Heartsease Primary Academy Newsletter - 22nd November 2024

joanne.rowley • November 22, 2024


Dear Parents and Carers, 

Attendance across the school has taken a considerable dip this week due to the inclement weather. We now stand at 94.5% attendance, 1.5% behind our target for the year.

This half term we have launched our "Keep Up" program on Thursdays after school. The teachers in each year group have met with the school leaders last week to identify a small group of pupils in each class who would benefit from targeted short-term support. If selected, you will have received correspondence from your child's class teacher with an invite to attend these "Keep Up" sessions. We will run this until Christmas then review the classes again to identify the next group of children who would benefit during the spring term.

We want to support every child in their learning journey and feel that this could be of real benefit to the children with your support.

Kind regards

Mr N Campbell

Office update

Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system

If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.

If an order is not placed for your child we will not be able to offer them a choice on the day, they will be given tomato pasta.

Free School Meals

A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.

Swimming / Ear piercing

If your child has their ears pierced, please note that the earrings cannot be worn in the swimming pool. We have been informed by the pool maintenance staff that if an earring or small part goes into the filter it could cause a lot of damage resulting in the pool being closed. Earrings must be removed prior to the child's swimming lesson. Unfortunately if a child is wearing earrings they will not be allowed to swim.


Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning to school.

After School Activity Clubs - January / February 2025

New after school activity clubs will commence when we return after the Christmas holiday. The Ultimate Frisbee,  Multi Sports and Recorder club will no longer be running as from January.

Clubs which will be available January / February will be as follows:-


Running Club (Years R/1/2/3/4/5/6)


 Cheerleading Club (Years 1/2/3/4/5/6)


 Tag Rugby Club (Years 1/2/3/4/5/6)

If your child is already enrolled onto the Running Club you will not need to enrol them again.

The new clubs - (Cheerleading / Tag Rugby) will go live on MCAS for you to enrol your child on Sunday 1st December as from 12:00noon until Sunday 15th December 12:00noon, please note that numbers are limited.

Hello, Heartsease families!

My name is Kara Stock, and I’m the Family Support & Attendance Officer for Unity Schools Partnership and Heartsease Primary Academy.

I want to reassure you that I am here to support you with any challenges you may face—whether related to your child’s school attendance or other family needs.

Starting this term, I’ll be at Heartsease every Wednesday and will be available for drop-in sessions from 8:30 to 9:15 am.

These sessions are an opportunity for you to chat with me about anything on your mind, from attendance concerns to other areas where your family might need help. I can provide advice, connect you with resources, explore your family network for support, and assist with referrals to other services, or other support networks.

We all know how important regular attendance is for your child’s learning and their sense of belonging at school. As we approach the end of the term, I’ll be sending out letters to some families to offer extra support. These letters are not meant to worry you but to identify challenges early and work together to prevent further dips in attendance.

If you receive one of these letters and have any questions, or if you’d simply like to chat, please don’t hesitate to drop by during my Wednesday sessions or contact me at kstock@unitysp.co.uk

I’m here to support you and your family in any way I can, and I look forward to working together to help your child thrive.

Wednesday Drop-in Support Sessions

I am here to provide support for any challenges your family may be facing, not just related to attendance. Whether you need advice, a listening ear, or help navigating referrals to other services, or other support networks, I’m here to assist.

Drop by for a friendly chat every Wednesday from 8:30 to 9:15 am

I look forward to supporting you and your family.

Open Days / Tours 

Loose Parts Play Resources:-

We are trying to create something similar to the pictures below for our children during breaks and lunchtimes. If anyone is able to provide any items from the below list this would be greatly appreciated:-


Milk & groceries

Treated wooden planks 


Plastic bins

Wooden discs

Ratchet straps


Plastic balls



Big Clips fixings

Fortnightly class updates and achievements

Ruby Class

Week commencing 11th November

This has been a hectic first week back for Ruby class. In English, we started reading and writing about the Great Fire of London, learning the facts of what happened and when. On Wednesday, we visited Strangers Hall. We travelled back in time. First, we met Lady Emma, who had been in London with her sister when the fire started. We acted out the events - packing our bags and running to the River Thames, then we pretended to be houses on fire. Two children had to fill their buckets at the river and try to stop the fire spreading. Eventually, two 'houses' were pulled down, to save a house.

Next we looked around Strangers Hall to spot materials that were flammable. We learnt how they made the houses safe - the candles were in metal holders, away from the wood; the fireplaces were made of stone and brick, and had metal fire dogs. We discovered one room that wasn't very safe because the bed was too close to the fire.
Finally we looked at lots of original objects and learnt about them. Wax was expensive, so poor people used animal fat to make candles. Lanterns' 'windows' were made from horn. Windows had small pieces of glass, so if one piece broke, they didn't need to replace the whole window.
After lunch, we walked along Elm Hill to see the thatched roof, and the buildings that are close together. We had fun cleaning our shoes on scrapers by people's front doors.

In Maths, Year 1 and 2 started learning to recognise UK money. Reception worked on solving addition questions.

