Dear Parents and Carers,
I wanted to take the time to give the children a huge well done for the work that they have completed this 1/2 term. It has been busy and productive. I am pleased to report that the Year 6 SATs went very well with your young children working very hard indeed and concentrating fully during the test window.
We also had the pleasure of welcoming our new reception cohort for September 2024 for an open afternoon where they enjoyed food tasting, sports and forest school!.
Steps to Success
This new initiative has been in place this half term as you know, however I am conscious that we need to keep working hard to embed this across the school. I was approached by a family to investigate the consistency to which children are receiving recognition for their positive attitudes to learning, which we have carried out over the course of this week. It would appear that the application of the Steps to Success is still inconsistent across the school and as such we will need to revise our current practice and the guidelines to ensure that children are acknowledged when they are learning well and displaying a positive attitude towards their learning.
Thank you once again for all your ongoing support and I hope you have a restful 1/2 term.
Mr Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
Fortnightly class updates and achievements
W/C 13th May
This week we have been learning about ladybirds. We have read the book The Bad Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle. We discussed what it meant to be bad-tempered and what makes us cross or angry. We practised making bad-tempered faces. It was quite scary. Linked to the story we looked at a clock, discussing the different parts - face, hands, the different numbers. We also learned about the different parts of the day, including morning, afternoon and night time. The children sorted pictures for which part of the day we carried out the activity illustrated. The children made a small ladybird using part of an egg carton. We have made salt dough ladybirds too.
W/C 20th May
What a surprise we had on Monday morning - we have two butterflies! Over the day two more hatched out and the last one on Tuesday. The children have been fascinated to watch their wings uncurl. They have helped to feed them with nectar (sugar and water) and they have been choosing fruit for them too. We hope to release them at the end of the week before the holiday. Fingers crossed for the weather.
Our book this week is called Elephant in my kitchen! This book is about a little boy, Rafi, who finds lots of wild animals have moved into his house rather than living in their own habitats. The book has an environmental message and is encouraging the children to think about how we can look after our world so the animals can go home. We have talked about littering, chopping down the forests, plastic waste and how the polar ice caps are melting. In the book Rafi has a 'Big Plan' to do our part to help our planet, so we are thinking about recycling, saving water and swapping or reusing items we no longer want or need. The children have really thought hard about this. Have a chat with them to find out more.
Ruby Class
W/C 13th May
This week we finished reading Cinderella, learnt a story map of the key points of the story and began writing it. In Maths, Year 1 and 2 continued working on division; Reception continued working on counting on to add and began learning to count back for subtraction. In Science, we explored floating and sinking, and tried to build boats that floated; we tested them to see how many pennies they held - the plasticine boats mostly sank with zero pennies, one foil boat floated until it held 156 pennies. In DT, we learnt how concrete changes from powder, when water is added, and then it goes hard when left; we predicted which of 3 containers would harden first - with hardly any water, the right amount or too much water. We made crowns and wore them at our mediaeval banquet - for the banquet, we first sorted our toy food to only have food from the past, then we sampled some real food that would have been eaten in the past - chicken legs and apple pies.

W/C 20th May
This week, we finished writing the Cinderella story, created our own versions by changing the characters, and read our versions to the class. In Maths, Year 1 and 2 finished working on division; Reception subtracted by counting back, and compared counting on and back. In DT we were set the challenge 'can you make a house out of bread?' When asked, most of the class said 'no,' one thought 'maybe.' On the first day, we created 'cement' with icing sugar and other ingredients, we looked at bread and toast to decide which would be the better choice; on the second day, we tried to build houses. In outdoor learning, we revisited our sewing skills by making vases of flowers - threading flowers into cardboard. In History, we learnt about the uses of Norwich castle over the years.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing - Monday 13th May
Riley - Dean
For being committed to his learning when reading and writing - asking to write at length and read his whole book in one sitting.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 20th May
Alfie A
For showing confidence in his learning so that he is now able to read and spell 3-letter words.
Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)
W/C 13.05.24
This week our core book was Gigantosaurus, a story of four dinosaurs, one of which 'cried wolf'. The children loved being paleontologists, finding and making fossils. They learned about where and when the dinosaurs lived and enjoyed lots of role play activities. This week, children focussed on halving quantities by sharing into two equal groups. They made links to the fact that halving is the opposite, or inverse, of doubling.
W/C 20.05.24
The children really enjoyed our core book, Clean up! They learned about the impact of environmental pollution, especially that of plastics. We went on a litter pick around the school grounds and made the litter into recycled art! The children repurposed plastic bottles into useful objects and feel passionately about their future role in ensuring to minimise plastic waste.
