Heartsease Primary Academy Newsletter - 13th November 2023

joanne.rowley • November 20, 2023


Dear Parents and Carers, 

Last week was a very busy week for the school where we had our school improvement partner attend to look at how the school is making progress. I am pleased to report that the findings were positive and the impact of our different behaviour initiatives are making a positive difference to the overall school.

Next week will be assessment week where your child will be undertaking different written assessments to help the teachers and myself identify which parts of the curriculum your children have secure knowledge and understanding and the areas that need further support.

Thank you again for your continued support

Mr N Campbell

Office update

Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system

We have had a number of children who don't have a lunch ordered. We request that meals are ordered before 9am each day or the whole term.

Due to there being a number of meal options to choose from, the kitchen staff need to have the numbers of each meal ordered in advance. With meals not being ordered this is causing an issue for the kitchen team.

Going forward if you do not order a meal for your child a phone call home will be made requesting a packed lunch to be brought in.

If you need help with setting up your account please visit the office so we can assist you.

Free School Meals

A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.

Book Fair - Thursday 23rd November - Tuesday 28th November

We will be having a book fair at school during the above dates. The sale will be open as from 3:20pm in the library. Please note that this is card payment only and is a cashless event.

Dates for the diary this term: -

Friday 8th December - Christmas Jumper Day.

Monday 11th December - KS1/Ruby Class Christmas performance - 2:00pm - parents/carers are invited to attend, each child can have 2 guests per performance, performances are approx 45 minutes. Costumes will be provided by school however if you wish to purchase your own costume please feel free to do so.

Tuesday 12th December - KS1/Ruby Class Christmas performance - 9:30am - parents/carers are invited to attend, each child can have 2 guests per performance, performances are approx 45 minutes. Costumes will be provided by school however if you wish to purchase your own costume please feel free to do so.

Tuesday 12th December - Reception Christmas performance (PM) - More details to follow.

Wednesday 13th December - KS2 After school carol concert - More details to follow.

Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term.

Lost property

We have a accumulated a large volume of lost property. If you are missing any items please do check the lost property. Please can we ask that all belongings are clearly labelled with your child's name so if items are found we can return them. Also please can we ask that you check your child's belongings and make sure that the items you have do belong to your child.


Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning to school.

Weekly class updates


This week in Nursery we have been learning about the differences in day and night. We have looked at lots of pictures and sorted them into day and night and explained why we put them there. Some of us made suns using colour mixing to make orange. We have also learned about nocturnal animals. We have used some autumn leaves to make hedgehogs.

Ruby Class

This week, Ruby class read, researched, and wrote about Edith Cavell in English. In maths, we learnt about capacity - most were comparing amounts; some were nurses measuring medicine in ml. In History, we looked at shops in the past. In Geography, we drew maps of our walk to the shops. In the forest, we found natural objects to represent diva lamps, laid out a path for Rama and Sita, then drew maps of the route.

Reception - Jasper/Jade Classes

This week our focus book has been Percy the Park Keeper-After the Storm.

We talked about the habitats of woodland animals and created woodland scenes. The children made woodland creatures out of playdough and clay and enjoyed retelling the story to each other with props. In maths we retold stories about 1 less using stem sentences and different objects. We have started learning the songs for our Christmas play so please put the date in your diary- 12/12/23

Jade Class are looking for donations of kitchen play equipment / utensils / plastic food / farm vehicles - if this is something you can spare please give to the class teacher, thank you

Year 1 - Onyx / Opal Classes

In year one we have been recapping learning in maths and learning about plurals, verbs and correcting sentences in English. History we learnt what shops were like in the 1950s and how people paid for their groceries at the different shops. In science we answered what are the garden plants and where do you find them? RE we learnt why Muslims celebrate Eid and why they fast. 

There are lots of learning tasks on the google classroom please complete these as it will really help your children within the classroom.

Thank you for your continued support

Year 2 - Aqua / Amber classes

English- we’ve been learning to retrieve and make inferences based on evidence from the text and what we already know.

Maths - addition and subtraction (tens and ones) 

Science- how do humans mature? 

