painting self portraits after looking at their own features in a mirror. They have enjoyed mark making and starting to form letters. The classes have met Fred the phonics frog and they enjoy their daily phonics sessions. They have spent a lot of time learning outside and are excited that Forest school sessions begin next week. 

Year 1 - Onyx / Opal classes

This week we have been focusing on learning behaviours such as listening/concentrating which allows us to think and then learn. In maths we have learnt one less, one more, comparing groups and finding missing numbers within 10. In English we have been reading poems and finding rhyming words. In the afternoons we have learnt what a Hindu Shine is, learning how to find a pulse in music, learnt about the 7 continents of the world and practiced handwriting in particular starting on the line, writing on the line and correcting forming letters. Please see google classroom for follow up tasks and additional learning at home.

Year 2 - Aqua / Amber classes

In geography we identified human features and the children took photos of human features they could spot while standing on the playground. In science they are learning that seven features of being alive for animals--ask your child to tell you about Mrs Gren! In English we are writing with adjectives and adverbs (words ending in -ly that help verbs "happily sang"). In maths we are busy learning about place value of numbers up to 100. The trickiest part is when we need to draw tens and ones for numbers and move between tens and ones. 

Year 3 - Coral / Crystal classes

Coral and Crystal class have been learning to use mixed media to paint ammonites in the style of Van Gogh. In reading, we have continued to think about how facts can be turned into fiction stories to help people understand big ideas - like Climate Change: why not ask us about what we've pledged to do to help the planet? In writing, we've covered some big grammar ideas: expanded noun phrases, turning adjectives into adverbs and using simple conjunctions. I wonder if we can explain one of these to you. In science, we have continued to study rocks. This week we learnt about sedimentary and metamorphic. Did you know not all rocks are hard?

 Year 4 - Garnet / Topaz classes

Year 4 have spent another fascinating week looking at short form poetry such as cinquains and haikus, even creating and performing their own fantastic versions. In maths, we have continued our exploration of 4-digit place value, which will be an essential foundation for lessons in the coming months. We have also continued the story of Harmony Parker in the Queens Nose, learning how to effectively predict and infer during reading comprehension practice.

Year 5 - Emerald / Sapphire classes

In Year 5 this week the children have been practising their dribbling skills in PE. They have had to use the inside and outside of their foot to gain control over the ball. We started our Computer unit on programming. The children had to devise a programme where an input resulted in an output - for instance if the teddy's tummy was pushed then they would growl. Art saw us using watercolours to create our paintings by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Please look at Google Classroom for examples of the children's work. Finally in PSHE we discussed the importance of really listening to each other. Another good week in Year 5.

Year 6 - Diamond / Quartz classes

Year 6 started this week in an unusual way - half of us worked with the Into University team finding out about Local History. The other half worked with Ms McGee to find out about Norwich during WW2.

We are continuing to read 'Rooftoppers' this half-term. It is a tricky book but we are working hard to understand all the new vocabulary.

In writing we are continuing to learn about Autobiographies so we can write our own.

This week in maths we start our first unit revising the four operations ( + - x ÷)

In the afternoons we are: 

Painting self-portraits in the style of Frida Kahlo (Art and Design)

Computing systems and networks – Communication and collaboration (Computing)

Making electrical circuits (Science)

Solving the Friendship Problem (PSHE)

OK to be different (PSHE)

Where I live (French)

Bees Knees Awards

  • Ruby Class Bethany - For being more willing to try with her work.
  • Jade Class Aria-Louise and Evie-Mae - For their enthusiastic approach to learning.
  • Opal Class - Mila - For independent learning, thinking carefully and concentrating.
  • Onyx Class - Zane - For being curious and passionate about his learning.
  • Aqua Class - Joseph - for marvellous understanding of place value for numbers up to 100.
  • Amber Class - Jesse - For improving his behaviours for learning and making the right choices this week. Jesse also impressed me with his excellent maths skills this week! Well done Jesse!
  • Coral Class - Harry-Jay - He has been learning to work more independently and is listening more to the instructions so that he can complete more tasks without support. Well done, Harry-Jay!
  • Crystal Class - Zsombor -  For having a positive attitude, resilience and determination when tackling challenges. 
  • Garnet Class - Lacey - For consistently taking pride and care in each piece of work that she does.
  • Topaz Class - Findlay - He has demonstrated a perfect attitude to learning in every lesson. I love how he participates, listens attentively and is always ready to learn. Wonderful!
  • Emerald Class - Ken - For showing an excellent understanding of the vocabulary we are using and is always wiling to try and work out what it means.
  • Sapphire Class - Phoebe - For working hard on her understanding on numbers upto a million. Well done.
  • Quartz Class - Khadijah - For always making excellent contributions to the learning and being helpful to others in the classroom.
  • Diamond Class - India - She has shown real determination to improve her maths, especially subtraction column method, Well done!
  • PE - Charlie / Amber Class - For his brilliant football skills in PE. He had great control with the ball and was unbeatable in the sharks and fishes game.

Year 6 High school open evening information

Sprowston Community Academy Year 6 Open Evening

Monday 9th October 

2 Sessions:-

5:00-6.30pm or 7.00-8:30pm

Parents do not need to book please turn up at whichever time is more convenient.

The evening will consist of a talk in the Main School Hall by Ms Wood (Head Teacher) and Miss Wise (Head of Year 7) followed by the opportunity to have a tour of the school, visit classrooms and speak with teachers and existing students. 

Intu University information

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