Heartsease Primary Academy Newsletter - 6th December 2024

joanne.rowley • December 9, 2024


Dear Parents and Carers, 

As we near the end of term we are very excited by the different events that are taking place over the coming two weeks. I hope that you can attend some of these events. 

To prepare for next year, you may have seen that we are looking to establish a new governing body. If you are interested in supporting the school in this way please get in touch with Mrs Rowley email Joanne.rowley@heartseaseprimary.org.uk for more information. 

Kind regards

Mr N Campbell

Office update

Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system

If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.

If an order is not placed for your child we will not be able to offer them a choice on the day, they will be given tomato pasta.

Free School Meals

A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.

Christmas Lunch - Wednesday 11th December

If your child requires a Christmas lunch please order via Aspens Select, if a lunch is not ordered and your child requires a hot meal please note that we will only be able to offer Tomato Pasta on the day.


Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning to school.

Car Parking Permits / Access to the Car park

Please can we remind parents /carers that only those that have been issued with a car parking permit have access to the car park at the start / end of the school day. If you do not have a permit please do not enter the school grounds.

If you feel that you need a permit issuing please see a member of staff in the school office who will be able to provide you with an application form. Permits are issued on medical grounds and medical evidence will be required to support your application.

Thank you.

School of Sanctuary

Dear Parents 

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Schools of Sanctuary award for being a welcoming school that aims to support families displaced from their own countries by war or persecution and to be an active part of like-minded schools across Norfolk. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Fortnightly class updates and achievements


Since coming back after half term the children have been learning about the 5 senses. When talking about sight we made binoculars and talked about colours. Hearing - we went on a listening walk, made shakers and played musical instruments. For touch we felt lots of different materials and learned the words hard and soft, rough and smooth. We made pictures using different texture materials and did some finger painting.

This week we have been thinking about our sense of smell and taste. The children got to guess what was in the smelly pots and tried some different foods which were sweet, sour, bitter and salty.

A reminder our Christmas performance is on Tuesday 17th December at 2pm. If your child is not usually in school for that session you are able to bring them in for the performance. Details to follow.

Ruby Class

Week commencing 25th November

This week, Ruby class started reading and writing about 'The Fire Cat' - a story set in the Great Fire of London. In History, we learnt about how the fire spread on Monday and Tuesday. In music, we listened and danced to 'Fire Dance' by Manuel de Falla - changing the size of the flames we created by hearing whether the music was loud or quiet. In Art, we then listened to the music again, responding to it to create fire paintings, using the primary and secondary colours we learnt about in the last two weeks. In Computing, we revised the use of the paintz app, to create pictures of the Great Fire. In Maths, we started learning to subtract, by counting back finding one less; finding the difference; using Diennes; or applying with money. We have been practising our Christmas nativity songs and acting.

Week commencing 2nd December

This week, Ruby class finished reading 'The Fire Cat' and began writing a retelling of the story. In Maths, we continued subtracting. In PSHE, we thought about how to stay safe in a fire, we linked this to the history of the Great Fire, and revised our Science knowledge of the properties of materials. In Design Technology, we began answering the question 'how strong is a piece of paper?' In History, we learnt how the fire spread on Wednesday and Thursday.

Attitudes to Learning Award

 Week commencing - Monday 25th November


For kindness, always helping other children with everything including their learning 

 Week commencing - Monday 2nd December


For achievement – extending our learning when testing ‘is paper strong?’

Congratulations to Willem for being awarded a Blue Peter badge, Well done Willem!

Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)

Week commencing 25th November

In reception we made Diva lamps last week and this week we are working on making shadows and our fears based on the story 'The Dark' by Lemony Snicket. 

Week commencing 2nd December

In reception this week we have been reading the Julia Donaldson story 'Stickman', learning how to make an electric circuit to light a bulb and making Christmas decorations for the school fete. 

Reception Nativity

'It is getting ever closer to the reception school nativity (Wednesday 18th Dec 2-3pm) and tickets are now on sale in the school office at 20p each. We are selling our tickets this year to support Norfolk Schools of Sanctuary and people who have been forced from their homes due to war and persecution. The school will match what we raise and the total will be matched again by 'The Big Give, Christmas Challenge'. For example if we raise £20 via ticket sales the school will double this to £40 and this will be doubled again by the organisation to make £80'.

Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)

In Year 1 we have been focusing on developing our shape knowledge, learning all about the names and properties if 2d and 3d shapes. We have had so much fun exploring the poem- The owl and the pussy cat, noticing the rhyme and musicality within the poem. There has been lots of amazing work going on towards our Christmas performance with Ruby Class and Year 2,we can't wait to show it to you. 

