Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been an excellent start to the term with the children really focused on their learning.
We have spent the last two weeks undertaking Pupil Book Studies relating to the learning in Science and History. These studies involve looking through the children's boks, looking at the planning from the teachers and discussing the learning with groups of children.
This has shown that the children are really grasping the key concepts relating to the curriculum, places, people and events, but the area that they struggle with is remembering and using the new vocabulary that they have been taught.
This is an area that we will be working on as a school as there is a clear link between improved vocabulary and attainment. If you want to know the topics that your child has been studying please visit our webpage with our curriculum maps.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
Family Learning / Functional Skills Sessions
We have the exciting opportunity to run some Family Learning courses at our school, lead by a brilliant team from Norfolk County Council. To start with, we have 'Keeping up with the Children' courses which help parents/carers see what Maths and English skills children are taught in schools. These are very informal and relaxed (with tea and biscuits!).
Following these courses, we will then have the opportunity for parents/carers who are interested, to take part in a Functional Skills course in either English or Maths. This course has 5 levels from Entry 1 up to Level 2, which is the equivalent of a pass at GCSE. These qualifications are recognised by employers and are a great addition to a CV.
Please click the link below or copy link into your browser to express interest in either of these courses. This will give us an initial starting point and help us to identify what the most appropriate course to run first will be.
And please don't worry! This form is simply expressing an interest; you are not committing yourself to anything. We will be in touch soon with more specific details and if you have any further questions in the meantime, please contact the school office.
Many thanks,
Jenny Stafford
Deputy Headteacher
Fortnightly class updates and achievements
Firstly, we would like to welcome all the new children and their families who have started Bishy Barney Bees this term.
Our new topic this half term is Nursery Rhymes. Last week we concentrated on 'Miss Polly had a Dolly'. We have learned about being a doctor and how we can keep ourselves fit and healthy.
This week we have been looking at the rhyme 'Humpty Dumpty. We have been busy building lots of walls. We looked at different patterns of bricks in our outside area. The children watched an egg being dropped to see why Humpty couldn't be put back together. We then thought about different materials which might protect Humpty - bubble wrap, fur fabric, sponge, etc.
Mr Wellard has built us a great new mud kitchen outside which we are enjoying playing with. Thank you to him.
We have also enjoyed going back to the woods in Forest School. Some sessions will be changing days next week so keep an eye on our new notice board for updates.
Ruby Class - Activities in class
Ruby Class
In Ruby class we started learning to name 2D shapes. In English we started reading and writing about The Snail and the Whale. In Science, we learnt about the differences between an omnivore, carnivore, and herbivore - looking at the differences between their teeth. We have been learning the differences between mammals and birds. In Geography, we learnt about the continent of Europe and the animals that live there. We have also been learning about Antarctica. In art we have been exploring different drawing tools - pencil, crayon and pastel. We have learnt to cross-hatch, use different pressures and smudge for varied effects. We have been looking at a giant land snail and using our skills to draw it.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 8th January
For ongoing incredible progress, he has already picked up lots of new vocabulary this term.
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 15th January
Eli-Alby Joe
For an improved effort in making himself understood when speaking or writing.
Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)
Our focus book has been The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children have enjoyed dressing up to retell the story and have reenacted it both in class and outdoors. We have been learning about different bridges and constructing some from different materials. In water play, the trolls have been sent down the water slide under the bridge by the goats. In maths we continue to have an overall objective of developing a deep understanding of number to 10. The focus is on representing numbers using concrete and pictorial representations using a tens frame.We have also explored the concept of number bonds.
The children continue to be focussed in their phonic lessons and enjoying forest school activities.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 8th January
Jade Class - Skylar
For super engagement and focus in her learning. Well done
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 15th January
Jade Class - Ashleigh
For her superb retelling of our traditional tales in the puppet theatre. She has had us all spell bound!
Jasper Class - Violet
For being imaginative in acting out and retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs.
Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)
Over the past two weeks we have been super busy. In English we have studied poems (what is a poem, rhyme, repetition, explored vocabulary within poems and performed those poems). Science; we have started a topic of Animals; we learnt the 5 types of animals and features of them. In history we learnt who Mary Anning is and how she was a significant person in History with regards to fossils in the Jurassic coast. In Geography we recapped continents and oceans. In Design and Technology we learnt what a structure is and even made our own!
Please listen to your child as much as possible as this is vital to improve word recognition and fluency; reading unlocks so many doors in all subjects. There is a Powerpoint in the google classrooms, that was shared with many of you last Monday.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 8th January
Opal Class - Eliano
For being incredibly helpful and thoughtful in the classroom.
Onyx Class - Oussama
For his amazing reading.
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 15th January
Opal Class - Harleyquinn
For improved attitude towards learning tasks; completing them independently and thinking hard!