This week, children continued their work on numerical patterns to explore odd and even numbers in familiar contexts. They used their understanding of equal groups to identify odd and even numbers.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 13th May
Jade Class - Skylar
For showing an increasing confidence in her learning.
Jasper Class - Sophia
For showing confidence in her learning by being willing to try new things and showing an i can do it attitude.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 20th May
Jade Class - Isla
For showing confidence in her learning by being willing to try new things and showing an I can do it attitude,
Jasper Class - Charlie
For being a positive role model to others, showing confidence and maturity when taking on roles within the classroom.
Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 13th May
Onyx Class - Leo
For being passionate with his reading, working really hard this week.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 20th May
Onyx Class - Nurah
For being passionate with her writing.

Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)
W/C 13.05.24
In English reading, we have been practising and improving on the key reading skills, retrieving information from the text with highlighters, learning new vocabulary and finding it in the text, sequencing events in chronological order and making inferences.
In English writing, we have worked up to writing a personal recount of a trip to the dentist. This included writing in the first person perspective, using the past tense throughout, recount the event in chronological order, describe the event using adjectives, expanded noun phrases and -ly adverbs. And finally, ensuring capital letters and full stops are used consistently throughout.
In Maths, we finished the problem solving and efficient methods unit, we then did our end of unit check to check on our progress and have moved onto measurement. We will be using rulers and meter sticks this week and next week.
In History this week, we started a brand new unit on Bury St Edmunds, this week we learnt all about Bury St Edmunds and how it is a market town and what that means and the St Edmundsbury coat of arms.
In Science, we revised plants and did a little quiz to check on our knowledge. The children wrote sentences about what plants need to survive. The children then discussed bulbs and seeds and germination and how this happens.
In R.E this week, we learnt about theists and humanists with Miss Syder.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 13th May
Amber Class - Alivia
She has been committed to being the best she can be this week. Alivia is a joy to teach and shows such determination and commitment to her learning. She is so passionate and puts 100% effort into everything she does.
She is a wonderful role model to Amber class.
Aqua Class - Riley
He has been committed to being the best he can be. He has had a brilliant first week, making friends and putting lots of effort into learning.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 20th May
Amber Class - Ezra
For being an aspirational learner. He has been eager to engage is learning all week, fantastic!
Aqua Class - Aurora
For being a creative thinker this week. Her ideas for writing are amazing!
Year 3 (Coral/Crystal Classes)
Year three completed their formal letters this week and wrote very convincing complaints regarding the effect on Heartsease of the roundabout closure. They have now begun narratives and will be focussing on dialogue within a historical story. In maths, we continue learning about weight. When we are out and about, why not think together about what things might weigh. If at the supermarket point out the weights of items so the children really develop their estimation skills. In geography, we learnt more about Ordnance Survey maps and completed our local fieldwork in matching human and physical features we could see to the symbols on the map. Our investigations into light continue in science. Ask us to explain how we see and how shadows are formed. In reading, we continue our adventures in the Magician's Nephew - thanks to everyone who watched the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe with the children, it is really helping them engage with this first book in the series.

Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 13th May
Coral Class - Sasha
For being a creative thinker when writing. He includes formal language, interesting word choices and conjunctions to write a complaint letter about traffic through the estate. Well done, Sasha!
Crystal Class - Armandas
For showing resilience when tackling tricky mathematical challenges. It's been lovely to see you tackle any challenge with great resilience and determination.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 20th May
Coral Class - William
For showing confidence in his learning when using his maths skills to convert between weight and find the heaviest object.
Crystal Class - Sara
For being committed to working hard to improve her joined handwriting. She has been consistently working hard in school and at home. Well done!
Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)
Year 4 has had an interesting couple of weeks! In English we have been finishing our diary entries where we had brought in some lovely pens but they had been stolen by our best friends! Oh no! In reading we have been continuing the story of Varjack Paw, the martial arts cat, and his adventures in the outside world. In History things have been hotting up as Y4 were tasked with choosing the next rightful king of England, should it be the recently crowned King Harald II, The last Viking Harald Hardrada or the Norman Duke William.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 13th May
Topaz Class - Fatima
For being aspirational when working in maths this week. Showing great understanding supported with an outstanding arithmetic test score. Well done.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 20th May
Garnet Class - Lacey
For showing what a confident learner she is by helping her partner throughout maths this week.