Attitudes to Learning Award

 Week commencing - Monday 25th November

Onyx Class


For always being focused and giving 100% in lessons.

Opal Class


For always working hard and helping others. 

 Week commencing - Monday 2nd December

Onyx Class


 For always helping others and sharing ideas with confidence so everyone can succeed.

Opal Class


Praili is extremely helpful and a true team player in the class.

Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)

Week commencing 25th November

In math this week, we started a new unit learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We focused on the number of sides and vertices of 2D shapes and whether they have reflective symmetry. Regarding 3D shapes we focused on the number of faces, edges and sorting. In English our writing focus was stories from other cultures , writing in the 3rd person from an outside perspective. In Design Technology our focus is currently 'What does Healthy mean?' The children made some delicious tortilla quiche which I am sure were eaten before they reached home! We were also thinking about the welfare of animals and where our food comes from. In Geography the learning question was, 'Where is London and what is it like?' In RE we learned all about Advent, and in PSHE we discussed the question, 'What is it to be a good friend'. Rehearsals continued for our Christmas performance. What a great week of learning.

Week commencing 2nd December

Our math unit from the previous week continued. In English our focus in writing continued to 3rd person from an outside perspective. In Reading our focus was answering retrieval, prediction and inference questions from texts which included, The Christmas Pine by Julia Donaldson, a text about The Lantern Festival which occurs at the end of Chinese New Year and a text relating to the Hindu Festival of Holi. The History lesson focused on answering the question, ' How do we know about the Great Fire of London?' The children learned about the benefits of whole meal flour and made Pitta Crisps which they enjoyed eating. The science focus was, 'What do animals need to stay alive?'

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 25th November

Amber Class


For his fantastic attitude in all lessons. He listens carefully, follows instructions and works hard to achieve the learning outcomes of all lessons.

Well done!

Aqua Class


For always being highly engaged with learning. He shares his ideas and add marvellous vocabulary to our learning, it is great to have him in Aqua class!

Week commencing - Monday 2nd December

Amber Class


Kindness Award this week. He is always being kind and thoughtful to others. 

Aqua Class


Anton has achieved the Teamwork award this week for exceptional teamwork with his talking partner and other children on his table. He is a fantastic role model for his class.

Year 3 (Coral / Crystal Classes)

Year Three have had an absolutely wonderful time at the Time and Tide Museum this week. We learnt about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and the Iron Age. We learnt to hunt, trade and fight like a person from these times. We touched a real Bronze Age axe head (it was blunt now) and the fossil of a mammoth tooth that was found in Norfolk. Did you know there were cave bears one in Norfolk? Even thought there were no caves - the evidence of a cave bear jawbone tells us there were. If you want to know something interesting, ask us what they used deer brains for. In art, we learnt to print with an impressed stamp. In maths, we have moved on to multiplcation and are investigating our three times tables. For writing, we are learning to write with dialogue. When you read with us ask us to notice the inverted commas and how they wrap around the spoken words. 

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 25th November

Coral Class


For working so hard on his formal letter of complaint. He is including conjunctions and writing with purpose. He takes time to do the best presentation he can and all his efforts are making his writing improve very day. Well done, Joseph!

Crystal Class


For his achievements in his times' tables this week. You have consistently worked hard to improve your ten times tables this week. 

Week commencing - Monday 2nd December

Coral Class


For his commitment to our team. He always makes an extra effort to ensure our classroom is ready for learning. He supports his peers when they are struggling and encourages them to try their best. He models expectations for the team in his own daily practice. Well done, Isaac!

Crystal Class


For her amazing teamwork when working alongside others in and out of class. She always shows a willingness to work collaboratively with and alongside others. keep being a team player!

Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)

It has been another phenomenal fortnight for year 4. We have started to learn our Christmas songs in preparation for our performance on the 18th. Year 4 are singing 'Merry Christmas everyone' by Slade and 'I wish it could be Christmas everyday' by Wizzard as well as 'Do they know its Christmas' by Band Aid for the school ensemble performance. Outside of this Year 4 have started to learn about the Ghanaian form of textile work called Kente cloth and have already started to produce some wonderfully colourful and geometric patterns. In writing it has been an interesting one, as we have been writing 3rd person adventure stories - some are truly unique! In history, we have continued to learn about the Anglo-Saxons and how they went on to form a series of 7 kingdoms known as the heptarchy. 