Onyx Class - Theo
For being passionate about reading.
Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)
In English Year 2 have been reading the classic poem 'The Quangle Wangle's Hat' by Edward Lear.
It is a humorous (yes we learnt what humorous means, clever us!) poem with lots of rhyming words, repetition and nonsense words.
We also learnt what syllables are and we clapped the syllables for our names, coconut, blank, football and caterpillar.
We read a poem called 'Ut-Oh!' and we put actions to it and read it with intonation (I know what you are thinking... what does that mean?) Intonation is the rise and fall of the voice in speaking. We've been using intonation to change our voices and read the poem in more engaging, exciting ways. We've also learnt about face expressions and using our voices in a higher pitch and a lower pitch.
In Maths we ended the unit of Multiplication and Division (part 1) and we started the second unit of Multiplication and Division.
In this unit, we are introducing that multiplication is the opposite of division.
The children have learnt their two times table and will be moving on to consolidate their tens and fives. In time, we will move on to the three times tables.
We have learnt the division sign and can draw the division sign and identify it. ÷
We learnt the definition of division. Division is the process of taking a whole item or a set of items and splitting, or dividing, them into equal groups. When you use division, you are starting with a larger number, and breaking it into smaller, equal pieces. The goal is to see how many times the smaller number will fit into the larger number.
There are some really great videos on You-Tube for the children to watch on multiplication and division. For example: Jack Hartman 2x,5x, 10x tables and a great game the children will love is on and it's called 'Doggy Division Dinners' the children get to share out dog bones equally to the cute, little puppies!! I have just put this on the Google Classroom for the children.
In Science, we are learning about everyday materials and their uses.
This week we discussed key vocabulary including, waterproof, transparent, translucent and opaque.
We explored various objects around our classroom and discussed the material it was made of.
We learnt about wood, metal, ceramic, rock, fabric and many more!
Please quiz your child about the materials they know, are they waterproof, are they rigid, brittle, versatile, durable?
In History, we are learning about Edith Cavell, this week the children will learn who Edith Cavell is and where she is buried. Edith is buried at the Norwich Cathedral.
In R.E we have been learning about Christianity this 1/2 term and we've learnt about christenings and baptisms and how Christians belong to their faith family.
In Music, we are exploring feelings through music. We will be listening to lots of different songs and explaining how they make us feel.
In Computing, we are using the bee-bots and learning about algorithms which are simple sets of instructions.
In Geography, we explored our local area (within the school grounds) we identified physical and human features and decided that there were lots more human features than physical.
We then looked at an aerial view of Heartsease and annotated it with the human and physical features. Such fun!
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 8th January
Aqua Class - Luna
For lots of detail in your writing including questions, well done Luna.
Amber Class - Olivia
For amazing learning behaviours and trying super hard in her learning! Well done!
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 15th January
Aqua Class - Arlo
For amazing effort in reading this week, keep it up!
Amber Class - Jesse
For transforming his listening skills, following the teacher's instruction for the first time and making generally more positive choices in the classroom and outside.
Well done, we are all so proud of you and remember to keep it up! :)
Year 3 (Coral/Crystal Classes)
Year Three have begun studying forces. We have learnt about resistant forces and how we need them to be able to walk. On these icy days, it's the lack of resistance that makes you fall over. Next we are learning about magnetic forces. In RE, we have become philosophers and have been thinking about thinking and asking deep questions about the world around us. Do you know how hard it is to actually decide what wrong and right is?
In Reading, we are studying a book about a boy called Sam Wu - he is NOT afraid of the dark, but we predict he actually is! In writing, we have nearly finished our narrative story. It's been tough to write a story with a sad ending. Ask us what happened to our lizards.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 8th January
Crystal Class - Toby
For working hard to improve understanding of forces and science. He has shown outstanding confidence in using taught vocabulary in his book and when talking with a partner. Well done, Crystal Class are proud of you!
Coral Class - Sasha
Sasha is a consistent and persistent learner who works through any circumstance to produce the best work he can. He is a role model to others and is keen to help them with their learning. Well done, Sasha!
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 15th January
Crystal Class - Armandas
For working hard to improve his understanding of multiplication and division. He has shown outstanding confidence and determination when working independently and with a small group. Well done, Crystal Class are proud of you!!
Coral Class - Aisha
For working hard in improve her reading, writing and maths. She is making good progress in all these subjects. On top of this she consistently acts with kindness in class and is always helpful. Her standards for tidying up are unbeatable. Well done, Aisha!
Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)
It's been an exciting 2 weeks for year 4! In English we have been writing a story based on cultural references and we have chosen to write about bonfire night. In maths we have left our unit on multiplication and division behind and now we are learning all about perimeter and how to correctly calculate it. WIth our reading, we have been continuing with 'The girl who stole an Elephant' and it is really starting to heat up! In history, we have moved on to a new topic, this time we're learning about the Vikings! How scary! And finally, in science, we are learning all about teeth and the role they play in digestion.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 8th January
Topaz Class - Casper
For continually showing great focus and determination to do his best in every lesson. Brilliant!
Garnet Class - Theo
For showing an incredible increased confidence throughout maths this week, showing how great of a learner you are.
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 15th January
Topaz Class - Chloe
She showed excellent determination and focus in her writing this week. Brilliant!
Garnet Class - Victor
For working hard throughout this week, setting a fantastic example for everyone.
Year 5 Weaving
Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)
Our first two full weeks of the Spring term have been extremely busy. We started in Art by studying tree bark and then representing its patterns using cut up magazines along with pastels and crayons. Following on with the concept of art being created using nature, we wove wool through willow branches. In Science the children have been exploring when friction is helpful or unhelpful. They learnt that objects with more surface area will have less wind resistance. This was discovered on a very windy afternoon as the children ran with bin bags - filling with air- across the playground. Screwed up and flat paper proved the theory even further. In Reading we have been studying the works of William Shakespeare. A Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy about Puck the elf putting a spell on the wrong people and causing chaos. Mathematics has focused multiplication and the children have earnt how to multiply using the compact formal method. Towards the end of the two weeks, we have begun to focus on division.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 8th January
Emerald Class - Damang
Throughout this week you have shown excellent determination in maths and have become more and more confident with multiplying a two digit by three digit number.
Sapphire Class - Moh
For always being helpful in class and for trying hard in mathematics.
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 15th January
Emerald Class - Salma
For always being kind to your classmates especially when they are feeling down and always trying your best in every lesson. Keep reaching for those stars
Sapphire Class - Leah
For her excellent artwork and especially for her careful weaving this week.
Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)
On Tuesday year 6 were visited by Deborah Carpenter, who taught us about Jewish traditions and the Jewish history of Norwich.
Below is Orlagh's account of her learning.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 8th January
Quartz Class - Alina
For her hard work in writing this week. Alina has been working on extending her writing by adding dialogue to a third person narrative.
Diamond Class - Preston
For working so hard to improve his scores on TTRS, Well done!
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 15th January
Quartz Class - Henry
For his brilliant work in both Reading and Maths. Henry has been really focused on improving his knowledge of ratio and the Empire Windrush.
Diamond Class - Oliver
For being determined to improve his Oxford Reading Buddy and move up through the levels. Well done!
Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary
Monday 22nd January - Friday 26th January - Year 6 Intu University - 09:30am - 2:30pm - Class 1.
Monday 29th January - Friday 2nd February - Spring Mid Summative testing (Years 1/3/6).
Monday 5th February - Friday 9th February - Year 6 Intu University - 09:30am - 2:30pm - Class 2.
Friday 16th February - Last day of term.
Monday 19th February - Friday 23rd February - Half term week.
Monday 26th February - School reopens / Pupils return to school.
Tuesday 27th February - KS1 Fitness Fun / Catton Grove (Selected children).
Monday 4th March - Friday 8th March - Spring End Summative Testing (All Years).
Tuesday 5th March - KS2 Fitness Fun / Catton Grove (Selected children).
Thursday 7th March - Class photographs.
Tuesday 12th March - KS1 / Reception Cross country (Selected children).
Thursday 28th March - Friday 12th April - Easter half term holiday break.
Monday 15th April - School reopens / Pupils return to school.
Thursday 18th April - KS1 Fun in the water session (Selected children).
Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday (school closed).
Monday 13th May - Friday 17th May - KS2 SAT's Week.
Monday 13th May - Friday 17th May - Intu University visit to school (Year 5).
Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May - May half term week.
Monday 3rd June - Friday 14th June - Multiplication check window (Year 4).
Tuesday 4th June - Intu university careers in action (Year 4).
Monday 10th June - Friday 14th June - Phonics screen testing window (Year 1 / 2).
Monday 17th June - Friday 21st June - Parents Evenings.
Monday 24th June - Tuesday 25th June - Vision and hearing (Reception)
Monday 24th June - Friday 28th June - Summer End Summative Testing (All Years).
Wednesday 26th June - KS1 Athletics festival (Selected children).
Thursday 27th June - KS2 Athletics festival (Selected children).
Thursday 27th June - Intu University transition (Year 6).
Tuesday 9th July - KS2 Sports Day (AM) / KS1 Sports Day (PM).
Thursday 11th July - Reception / Nursery Sports Day.
Monday 22nd July - Tuesday 3rd September - Summer Holiday.
Wednesday 4th September - School reopens /Pupils return to school.
Flyers / Leaflets