Topaz Class - Alex
For excellent discussion and input during history on who was the rightful heir to the throne of England in AD 1066. Clearly explaining his reasons on why William, Duke of Normandy had the strongest claim to the vacant throne. Well Done.
Mr Elliott is proud of Topaz Class for working so hard and staying focussed during a challenging half term. Showing true resilience, being undeterred and determined. Thank you and well done Topaz.
Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)
Over the last two weeks, the Year 5s have been extremely busy. Firstly the fortnight started with a visit from Intouniversity. During the session the children found out more about what it is like at University. They spent the morning discussing STEM - science , technology , engineering and medicine. This included a programming and chromatology In the afternoon they became forensic scientists when they had to discover who had stolen the hobnobs!
Design and Technology over the last two weeks has seen our last two cooking lessons. Making stir fry involved cutting skills as well as how to fry quickly so that the vegetables don’t go soggy. Bombay potatoes made the children think about the use of spice.
Finally it has also been Assessment Week in which all the children focused and did their best. Well done Year 5.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 13th May
Emerald Class - Portia
For using resilience during her tests this week. She has put 100% effort in and been focused in all the tests she has taken.
Sapphire Class - Ella-Mae
For her creative thinking during her assessments this week. She has annoted her thoughts and strategies to help her arrive at the correct answers. Brilliant Ella-Mae.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 20th May
Emerald Class - Laila
For being a creative thinker during DT, her work looked incredible and she put in so much effort into the afternoon to ensure her poster was presentable. She has been working extremely hard this term.
Sapphire Class - Lyssia
For being a creative thinker when answering questions in class. She has been able to use her prior learning to help her formulate an answer. Well done.
Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)
Year 6 completed their SATs on the w.b. 13th May. We are extremely proud of how hard they worked during this week.
We are now focusing our efforts on our Writing units, where we are currently composing a third person narrative. Year 6 have also begun learning about five key monarchs in History, as well as Living Things and their Habitats in Science.
As a reward for their outstanding efforts, Year 6 are going to Hollywood Bowl, down at Riverside on Monday the 1st July. Letters have been sent out to parents/guardians, as well as an email home to give all of the details.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 13th May
The whole of Year 6
Ms McGee, Mr Bonner, Mrs Thurston and Mrs Daniels are so proud of all the Year 6's for using their resilience when completing their SAT's.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 20th May
Diamond Class - Orlagh
For being committed to making her writing the best that it can be by using the success criteria and editing her work.
Quartz Class - Khadijah
For being a creative thinker this week. Khadijah has taken lots of time and care when editing her work. She has been working on uplevelling her writing, by including a wider range of literacy devices and punctuation in both her explanatory text and autobiography.
PE Steps to Success Award - Week commencing Monday 13th May
Alexander - Aqua Class
For being a resilient citizen of Heartsease Primary Academy this week. He took part in the Pretty Muddy Race for Life event at the weekend and raised over £100 for the charity. He completed a 5K run with lots of inflatable obstacles.
Well done Alex!
Sponsored Mile Walk - Friday 24th May - School of Sanctuary
Children and staff took part in the Sponsored Mile Walk today, thank you to those that donated via MCAS
There is still time to donate if you wish to.
Thank you
Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary
Friday 24th May
Last day of term
Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May
Half term week
Monday 3rd June
School reopens
Monday 10th June
KS1 Athletics tournament (PM) - UEA
Selected children
Friday 14th June
KS2 Athletics tournament (AM) - UEA
Selected children
Monday 24th June
After school Book Fair - Held in the library - 3:15pm-4pm
Tuesday 25th June
Reception Transition - Session 2 - 1:30pm-2:45pm
Wednesday 26th June
KS1 Athletics Festival at Heartsease Primary - (PM)
Selected children
Friday 28th June
KS2 Athletics Festival at Heartsease Primary - (PM)
Selected children
Monday 1st July
Year 6 Hollywood Bowl trip
Tuesday 2nd July
KS2 Sports Day (AM)
Tuesday 2nd July
KS1 Sports Day (PM)
Tuesday 2nd July
Nursery/Reception (Jade/Jasper), Year 3 (Crystal/Coral), Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz) - School Disco
Wednesday 3rd July
Moonstone / Ruby / Year 1 (Opal/Onyx) / Year 2 (Amber / Aqua) / Year 5 (Sapphire / Emerald), Year 6 (Diamond / Quartz) - School Disco
Tuesday 9th July
Reception Transition - Session 3 - 1:30pm-2:45pm
Friday 19th July
Year 6 Prom - 6pm-8:30pm
Disco letters will be sent home when we return after the May half term break.
Flyers / Leaflets