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 25th November

Garnet Class


She has worked incredibly hard to improve her times tables, going from 10/25 in her soundcheck to consistently getting full marks!


For being such a positive person in the classroom, always helping to put smiles on the faces of her fellow classmates when they feel sad.

Topaz Class


For her continued effort at completing all given tasks, and her determination when working independently.

This week she has particularly impressed me with her listening skills and focus in maths. She has shown a wonderful understanding of the taught methods and has participated brilliantly.

Well done!

Week commencing - Monday 2nd December

Garnet Class


For always making sure that the task comes first, ensuring that it is completed to a fantastic standard no matter the lesson. 

Topaz Class


For demonstrating excellent teamwork this week. He has impressed me with his continued participation in lessons. William showed a wonderful attitude and worked brilliantly in Science, and I was impressed at his understanding of evaporation in our states of matter lesson. Well done!

Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)

Over the last two weeks Year Five have been planning and exploring narratives that include dialogue. We have begun writing our 13th task for Hercules and are developing our understanding of the importance of dialogue to move a story on. In maths we have become a little more expert at fractions and have become more and more confident at adding, subtracting and finding equivalence using fractions. In the afternoons we have continued our art looking at printing and different artists who have been involved in printing. We have also continued our work on the Ancient Greeks by contrasting the modern day Olympics with the Ancient Olympics. 

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 25th November

Emerald Class 


He has made excellent choices in class. He have shown real teamwork especially in maths where he has been excellent at communicating his understanding to others.

Sapphire Class


Throughout the week he has been determined to achieve by improving his handwriting and continuing to make excellent choices.

Week commencing - Monday 2nd December

Emerald Class 


This week, and every other week, you do the utmost to achieve everything that is possible for you. You work hard in lessons, share ideas, and ask for help if needed. Keep on going!

Sapphire Class


For always demonstrating that he is ready to learn, engaged in all his learning and showing  teamwork and courage when asking for help.

Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)

Week commencing 25th November

Year 6 have started learning about Explanatory texts in Writing. This links in nicely to our Science lessons, where we continue to learn about the Circulatory System. Their final piece of writing will based on this.

In Art, we have continued to learn about using different material to create a piece of artwork. This week, we created a collage using a variety of materials such as cardboard, paper, felt and more.

We are continuing to learn our Christmas songs for the KS2 Christmas Performance.

Week commencing 2nd December

This week, Year 6 started writing their explanatory texts, which were based on the Circulatory System. Our Science lessons have been helpful in giving the children lots of important information that they can include in their writing.

We are continuing are work on fractions in Maths. We have been working on using the operations to find the fraction of a larger amount.

A reminder that it is Diamond's turn to swim this half-term so can all children from Diamond bring their swimming kit on Friday.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 25th November

Diamond Class


For her amazing achievement this week. She has worked so hard in maths and made great progress. Well done!

Quartz Class


For how well he has settled into life at Heartsease Primary Academy. Paul is a very polite individual, who shows all of the core values throughout the school. He has worked well across all subjects, especially in Maths, where he has shown excellent knowledge of fractions.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 2nd December

Diamond Class


For his amazing achievement this week. He has worked very hard to improve the quality of his writing. Well done!

Quartz Class


For her achievements in class this week. Ruby has worked hard to improve her timetables in Maths. She is becoming more confident in applying this knowledge to her work.

PE Star

Week commencing Monday 2nd December


His focus in PE this week and every week is brilliant. He always delivers what you ask of him and this helps him to achieve high.

Superstar Award


For kind choices and working hard with challenging times. Well done!

Rainbow Reader


Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary

Wednesday 11th December

Christmas Lunch

Friday 13th December

Christmas Jumper Day

(School uniform to be worn with the option to wear a Christmas Jumper instead of a school Jumper/Cardigan).

Christmas Fayre 3:30-6:30pm

 See poster below for more information.

Reception - Year 6 -

Flu vaccination catch up session.

Monday 16th December

KS1 (Year 1&2) Christmas Performance - 2-3pm

Tuesday 17th December

KS1 (Year 1&2) Christmas Performance - 9:15 - 10:15am

Nursery Christmas Performance - 2-3pm

Wednesday 18th December

Reception (Jade/Jasper) Christmas Performance - 2-3pm

Thursday 19th December

KS2 (Year 3/4/5/6) Christmas Performance - 1:45-3pm

Friday 20th December

Last day of term.

Monday 6th January

School reopens.

Friends of Heartsease Primary Academy

Flyers / Leaflets

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