Dear Parents and Carers,
I am pleased that our attendance is continuing at 94% in spite of the cold days and the different coughs and colds going around.
I was pleased to start work this week with Key Stage 2 classes as we began preparing for our Christmas Carol Concert on the 13th December. It was great to get the children round the piano and engage in some festive favourites. I know it's early but we want to give plenty of time to polish the performance!
Next week is our assessment week for the children. Key Stage 1 have already completed their assessments and it is now the turn of Key Stage 2 to show off their learning from this term. This is nothing that they need to stress about as it simply helps us identify the next steps for their learning.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
Weekly class updates
This week we have been thinking about the moon and space. We have read the story 'Whatever Next!' by Jill Murphy about a small bear who goes in a rocket to the moon. We have acted out the story using props. We have looked at pictures of the moon and tried to make our own using scrunched up tin foil and paint. We have practised counting to and from 5 singing the rhyme 5 little men in a flying saucer. We have looked at 2D shapes and used them to make pictures, e.g. a rocket.
Ruby Class
This week, Ruby class started reading and writing about 'Dogger' about a toy dog that gets lost. In maths, they started learning to recognise coins. In History, they continued to look at shops in the past, and compared old coins with new. They made an obstacle course in the forest, then drew a map of it, with key. In computing, they learnt that computers need to know the properties of objects in order to be able to group them. They have used this skill in other areas e.g. grouping coins by their properties. They are very busy practising their Christmas play.
Reception - Jasper/Jade Classes
This week our core book has been Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert. The children have enjoyed retelling the story to each other with stick puppets in the small world, and reenacting parts of the story in the home corners and outside. We have been learning about the changing colours of Autumn. In maths our focus has been putting objects into two groups and using a part-whole model to represent groups.
We have been enjoying singing our Christmas songs. Maybe the children have been singing them to you at home!
Year 1 - Onyx / Opal Classes
This week we have learnt that a tree is a plant but has different features such as bark, a trunk, branches and twigs. In maths we have challenged ourselves to understand numbers to 20. In geography we learnt about the four capital cities of the United Kingdom and where they are. Please continue to hear your child read at home even if its green words or a couple of pages a day from their performance book.
Year 2 - Aqua / Amber classes
In maths we will be practising jumping in 10s first and then 1s when adding 2 digit numbers. It would be fantastic if your child could do this at home too!
In English we are writing a formal invitation, editing it and writing it in best.
In science we will be learning about what animals need to stay alive: water, food and air. In geography we are learning about what the city of Nairobi is like.
We will also be having a digital photography lesson and practising for our Christmas Performance.
Year 3 - Coral / Crystal classes
Year Three made their final fabric box which was a real challenge.We used fabric paper -ask us what this is. In science, we have revisited rocks. There are three types: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Ask us to explain the difference. In maths, our journey to know more about calculating and money continues. Please give us the chance to look at real coins and think about spending and change. In reading, we have been exploring the place between where magic lives and in writing we are investigating how to write dialogue - when you read with us make sure we notice inverted commas (speech marks).
Year 4 - Topaz / Garnet class
This week, year 4 have continued to build towards writing an adventure story! We've been making sure that all of the nuts and bolts are there before starting to write the story. In our reading this week we have read four pieces of writing on the concept of freedom and imprisonment and thinking about how we could compare and contrast them. In our maths, year 4 have displayed their maths mastery, absolutely wheezing through our unit on multiplication and division.
Year 5 - Emerald / Sapphire classes
In Year 5 this week, we have been continuing with designing and making a belt that enables you to be seen more clearly by people driving. This has taken into consideration the needs for the belt to be fluorescent for the daytime and reflective at night. Our topic in science concluded last week by finding out that the smaller the animal the shorter the gestation period before their baby is born. We also looked at the magical world of the seahorse and sea dragon where the males carry the fertilized eggs. Within writing we have been exploring Haiku and Cinquain poetry. Thinking about its structure and poetry form. Mathematics sees us moving onto the addition and subtraction of fractions. Within these lessons we are applying our understanding of equivalent fractions as the denominator needs to be the same to add or subtract.
Year 6 - Diamond / Quartz classes
Year 6 have done some fantastic writing for their stories with a moral, we will continue with these next week.
In maths we have moved onto multiplying and dividing fractions - we are getting lots better.
In History we learnt about The Battle of Britain and how important radar was to our eventual success.
We have started practising our songs for the Carol Evening on 13th December. It starts at 4pm. Please make sure that your children come back to school for this, it will be lovely to hear you all joining in with our Carols.
New House Captains:
Dragon: Henry and Kendal
Unicorn: Maryum and Paul
Griffin: Imogen and Edward
Phoenix: Taylor and Orlagh
Our younger children were given the opportunity to enter the Spire Solicitors Christmas tree for schools campaign colouring competition. We are delighted to announce that one of our pupils in Year 1 was picked as the lucky winner with the fantastic picture below winning the school a 6ft Christmas tree which we cannot wait to decorate and display.
Bees Knees Awards
Flyers / Leaflets
Our Holiday Clubs are an ideal way for children to get active and make friends! They also offer working parents’ peace of mind in the knowledge that their children are being entertained, stimulated and encouraged to participate in a range of activities, in a safe and fun environment.
With a fun-packed programme incorporating a range of sports, activities, crafts, competitions and themes, our Holiday Clubs offer the ideal solution to keep your family active and entertained over the holidays.
The dates the club will be running for the next school holidays are:
Christmas Holidays – bookings open from Monday 13th November 2023”
Telephone number 01603 591261