RE- to know that Christians believe Jesus was born in a stable.

Art- Kandinsky 

Geography- to know the human and physical features of Nairobi, Kenya. Comparing London to Nairobi. 

Colouring- digital photography 

We are loving our karate sessions! 

We have also started practising for our Christmas performance! We are going to blow you away with our talent. 

Year 3 - Coral / Crystal classes

Year 3 continue to investigate fabric boxes. This week we tried making a box just from fabric and stiffener. Were they successful? Ask us - it was very tricky! In science, we learnt about muscles. We know some are voluntary and some are involuntary.- this means some muscles move when we tell them and some move without us having to tell them- Heart versus bicep: ask us which is which? In reading, we continue to have a magical time with a character called Leon: he visits the place between. We looked at how faces can show us how the character is feeling. Leon was scared when he first entered the place between. We can show you our scared face!

Year 4 - Topaz / Garnet class

In English this week, we have been learning about using direct speech within a story, and how to use pronouns instead of nouns. In maths, we are learning about multiplication and division facts. In Science, we found out about how matter can change shape. In French we have practiced asking questions and answers using our knowledge of objects and numbers. In Art, we completed our Kente cloth weave using warp and weft techniques. In geography, we learned about how to use and explain lines of latitude.

Year 5 - Emerald / Sapphire classes

In year 5 this week, the children have been designing their own reflective and luminous road safety belt which they based on their research last week. Computing saw the children identified the features of a video ready for making their own videos later in the term. S'il vous plait was introduced to the children in French so that they could ask for directions politely. Along with this they revised gauche (left) and dorite (right). Finally, writing the myth about Heracles fighting the Hydra has meant the children have been able to bring together all the skills they have been learning over the last two weeks. 

Year 6 - Diamond / Quartz classes

Year 6 has begun to plan and write stories with a moral. We have read a version of the boy who cried wolf and are writing our alternative versions. This week we have focussed on the use of conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions in our descriptions.

Maths has continued to be challenging with adding and subtraction mixed numbers but we are all making progress. 

In Geography our topic studying physical processes we have learnt about earthquakes and focussed on the Japanese tsunami.

Bees Knees Awards

  • Ruby Class - Alfie – For amazing maths,  he realised he could read the ml on the measuring jugs to compare quantities
  • Jade Class - Richard and Kiana -  For their determination to master writing their name. Well done 
  • Jasper Class -  Violet -  For working really hard to learn her sounds in phonics.
  • Onyx Class - Roxana -  For onyx for always working hard and being curious about her learning.
  • Opal Class - Faith - For listening and thinking carefully to get the answer. 
  • Aqua Class - Jayden - For using excellent vocabulary in your writing. You wrote, "He was bitterly grumpy.."
  • Amber Class - Michaela-Faye - for making excellent behaviour choices and being super helpful. Well done Michaela! We are so proud of you!
  • Coral Class - Josie - Jane - She has been working hard to use technology to support her writing. Her formal letter is really taking shape and she is using ambitious words and sentences. Well done, Josie-Jane.
  • Crystal Class - Maisie - For consistently and accurately using column method to subtract and add two three digit numbers in maths. It's been lovely to see you challenging yourself to solve challenging questions.
  • Topaz Class - Findlay - He continually shows an absolute outstanding effort in every lesson. Without fail, he is ready to listen, is always organised and will always try his best. Wonderful! 
  • Garnet Class - Jake - For being incredibly helpful around the classroom. He's always eager to lend a hand , often doing so without being asked, showing great initiative!
  • Emerald Class - Alice - Throughout this week, and every week, you have shown a real desire to learn. You always apply yourself to the task and work well in a group or by yourself. 
  • Sapphire Class - Harper -  For her investigative thinking in mathematics this week that enabled her to see if certain fractions were greater or smaller than a tenth. 
  • Diamond Class - Anton - For always being determined to do his best in every lesson and join in with enthusiasm, well done!
  • Quartz Class - Julian - For always showing a positive attitude to learning, Julian is always excellent at giving positive contributions in class discussions and brilliant at working with others around him.

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