In Music we learnt the song 'London's Burning,' and clapped, or marched to the beat, at a fast or slow tempo. In Art, we looked at paintings by Kandinsky, then painted our own patterns, using primary colours.

Week commencing 18th November

In English, we answered specific questions about the Great Fire of London. In Maths, Year 1 and 2 continued learning to recognise money, then began adding amounts; Reception started working on subtraction. In History, we looked in more detail at how the fire started and why. In Art, we learnt to mix two primary colours to make secondary colours. In Science, we went outside and looked for more signs of Autumn. We learnt to sing London's Burning in a round, and learnt our Christmas songs for our play.

Attitudes to Learning Award

 Week commencing - Monday 11th November


For achievement in phonics – making great progress.

 Week commencing - Monday 18th November


For  settling into a new class and showing how good he is at maths.

Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)

We hope you had a lovely break. The children have come back into school seamlessly and we are very proud of how much they have progressed in just eight weeks. In the final week of term, we made and tasted our own pumpkin soup after reading the story Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper . This week we have been busy learning about Guy Fawkes and making fabulous fire work pictures, working hard on our phonics (New videos available on Class Dojo) and practicing our name writing/letter formation. 

If there are any parents who are interested in being a parent helper and coming in to hear the children read or do art activities with them please let us know. Thank you. 

Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)

Over the past two weeks, we are been busy learning the actions and songs ready for the Christmas play (its already looking amazing). In English we have been learning the skills to be able to write a setting description and thinking carefully about our handwriting. I math's we have been learning how to subtract using part whole model, number line and 10 frames. History last week we pretended we were in the 1950's and we went to a high street where we had to buy what we needed from many different types of shops such as a hardware store, butchers, greengrocer and bakers. This week we have learnt about the 4 countries of the UK and where they are located. 

Attitudes to Learning Award

 Week commencing - Monday 11th November

Onyx Class


For her incredible achievement within her independent writing. 

Opal Class


For achievement in improving her attitude towards learning; listening and completing learning tasks.

 Week commencing - Monday 18th November

Onyx Class


For kindness- always being kind to others, showing kindness and making others smile.

Opal Class


For sharing kindness and being thoughtful.

Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)

What a busy two weeks for the children in year 2. In maths, the children have been subtracting 2 digit numbers from two digit numbers and answering questionings using the vocabulary more and less. In English we have been looking at the conventions and structure of writing formal invitations which has culminated in writing invitations to parents to attend the Christmas performance. We have finished reading our Paddington Book , answering retrieval and inference questions as well as summarizing key information. In science the focus has been on invertebrates and vertebrates. The children finished a painting block culminating in creating fabulous paintings in the style of Kandinsky. We have started a design and technology block relating to healthy food and so far have learned about the benefits of eating raw vegetables. The children enjoyed making their own salads.Rehearsals for our Christmas performance have started and we are looking forward to welcoming you into school to watch it.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 11th November

Amber Class


Theo shows kindness everyday in school. He is super helpful when getting and sharing resources with not only his learning partner but others around him.


For consistently working hard to achieve his learning outcomes. He is showing increased levels of confidence and perseverance in his work when he finds it tricky. Well done Oliver, keep it up! 

Aqua Class

Mila B

For brilliant understanding of place value to add 2 digit numbers in maths. Keep up the good work!

Week commencing - Monday 18th November

Amber Class


Natalia is the Amber Class Award winner this week for achievement across all areas of the curriculum. She shows quiet enthusiasm and determination in every lesson. Well done, you are a great role model. 

Aqua Class


For brilliant teamwork this week. When practising for our Christmas performance, she led children around her with actions to match the songs.

Year 3 (Coral / Crystal Classes)

Year three have been reading Leon and the Place between. We are just about to find out what the place between is. Abdul Kazan is a magician- ask us whether we think he can do real magic. In writing, we are thinking about how animals are used in entertainment and whether they should be. What do you think? In Science, we have learnt about the skeleton. We now know it supports, protects and ….. ask us what the third thing is! In art we began printmaking- this week we did monoprints! 

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 11th November

Coral Class


For the work she has put in improving her handwriting to try and be more consistent in her letter sizing. She is now thinking carefully about keeping her letters on the line and the same size. It’s really hard work! Well done, Eeva!

Crystal Class


For showing outstanding kindness when working and playing with others in and out of class. He has continuously shown the ability to support others, be helpful and use kind words and feet. Keep spreading the kindness!

Week commencing - Monday 18th November

Coral Class


For his excellent developing knowledge of vocabulary and his ability to link words through their prefixes and meaning. We were particularly impressed when he offered the word revive from learning the word reassurance! Well done, Fredrick!

Crystal Class


 For her achievement in writing. She demonstrated excellent use of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. 

Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)

In year 4 we have been revising multiplying and dividing by4 and 8, we have now completed are and will be starting to multiply by 3, 6 and 9. In English, we have completed writing about adventure stories in the 3rd person and critical analysis of poems. We are still reading our core textbook: The girl that stole an elephant and completing daily comprehension questions. In art, we explored the work of Georgia O'Keefe and recreated a flower in her style. In Geography, we have completed our study of rivers topic and will be starting our new topic on Latitude and Longitude. Our spelling focus is the 'i' sound but spelt with a 'y' in words. Over the next few weeks, we will be practicing our Christmas songs in preparation for the Christmas performance.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 11th November

Garnet Class


This is for engaging really well with class discussions and consistently providing well thought answers using great vocabulary.

Topaz Class


Zsombor has demonstrated excellent teamwork this week. He has impressed me with his continued active listening during lessons. Zsombor has communicated.

Week commencing - Monday 18th November

Topaz Class


Joise always enters the classroom quietly and gets herself organised for every lesson. She continually shows great respect in class with her attentive listening skills, and she is always focussed on her lessons. Wonderful!

Garnet Class


Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)

Since returning from half term Year 5 have been extremely busy! We have begun a new book, Secrets of a Sun King, which is set in the 1920's but with references back to Ancient Egypt. In English we have become a little more expert at writing balanced arguments and have been deciding whether we should or should not open up Antartica using a range of literary devices. In maths we have just begun our work on Fractions - this will be the focus all the way until Christmas so soon they will be fractionally better at fractions (we hope). Finally, in DT, we have begun looking at bread and the importance of this carbohydrate around the world. We have baked some flat bread and will be moving onto other cultures breads soon.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 11th November

Emerald Class 


For the respect he shows towards others when he is in class. During lessons, Teddy is always polite towards those around him and engages with the work in a positive and constructive way.

Sapphire Class


Bentley has been amazing this week. He has returned to school determined to do his best. In doing so he has achieved a high standard in all of his work but especially writing. A fantastic week, Bentley!

Week commencing - Monday 18th November

Emerald Class 


For showing excellent determination to succeed in every subject. This shows an excellent desire to achieve in school. Keep it going!

Sapphire Class


Samuel is an amazing team player. He cooperates well with others and is very supportive of his friends. Well done, Samuel, you are an asset to the Sapphire class.

Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)

Week commencing 11th November

Year 6 had a special visitor from Norwich Records Office, who came in to present to both classes a special presentation on WW2 and how the local area of Norfolk was affected. Both classes completed a variety of interesting activities, which included exploring a range of artefacts brought in from the records office such as: a disused firebomb, a warden's helmet and old fashioned lantern.

We have started our new unit in Art, where we are learning about cubism. Inspired by artists such as Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, the children created their own pieces of work by sketching an object from a variety of different angles and then painting them in one colour, changing both the shade and tint of each object.

We have started learning about the Cardiovascular System in Science. This week, we looked at blood and the four different blood cells needed for our body to function.

A reminder that Diamond are now swimming every Friday, so they will need to bring their swimming kit in, as well as come in wearing their PE kit.

Week commencing - Monday 18th November

We are continuing our class text, Pig Heart Boy, in Reading.

In Writing, we have been revisiting Strong Start to Writing, which the children learnt in Year 5, to ensure that they are structuring their sentences correctly. This will aid them to improve their writing across all subjects.

We are now learning our Christmas songs in preparation for the KS2 Christmas Performance, to be held on Thursday 19th December. There is a link on the google classroom should children wish to practise the songs at home.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 11th November

Diamond Class


For his amazing achievement this week in History. He wrote an accurate and comprehensive account of our visit from the Norwich Records Office. Well done!

Quartz Class


 For his fantastic work in History this week. Ethan has created a detailed recount of the visit of our special guest from the Norwich Records Office, who shared information on WW2 and how it affected the local area. Ethan has shown his knowledge and enthusiasm of this topic in his work.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 18th November

Diamond Class


For working so hard in Maths this week and being determined to understand fractions.

Quartz Class

Yu Rong

Yu Rong consistently works hard across all subjects, especially Maths, where he scored full marks on his arithmetic test this week. Yu Rong has also shown a good application of a range of clauses in Writing this week as well.

PE Star

Week commencing Monday 18th November

Kaiden - Onyx Class

For his brilliant gymnastics this week and for his amazing efforts in the parkour session at Spring gymnastics.

Friends of Heartsease Primary Academy

Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary

Thursday 28th November

Reception & Year 6 Height and Weight Screening

Wednesday 11th December

Christmas Lunch

Friday 13th December

Christmas Jumper Day

Christmas Fayre 3:30-6:30pm

Reception - Year 6 - Flu vaccination catch up session

Monday 16th December

KS1 Christmas Performance - 2-3pm

Tuesday 17th December

KS1 Christmas Performance - 9:15 - 10:15am

Nursery Christmas Performance - 2-3pm

Wednesday 18th December

Reception (Jade/Jasper) Christmas Performance - 2-3pm

Thursday 19th December

KS2 Christmas Performance - 1:45-3pm

Friday 20th December

Last day of term

Monday 6th January

School reopens

Flyers / Leaflets

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