Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we welcomed an audit team from the Peters publishing house who have supported us in culling our library ready for an influx of new books that we hope, once in place, will support your children in their love for reading.
It is hoped that the leftover books that we have once the children have taken some home, will be collected by a company called Books Abroad to support children across the globe in their reading development.
In relation to the school day I have decided to extend the school day by ten minutes from September. This was the preferred method of making up for the additional week in the October 1/2 term both in staff survey and the parent consultation. This means that in September the school day will run from 08:30 - 15:20.
Now that this decision has been made I will continue to work with colleagues as we refine our school improvement priorities for next year and what will be addressed through this additional ten minutes each day.
Thank you again for your ongoing support and I will provide you with more updates in the next newsletter.
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
Parents Evenings
Parents evening will take place the week commencing Monday 24th June with the exception of Year 3/Coral Class, Coral Class appointments are available on the 18th and 21st June. All appointments are available on MCAS.
If appointments are fully booked or you are not able to attend please speak directly to your child's class teacher to arrange an alternative appointment.
Car parking permits
The issuing of car parking permits will be reviewed each year towards the end of the Summer term. The current permits are due to expire on the 19th July 2024.
We will automatically issue permits to those that have a blue badge. You will be contacted via MCAS to let you know that your permit is ready to collect from the school office.
Permits are issued on medical grounds only and in extreme circumstances.
Application forms for permits can be found in the school office foyer, medical evidence would be required to support your application.
Please note that parents/carers with parking permits should not be entering the school car park until 2:55pm, please can we remind that the speed limit within school grounds is 5mph.
Thank you
Sports Day
Please see below letter which has been sent out to parents / carers regarding this years Sports Day.
Fortnightly class updates and achievements
W/C 3rd June
Our topic this half term is Transport and Travel. This week we have been mainly focusing on road transport. We looked at pictures of cars and named all the different parts. We compared them with pictures of cars from the past and looked for similarities and differences. Outside we made a bus and a car and went for many journeys to the park and the seaside. The younger children decided to go on an aeroplane trip to a snowy place where they threw snowballs, made snow angels and had a hot chocolate. Yummy!
W/C 10th June
We have been thinking about trucks this week. We didn't know there were so many different types, and they all have a special job to do. We have acted out being a crane, and we have repaired a rusty old truck. We have also been learning how to join different materials together using sellotape, masking tape, glue and split pins so we can make some forms of transport from junk. We are trying out all the different methods.
Ruby Class
W/C 3rd June
Ruby class began their week with a walk on Mousehold Heath - talking about and enjoying the forest. This was the introduction to this half term's focus on traditional tales set in the woods. We also did it as a sponsored walk to raise awareness about refugees. In English, we started learning the story map of Hansel and Gretel. We wrote descriptions of the characters and the settings. In Maths, Years 1 and 2 calculated 1/2 of amounts. Reception progressed to count forwards and / or backwards within 20. In Science, we learnt the names of the parts of a plant - root, stem, leaf, flower. In PSHE, we talked about how to stay safe online and when we go out - stranger danger. In Art, we created images by weaving.
W/C 10th June
In English, we started writing the Hansel and Gretel story that we learnt last week. In Maths, Years 1 and 2 calculated 1/4 of amounts. Reception learnt to double amounts. In Science, indoors and for outdoor learning, we learnt to identify some wild flowers, and revisited the parts of a plant. In Geography we learnt how we describe places. In Art we experimented with crayon and paint images.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing - Monday 3rd June
For being committed to his learning when he spent 2 days weaving.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 10th June
Alfie S
For creative thinking in maths.

Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)
W/C 03.06.24
This week our focus book has been William Bee’s Wonderful World of Trucks. The children have enjoyed learning about different types of trucks and their uses. They have enjoyed role play, dressing up as truck drivers and collecting passengers / loads and dropping them off around the classroom and outside. In math our focus has been identifying and using 2D shapes to make other shapes and patterns. Jade Class enjoyed their visit to the swimming pool before commencing swimming lessons. Our outside garden area, looked after by the children, is coming into bloom and we have even had our first strawberry. The children all made super 2D shapes using natural materials in their Forest school sessions.
