Heartsease Primary Academy Newsletter - 11th October 2024

joanne.rowley • October 11, 2024


Dear Parents and Carers, 

It has been a great two weeks that have flown by at school. Attendance is holding steady at 95% but remember every moment counts and we need to keep on coming to school. 

Reading continues to be a priority this ½ term and I am pleased to note that our library is almost ready with the new books that arrived in September. We are currently finishing a number of assessments with the children so that every child is targeted even more closely with the correct support and materials to help them make rapid progress in reading. I will share more information with you as the new systems come online but I am excited that the children will be able to access even better reading material than before. 

I have had discussions with many parents regarding the new Attitudes to Learning policy and the changes that have been brought in, particularly around the fantastic walking. We will be surveying the pupils regarding this before the end of the half term and I will share the results with you.

In the meantime, I wanted to share the impact that the new Attitudes to Learning policy has had on the school compared with the same period last academic year. 

  • Behaviour incidents have reduced by 85%.
  • The number of pupils involved in behaviour events has reduced by 60%.
  • The restorative approach based on our core values is also leading to less high-level incidents across the school.
  • There are fewer children repeatedly getting involved in poor behaviours.

This was further corroborated by our recent external SEN review who commented on the calm and positive environment in the school and the fact that the children were keen to talk through the core values of the school. 

Teamwork really does make the dreamwork!

Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Kind regards

Mr N Campbell

Office update

Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system

If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.

Free School Meals

A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.


Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning to school.

After School Activity Clubs

Our after school activity clubs are currently fully booked however you do have the option to add your child to the waiting list. If a child misses 2 sessions in a row they will be removed from the club and Parent/Carer will be notified. The place will then be offered to a child from the waiting list.

If your child no longer wants to attend a club please can you inform the office so the place can be offered to another child.

Thank you.

School Winter Disco's

Thursday 14th November / Friday 25th November

Disco letters have been given out in class, please note that the completed slips are due in by Friday 25th October.

If your child did not receive a letter please come and see us at the office.

DoJo Points

As you may be aware we are giving the children Dojo Points for reading each day at home. I just wanted to clarify the following:- 

5 points per day therefore at the end of the week the following points will be given:- 

1 day = 5 points 

2 days = 10 points 

3 days = 15 points 

4 days= 20 points 

5 days= 25 points 

6 days = 30 points 

7 days = 35 points 

The expectation is in KS 1 the children will read at home every day, whereas in KS 2 the expectation is 3 days reading at home. 

Please sign the Reading Record Book. This will be checked by an adult on a Friday and points given. 

Mrs Jenner - Senior Teacher and English Lead.

Car Park / Permits

We have noticed over the past few weeks that there has been an increase in the amount of cars that are entering the school grounds at the start / end of the day that do not have a permit. This is making the car park very congested.

Please note that the school grounds at the start / end of the school day is only accessible to those Parents/Carers who have been issued with a permit.

The issued permit should be clearly displayed within the vehicle windscreen when entering the grounds.

For the safety of the children / adults please only enter the school grounds if you have been issued with a permit.

Permits are issued on medical grounds only and medical evidence will be required to support your application. Permit request forms can be found in the main school office foyer.

Thank you.

Fortnightly class updates and achievements


W/C 30th September

We have been learning about houses and homes this week. We have talked about what we needed to make a house, including walls, a roof, windows and doors. We then looked inside the house and named the different rooms. One of the activities was to sort furniture into the correct room. The children made houses from boxes and also used shapes to make pictures of houses. We read the book 'In Every House, on Every Street'.

W/C 7th October

We have been thinking about different feelings and emotions this week. The children listened to the story 'Ravi's Roar,' where the little boy got so cross he turned into a tiger. The children have loved roaring like tigers. We have talked a lot about being happy, sad, angry and worried. We have thought about how our faces and bodies change with different emotions. We have talked about why we might feel these emotions. The children were surprised that adults might be worried at times. We have let the children know it is ok to talk about how they feel. It might make them feel better. The children used shaving foam to draw different faces.

Ruby Class

Week commencing 30th September

This week Ruby class continued reading The Queen's Knickers, and their writing was based on the book. In Maths, we continued with addition and recognition of number. In Science, we considered the suitability of materials for making objects - you wouldn't want a bridge to be fabric! In Music, we learnt the history of London Bridge, and learnt to sing London Bridge is falling down. In outdoor learning, we looked for signs of Autumn. In computing we learnt the definition of 'technology' - something that was made by people to help us.

Week commencing 7th October

This week Ruby class retold the Queen's Knickers story in our own words and created our own versions. In Maths, we learnt positional language. In computing, we learnt to name the main parts of an ipad, and to use the touch screen. In Science, we learnt about waterproof and absorbent, carrying out an experiment to compare materials; this will lead on to our design and technology challenge - how can you make a waterproof hat?

Attitudes to Learning Award

 Week commencing - Monday 30th September


For showing increased respect.

