Heartsease Primary Academy Newsletter - 27th September 2024

joanne.rowley • September 30, 2024


Dear Parents and Carers, 

It has been an excellent week at Heartsease. 

Attendance is up to 95.5% and it was great to see so many children receive our new "Improving Attendance" certificates on Friday afternoon. These certificates are for children who have improved their attendance consistently over a three week period and will be awarded every three weeks. 

Also I wanted to say a big thank you to all parents who have accepted the invitation over the last two weeks to attend school to be part of the celebration assembly. 

This week we will be continuing to prioritise our core values and in particular Kindness. We will be watching carefully to celebrate the children helping each other and encouraging each other. 

Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Kind regards

Mr N Campbell

Office update

Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system

If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.

Free School Meals

A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.


Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning to school.

Lost Property

We are regularly going through the lost property and any named items we are returning to the child's classroom, There is a large volume of unnamed items. Please could you make sure that your child's belongings are named so we can send them back to their classroom to bring home. Thank you

Pastoral Team

If you have any issues that you would like to discuss with our pastoral team then please speak to the school office to make an appointment. Please avoid trying to catch the team on their way into school in the mornings as we would not want anything confidential to be discussed on the playground. Thank you for your understanding.

First Aid / Head Bumps

The Pastoral team are trialing a new system, if a child is given first aid they will be given a sticker to wear, if a child has a head bump they will be given a wrist band which will advise the time/date the incident happened. If a head bump is more serious the child's parent/carer will be contacted.

Bikes / Scooters

It has been noted that there has been a number of scooters / bikes being used within school grounds. For the safety of adults and children,  bikes/scooters should be dismounted when entering the school grounds. Thank you

Flu Vaccinations - Reception - Year 6

 Tuesday 1st October

If you have no already consented to your child having their flu vaccine, please see the below link to consent:-


Fortnightly class updates and achievements


W/C 16th September

This week we read a new book called 'Who are you?' by Smitri Halls. It talked about who we are as people, what we look like and our likes and dislikes. We thought about how we can be the same and different from our friends. We learned to name parts of our face and body. We painted a portrait of ourselves after looking carefully in the mirror.

W/C 23rd September

This week we have been thinking about our families. We have learned how all our families are different, but the most important thing is that we care for each other. The book this week was called 'My Family and Other Families' by Richard and Lewis Edwards-Middleton. We have enjoyed talking about pictures of our families we brought in. Thank you to everyone who shared their pictures with us.

Ruby Class

Week commencing 16th September

This week, Ruby class finished reading 'Katie in London' and began reading 'The Queen's Knickers,' writing missing posters to help find the missing trunk. We went in the forest to search for the trunk, In Maths, Reception continued working on number recognition, accurate counting, and calculating 1 more. Key Stage 1 and 2 worked on addition. Year 1 focussed on fact families, Year 2 focussed on using place value to solve questions using concrete objects or drawing tens and ones. In Science, we learnt the materials 'ceramic' and 'fabric' and thought about uses of materials. In Geography, we learnt the names of the seas and oceans around the UK. In Art, we listened to contrasting music and made pencil marks to reflect the music.

Week commencing 23rd September

This week, we finished reading 'The Queen's Knickers,' then designed and described knickers. We continued with last week's maths, with Year 1 progressing on to using a numberline. We had a visit from an ITV weatherman to teach us about climate change. We looked at the properties of materials in Science, to see which could be squashed, bent etc. In art, we looked at a painting of waves by Beth Krommes and drew our own wave pictures, listening to music for inspiration.

Attitudes to Learning Award

 Week commencing - Monday 16th September

Alfie A

For achievement in phonics, quickly fitting in to, and excelling in, his new Read Write Inc group.

 Week commencing - Monday 23rd September


For achievement in phonics, quickly fitting in to his new Read Write Inc group, and using his sounds when writing.

Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)

Reception children have settled in well and are enjoying their PE and Forest school sessions. Over the last two weeks we have been reading the book 'What makes me a me?' and discussing how we are all different and that's what makes us special. The children have enjoyed painting themselves after looking into a mirror to see what colour hair and eyes they have. We have also been making some Autumn art for display in the main corridor and have learned the letter sounds M/A/S/D/T/I.

Attitudes to Learning Award

 Week commencing - Monday 16th September

Onyx Class


For onyx because she is always showing kindness towards others.

Opal Class


For excellent attitude towards learning in all areas especially team work; going out of his way to help others.

 Week commencing - Monday 23rd September

Onyx Class


For his achievement this week, always working hard and having a positive attitude to learning.