W/C 10.06.24
Our book was The Wonder by Faye Hanson. This is a story about a boy who has a wonderful imagination. In this book, we followed him on a normal school day, where his daydreams transformed the world around him. The children enjoyed lots of imaginative play inside and outdoors. Cardboard boxes filled the classrooms and were turned into every conceivable use. The children created pictures showing what is in their imagination , and write imaginative stories using a story board. In math we continued to focus on developing the children’s understanding of the different elements that can be measured. Children learned to measure volume and capacity through investigation.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 3rd June
Jade Class - Daisy
For being positive role models to others, showing confidence and maturity when taking on roles within the classroom.
Jasper Class - Ronnie
For being such a great help around the class and a good role model.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 10th June
Jade Class - Chinedu
For being committed to his learning. Chinedu has shown commitment writing sentences independently. Well done, keep it up
Jasper Class - Brody
For being passionate about his learning. He has been doing extra maths work at home that he brought in to show us this week and is writing sentences independently. Good job!
Year 1 (Opal / Onyx Classes)
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 3rd June
Onyx Class - Theo
For being a creative thinker.
Opal Class - Charlie
For being aspirational when demonstrated that he knows all special friends, can then fred talk a unknown word and spell the word. He has also been aspirational by putting 100% effort into all his learning tasks.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 10th June
Onyx Class - Kyren
For being a passionate learner.
Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)
We are reading about Great Women Who Changed the World. Ask your child to tell you facts about Rosa Parks, Mary Seacole or Mary Anning!
Your child is planning and writing a narrative about Jack and Jill based on the nursery rhyme. It would be fantastic if you read other nursery rhymes with your child. Can you tell your child the day of the week they were born on? Follow the link to see the poem:
In maths your child will be learning about mass and volume. Let them read packets of food and bottles of drink to read these measurements in grams, kilograms, millilitres and litres.
In history we are learning about the importance of Bury St Edmund, King Edmund and his shrine.
In science we are revisiting important facts about plants, including germination, and the seven signs of live in humans and animals.
Please remember to hear your child read regularly, we all need to practise all the time to broaden our imagination and learn new vocabulary!
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 3rd June
Amber Class - Charlie
For being committed to always making smart choices, being a brilliant role model for the rest of his class.
Aqua Class - Sophie
For being committed so being a super diligent with her independent work and making good progress because of this.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 10th June
Amber Class - Georgia
For being passionate about reading with a performance voice.
Aqua Class - Jayden P
For being a creative thinker and predicting a good idea which would surprise the reader.
Year 3 (Coral/Crystal Classes)
Year Three have been learning to write historical stories. We are setting our own versions, as a dialogue between Boudicca and a Roman General. There's a video on our classrooms to help us and if we can learn anything more about this important historical figure, it would really help our writing. We are especially proud of Boudicca as she is a local historical figure being Queen of the Iceni tribe who ruled over Norfolk during the Iron Age. In science, we continue to learn about light and shadows. This week we investigated how the distance from the light source affected the size of the shadow. We could have fun at home making shadows with you!. In maths we have moved on to learning about capacity - we are finding this a little tricky. If we could look at drink bottles and do some water play with jugs and cups, it would really help us. Perhaps we could work out how many litres fill our bath tub!
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 3rd June
Coral Class - Noan
For being a creative thinker in Science. He discussed what he thought was going to happen to the shadows and could describe the differences he expected to see. Well done, Noan!
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 10th June
Coral Class - Emilis
For being a creative thinker in Science. He discussed different food groups and planned a meal for someone who doesn't eat meat ensuring they used alternative to provide protein. Well done, Emilis!
Crystal Class - Leila and Scarlett B
For showing confidence in their learning when performing the dialogue between Boudicca and the Trinovantes. They used expressive language, tone and facial expressions to convey meaning. Well done!
Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 3rd June
Garnet Class - Lexi-Louise
For demonstrating what a confident learner she is by engaging really well with class discussions.
Topaz Class - Samuel
For being aspirational in every lesson this week; he really tried his best to produce work of the highest quality.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 10th June
Topaz Class - Bentley
For being a creative thinker when writing. He demonstrated clear understanding of critical analysis in his writing of the main paragraph for the poem 'Jim'. Excellent handwriting, spelling, punctuation, use of rhyming couplets and evidence to support his writing.
Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)
Over the last two weeks, Year 5 have been working on their new Design Technology project. Firstly, they looked at how different structures are formed. They discovered that a triangle is the strongest shape to use in building a structure. In the second week, the children learnt how to cut wood using a hacksaw and myter board. They secured their four pieces of wood together with cardboard triangles to make the joins more secure.
In English, the children are learning how to write a biography. This includes looking at fact and opinion along with writing in chronological order. This week we finished reading and studying the story The Explorer. When we began reading this children were not sure if they liked it but as the characters developed they became more engaged and were surprised by the ending. and finally, the year group is practising hard in PE ready for Sports Day!
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 3rd June
Emerald Class - Dea
For being passionate about her learning in every lesson every day. She is always willing and able to support and enhance others learning and focuses on how to improve her work everyday.
Sapphire Class - Terry
Terry has spent the whole of this week being curious about the subjects we have been learning about. He is constantly asking questions not only to develop his understanding but to help him make connections with what he already knows. Well done Terry.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 10th June
Emerald Class - Djara
For taking pride with her presentation in every subject and settling in so quickly. You've been a fabulous addition to our class.
Sapphire Class - Lilly-Mae
For growing in confidence in English lessons. This has especially been seen when she is talking about the questions in reading lessons. Well done Lilly-Mae.
Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)
Year 6 have begun their transition meetings up to high school, with Teachers from Thorpe St. Andrew visiting on Wednesday 12th June. Teachers from Open Academy will be visiting on Monday 17th June.
We have started karate in PE, which the children are thoroughly enjoying.
In Writing, we have worked hard in editing a variety of written pieces to improve our work.
Year 6 have been working on their problem solving skills in Maths and putting these to the test across a variety of units.
We are continuing to learn about Monarchs through time in History, most notably Henry VIII and Elizabeth I.
A reminder to parents still needing to pay £8.64 for our bowling trip on Monday 1st July, final payment is on Monday 24th June.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 3rd June
Diamond Class - Mason
For being committed to improving his writing this week.
Quartz Class - Roman
For being committed. Roman has shown excellent commitment to his learning in class this year. He has worked tirelessly to improve his writing, through careful editing and redrafting. Roman has also been committed to being helpful around the school lunchtimes.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 10th June
Diamond Class - Cagan
He has been a confident learner this week. He has given amazing answers in maths, explaining his methods and taking on the challenges with confidence.
Quartz Class - Aisha
For being responsible. Aisha has taken real ownership and responsibility of her learning this week. She has remained focused and motivated across all subjects but has particularly impressed in writing, where she has taken responsibility in editing her work.
PE Steps to Success Award
Ellie-Mae - Crystal Class / Aisha - Diamond Class
For being a resilient citizen of Heartsease Primary Academy this week. They both impressed Mrs Marrison with their long distance running by keeping a good pace for them and managing to run all the way around the track without stopping.
Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary
Monday 24th June
Book Fair - Library - 3:15pm
Please enter via the main school office
Monday 24th June
Ruby Class - Gressenhall Trip
Tuesday 25th June
Reception Transition - Session 2 - 1:30pm-2:45pm
Wednesday 26th June
KS1 Athletics Festival at Heartsease Primary - (PM)
Selected children
Friday 28th June
KS2 Athletics Festival at Heartsease Primary - (PM)
Selected children
Tuesday 2nd July
Nursery/Reception (Jade/Jasper), Year 3 (Crystal/Coral), Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz) - School Disco
Wednesday 3rd July
Moonstone / Ruby / Year 1 (Opal/Onyx) / Year 2 (Amber / Aqua) / Year 5 (Sapphire / Emerald), Year 6 (Diamond / Quartz) - School Disco
Friday 5th July
Reception (Jade/Jasper) - Time and Tide trip
Tuesday 9th July
Reception Transition - Session 3 - 1:30pm-2:45pm
Friday 19th July
Year 6 leavers assembly 10:30am - 11:30am - Year 6 Parents / Carers welcome to attend
Friday 19th July
Year 6 Prom - 6pm-8:30pm
Friday 19th July
Last day of term
Flyers / Leaflets
Please join us for an Ice Pole Sale straight after school till 3.30pm, every day from Monday 17th - Friday 21st, weather permitting!
Ice Poles will be 30p each and we will have drinks available for 40p each!
We look forward to seeing you there and would like to thank you for your support!