 Week commencing - Monday 7th October


For achievement at home, choosing to make a challenging creation.

Year 1 (Jasper / Jade Classes)

Week commencing 30th September

The children enjoyed making the most of the rain and our wellie station in reception this week. Below are some pictures.

Week commencing 7th October

Reception have enjoyed forest school this week and jumping in puddles. We have also been looking for signs of Autumn in the environment and using the things we have found to make lovely artwork. 

Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)

Over the past two weeks, we have written setting descriptions using verbs and adjectives; used part whole models to write fact families; started a new unit in science where we will learn about plants; talked about communities and how they have changed over time in History; practiced changing tempo and pitch when we sing in Music.

Attitudes to Learning Award

 Week commencing - Monday 30th September

Opal Class


He has listened intently and thus achieved in all areas of success in writing this week, which was to write a setting description.

 Week commencing - Monday 7th October

Onyx Class


For his outstanding achievement this week.

Opal Class


For always showing kindness to wards everyone in the class and being thoughtful.

Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)

Over the last two weeks the children have been applying themselves to their learning and working hard. We have now finished our maths unit of comparing and ordering numbers within the 2,3,5, and 10 times tables. Our current unit includes number bonds, adding and subtracting multiples of 10, adding and subtracting 1s and adding by making 10. The English writing unit focussed on practising the skills needed to write a character description. We have focussed on retrieval and summarising in our reading unit, enjoying the book Mrs Noah's Pockets. In Geography we have been learning about physical features in the environment. Our History focus has been to look at how far the fire spread in the Great Fire of London. The Sewing Bee was a tremendous success, thank you to all adults who came to help. 

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 30th September

Amber Class


She shows a kind and caring attitude to her peers in class and is a very supportive learning partner. Emma always applies herself to produce her best work.

Well done Emma.

Aqua Class


Lacey shows kindness every day at school. She is super helpful when sharing resources with her talking partner. You will make lots of friends this way, you are a brilliant role model!

Week commencing - Monday 7th October

Amber Class


For her understanding and oral retelling of the reasons why the Great Fire of London spread in 1666. Well done Marnie!

Aqua Class


For being a brilliant mathematician! Minnie knows number bonds to 100, which helped her be independent in her work. 

Year 3 (Coral / Crystal Classes)

Week commencing - Monday 30th September

Year 3 have continued to investigate whether they can make a box out of a cloth. We think we are winning, but ask us how! In science, we have investigated soil - did you know Norfolk has a lot of sand in its soil because our bedrock is sandstone and limestone - you can see this in the cliffs at Hunstanton? We learnt that soil is made up of humus and fragments of rock. It isn't dirt or mud at all really. We also began to learn how fossils are formed. At first, we thought they were dinosaur bones, but they are gaps left by the bones that get filled with minerals. We use fossils as evidence for what happened in the past. In music we used rocks as inspiration for our singing. We have new words to London's Burning - I wonder if we can sign it to you still. In maths, we have begun to increase our skills in addition and subtraction and are developing methods for hundred numbers - we are using the power of pattern to help us. In writing, we are writing our mystery room descriptions. Our teachers get very excited about writing these and love to use expanded noun phrases. They use clever, brilliant words. Ask us if we can spot the expanded noun phrase in this message!

Week commencing - Monday 7th October

Year three finished making a box from cloth and we are bringing them home to show you - it can be done! In maths, we are working on adding three digit numbers (100s) and are beginning to learn how we do this when the ones column comes to more than ten - we use the word exchange for this. In writing, we have now finished our mystery door story, although you should really ask us what was behind ours. Now, we are moving on to a non-chronological report. The model text is on extinct Stone Age animals, ours is going to be on fossils, so we will be bringing some extra reading home to help us get ready for this and we've just learnt to login to curriculum visions where there's a whole book we can share with you. The parent/pupil login is available on the google classroom under the science lesson we first met it in - or just ask us! Finally, we've been learning in geography about the difference between physical and human features while comparing coasts to cities. If you've taken us anywhere to visit relatives -like a city- why not remind us about what it was like or share the photos you took with us.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 30th September

Coral Class


For his kindness throughout the school. Caine is always sensitive to those around him and tried to help them when they are having a difficult time. He helps in the classroom and in the playground and should be proud of the good choices he makes.

Crystal Class

Simran and Olivia

For their excellent teamwork and paired work across all areas of the curriculum.

Week commencing - Monday 7th October

Coral Class


For her amazing achievement when she wrote her final paragraph of her mystery door story. Within her writing, she included all the elements we had been learning about: adverbs, expanded noun phrases and excellent conjunctions.

Crystal Class


For his achievement across all subjects and the curriculum. You consistently show determination and enthusiasm to excel in everything you do. Keep being a fabulous role model for others. 

Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)

In English, we have been learning about using the grammatical structures and how to plan a first person diary. In maths, we have been learning subtracting with exchanges and across columns. In reading, we have read the Raven by Edgar Allen Poe and answered comprehension questions related to the text. In Geography, we learned about more features of a river including tributaries and rivulets. In art we created base layers from different materials, painted them and then marked them with different contrasting colours. In spelling, we have been reviewing our statutory Yr3/4 words. In PSHE, we explored and discussed stereotypes. In music, we discussed our emotions that we felt listening to Orford lighthouse by Zoe Dixon then learned the 'Rain on the green grass' then created a round of two separate melodies sung at the same time.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 30th September

Garnet Class


She has shown an increased level of confidence in her work, persevering when it gets tough and putting in a fantastic effort.

Topaz Class


For demonstrating excellent teamwork this week. She has impressed me with her continued active listening during lessons. Maisie communicates efficiently with her peers and she has a positive attitude to learning. Brilliant!

Week commencing - Monday 7th October

Garnet Class


He has worked so hard in his maths this week, ensuring that no matter the lesson he gives it his best shot!

Topaz Class


For his continued brilliant effort at completing all given tasks, and his determination when working independently. This week he has particularly impressed me with his listening skills and focus in maths. He has shown a wonderful understanding of the taught methods. Well done!

Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)

Year 5 have been working hard this week to write a narrative based in a different culture. Many of the children work from a historical point of view, basing their stories in Ancient Greece of Egypt. They needed to write in the third person perspective as well as refer to the culture the story was set in. 

Within mathematics, we have moved away from place value and started to work on our addition and subtraction skills using numbers up to 1000000. The children are working on their exchanging skills in both addition and subtraction. 

Science has been focused on reversible changes which included looking at how two substances can be separated along with how the temperature can change the properties of solid, liquids and gasses. 

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 30th September

Emerald Class 


Throughout the week Joshua has shown excellent teamwork, by becoming more willing to share his ideas with the rest of the class and by working with others. Keep it up!

Sapphire Class


For trying so hard in class this week and reaching commendation more than once. An excellent week. 

Week commencing - Monday 7th October

Emerald Class 


For showing increased teamwork over the last week. She has been sharing her ideas and contributing more and more in lessons. Keep it going!

Sapphire Class


Sapphire Class are very proud of Lorna not only for her kindness towards others but also in the fact that she is an excellent team player. A fantastic week Lorna. 

Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)

Year 6 are carrying out their first set of Mock SATs this week. This is good practice for when they complete their real tests later in the school year.

We are making burritos in DT this week as part of our unit, Food and Nutrition, and knowing what street foods are and what are healthy snacks to eat.

We are continuing our class text, Rooftoppers, which the children are thoroughly enjoying.

A reminder for all children in Quartz class to bring swimming hats for their swimming lessons every Friday.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 30th September

Diamond Class


For her amazing achievement in her writing this week. She speech concerning plastic pollution was exceptionally well written. Well done!


For his amazing achievement in improving his handwriting this week. His speech concerning plastic pollution was beautifully presented. Well done!

Quartz Class


For her achievements in Maths this week. Leah has worked well in Maths, improving her knowledge on square and cube numbers and being able to successfully complete her questions in the Power Maths book.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 7th October

Diamond Class


For her amazing achievement and determination this week. She found long division really tricky at first, but persevered, and she can now solve difficult problems, well done!

Quartz Class


For her achievements in class this week. Evie has become more independent in completing her Maths work. She has shown great success in understanding multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000.

PE Star

Week commencing Monday 7th October


For his focus and performance in PE.

Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary

Parents Evenings

W/C 3rd March 2025-  Year 6 End of Year

W/C 23rd June 2025 - Reception to Year 5

Parent Cafes

Thursday 24th October - Year 3 (Coral/Crystal) Art Cafe - 9am - 10:40am - Parents/Carers welcome to attend.


Thursday 14th November & Friday 15th November 2024 -  Disco

Wednesday 11th December 2024-  Christmas Lunch

Friday 13th December 2024  -  Christmas Jumper Day

Friday 13th December -  Christmas Fayre 3.30-6.30pm

Friday 13th December 2024 -  Christmas Fayre 3.30-6.30pm

W/C 16th December 2024 -  Festive performances

Thursday 19th December 2024 - KS2 Christmas Performance

Thursday 6th March & Friday 7th March 2025 - Disco

Tuesday 1st July & Wednesday 2nd July 2025- Disco

Thursday 10th July 2025 -  Nursery Graduation

Thursday 17th July 2025 -  Year 6 Prom

Friday 18th July 2025 - Year 6 Leavers Assembly

School Photos

Monday 21st October 2024 -  Siblings Photos

Thursday 6th March 2025 -  Class Photos


Tuesday 15th October 2024 -  Nursing Team Reception & Year 6 Height/Weight

Friday 13th December 2024 - Flu Vaccinations catch up


W/C 16th June -  Pupil Reports to go out

Inset day - School closed

Friday 27th June -  Inset Day -School Closed to Pupils

Please see below term dates and school holidays 2024/25

Flyers / Leaflets

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