Opal Class


This week Theo has shown a think hard attitude towards every enquiry question and has achieved. He is always kind and works as a team.

Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)

Year 2 children are continuing to focus well in class and are enjoying their learning.

Our trip to Strangers Hall was a great success. The children impressed the staff there with their knowledge about how The Great Fire of London started. Our current maths focus is working towards ensuring the children are confidently partitioning 2-digit numbers in a variety of ways and are able to recognise how many 10s and 1s make up any given 2-digit number. They are using multiple concrete, pictorial and abstract representations of numbers, such as place value grids and part-whole models, to support their reasoning and justification of their ideas. Our English reading and writing was based on the book Grandad's Island and has now moved onto The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg, one of Aesop's Fables. The children are gaining retrieval, reasoning and inference skills in the reading. They are working on ensuring their writing has full stops, capital letters to start sentences and for proper nouns. In science our first lessons have focussed on the features of living things.

The Great Year 2 Sewing Bee!

Calling all parents, grandparents and carers to come into class to help your child, and others, to sew a felt house. This is part of our Design and Technology learning. Please come on Thursday, 5th October at 1:15pm.

Free gifts to take home and make!

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 16th September

Amber Class


For his fantastic achievement in all lessons. He has been listening carefully, following instructions, is keen to answer questions, thinking hard, and applying his learning independently! Well done!

Aqua Class


She has shined with achievement! She has demonstrated brilliant spelling and presentation in our Great Fire of London history lesson.

Week commencing - Monday 23rd September

Amber Class


He always tries his best and is very helpful keeping his table tidy and organised.

Aqua Class


For achievement in maths, Kyren completes maths independently and successfully extends himself with maths challenges.

Year 3 (Coral / Crystal Classes)

Year Three have learnt all about the eight compass points. We know the cardinal points are north, south, east and west and we now know there are intercardinal points between. We know north and south come first - so south-east is between the south and east. In maths we have continued to learn about place value and have begun ordering numbers. Did you know that when ordering 3 digit numbers you look at the hundreds column first? Ask us why! In reading we have moved onto a new book - The Pebble in my Pocket. We are excited by this as it matches our science topic of rocks. We know the difference between lava and magma - shall we explain it to you? In Design Technology, we are asking the question - How can you make a box out of a cloth? We will be working on this for a few weeks. Ask us if we;ve managed it!

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 16th September

Coral Class


For caring about our classroom and keeping it tidy in her own time. This also shows kindness!

Crystal Class


For always working hard and giving 100% to achieve his potential across the whole curriculum. 

Week commencing - Monday 23rd September

Coral Class


For his kindness when he repeatedly used his personal playtime to tidy up the classroom for others. Because of his kind actions, the class were able to work in a calm environment and we really appreciate his thoughtfulness.

Crystal Class


For always being a kind and helpful member of the class and wider school community. 

Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)

In English, we have been exploring the structures of Haiku and Cinquain poems. We created our own and analysed their use of vocabulary and poetic devices. In maths, we have continued our place value lessons and have been learning about how to estimate 1000s, 100s and 10s. In geography this week, we learned about the features of rivers. In art, we explored lines in nature. We took rubbings of leaves with wax crayons then observed and drew feathers and shells. In spelling, we completed our unit on contractions. In reading, we explored predictions, inference and retrieval. In pshe, we looked at people from a range of different cultures living in this country and thought about how important it is to respect everybody. Finally in Science, we learned about the characteristics of living things. 

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 16th September

Garnet Class


For always striving to achieve as much as he can during lesson time and coming up with some amazing descriptive sentences in our writing.

Topaz Class


For consistently demonstrating exceptional respect for others during lessons, actively listening and participating in discussions. She regularly helps her peers and shares her insights, fostering a collaborative atmosphere.

Week commencing - Monday 23rd September

Garnet Class


Whatever the lesson, Hannah always ensures that she works as hard as she can. She puts whatever job she needs to do first and always ensures it is completed to a great standard.

Topaz Class


For demonstrating exemplary achievement this week. She has settled in remarkably well, establishing positive relationship with her peers and teachers. Her attentive listening skills and active participation in class discussions highlight her engagement and enthusiasm for learning. Isobelle consistently tries her best, showcasing her dedication to her learning. Well done!

Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 5 have started their new art topic. This involved using the technique of Subtractive Drawing where the colour erased, leaving the white of the paper behind. We looked at the work of Wendy Lynch, who creates amazing drawings of trees using the Subtractive Drawing technique. Also we have finished writing our formal letters of application. From these Year 5 will be focusing on punctuation along with improving their handwriting over the next few weeks. Within maths, we have been working with numbers up 100,000. This involved partitioning along with ordering the numbers in ascending and descending order. Religious Education has been focusing on the differences of Thesis, Atheists and Agnostics along with Humanism. The children have been thinking about why people might hold these different beliefs. 

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 16th September

Emerald Class 


For showing excellent team work throughout the week by involving yourself in the lessons and sharing your excellent ideas! Well done.

Sapphire Class


For always showing respect to others. Not only does he do this through his behaviours for learning but also in his attitude to his peers. Well Done Bentley.

Week commencing - Monday 23rd September

Emerald Class 


Throughout the week she has shown exceptional kindness and teamwork. During our lessons she has supported other students with their learning and has made every effort to include others in discussions.

Sapphire Class

Chloe A

For always trying her best in class. Chloe preserves and is able to overcome any barriers with a little help. Well done Chloe!

Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)

Last week, Year 6 had a visit from the Head of Year 7 at Thorpe St Andrew to discuss High School life.

We finished writing up our Autobiography and have just started Discursive Writing.

We have been doing self-portraits in Art inspired by the amazing Frida Khalo.

In Maths, we are continuing to learn word problems linked to addition and subtraction.

We have had fun this week in Science with a static electricity experiment, using balloons and jumpers to display this.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 16th September

Diamond Class


She has been determined to do her best every lesson and has had a brilliant start to Year 6, Well done!

Quartz Class


For his achievements in Maths this week. Riley has great improvement in his Arithmetic test this week, gaining an excellent score. He has also achieved great success in Maths this week, showing off his brilliant knowledge of Roman Numerals.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 23rd September

Diamond Class


For her amazing kindness this week, she is always polite and listens to teaching, she helps her friends when they are stuck and has a cheery smile and positive attitude to learning. Well done!

Quartz Class


For showing excellent teamwork. Isla has been working effectively with her peers in a variety of subjects including Maths and Science. Isla has shown brilliant communication, ensuring that her and her learning partner work effectively and are successful in their learning.

PE Star

Week commencing Monday 16th September


For great technique and focus in PE this week.

Week commencing Monday 23rd September


For his amazing achievement when doing PE. Jesse was super focused in his ball skills lesson, he achieved the PE lesson objective of tracking and throwing the ball and could tell us, in depth, the technique of throwing and catching using the 'W' hands. Super job Jesse!

Improved Attendance Awards

Well done to the following children for improving their attendance within the last 3 weeks:-

Mahoor, Violet, Josie, Freddie L, Lahe, Isla H, Eeva, Damang, Anya, Isla D, Ruslan, Isaac P, Lacey-Mae, Olivia P, Isabella, Braxton, Zane, Evie K, Oliver K, Richard, Riley B, Ken, Anton, Arthur.

Art Award


For his pencil self portrait.

Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary

Parents Evenings

W/C 30th September 2024 -  Parents Evening-Settling in

W/C 3rd March 2025-  Year 6 End of Year

W/C 23rd June 2025 - Reception to Year 5


Thursday 14th November & Friday 15th November 2024 -  Disco

Wednesday 11th December 2024-  Christmas Lunch

Friday 13th December 2024  -  Christmas Jumper Day

Friday 13th December -  Christmas Fayre 3.30-6.30pm

Friday 13th December 2024 -  Christmas Fayre 3.30-6.30pm

W/C 16th December 2024 -  Festive performances

Thursday 19th December 2024 - KS2 Christmas Performance

Thursday 6th March & Friday 7th March 2025 - Disco

Tuesday 1st July & Wednesday 2nd July 2025- Disco

Thursday 10th July 2025 -  Nursery Graduation

Thursday 17th July 2025 -  Year 6 Prom

Friday 18th July 2025 - Year 6 Leavers Assembly

School Photos

Monday 21st October 2024 -  Siblings Photos

Thursday 6th March 2025 -  Class Photos


Tuesday 1st October 2024 - Flu Vaccinations for Rec to Yr6

Tuesday 15th October 2024 -  Nursing Team Reception & Year 6 Height/Weight

Friday 13th December 2024 - Flu Vaccinations catch up

Reception transition 2025

W/C 7th October 2024- Reception Sept 2025 -  Book tours

Thursday 10th October 2024 -  New Reception parents Sept 2025- Open Evening 5-6pm


W/C 16th June -  Pupil Reports to go out

Inset day - School closed

Friday 27th June -  Inset Day -School Closed to Pupils

Flyers / Leaflets

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