Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been another busy week and the children continue to work hard.
This week we celebrated World Book Day, it was lovely to see so many children dressed up as their favourite book character, there were some amazing costumes!
Next week the children start their termly check in tests, these will enable our teachers to see what they need to work on with the children.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
Parent Cafe drop in sessions
Come along and meet with our Pastoral Team and Attendance Officer to discuss any issues or concerns.
Wednesday 13th March
This is an open session for Parents / Carers to attend. The team will be available from 08:30am - 09:30am on the above dates. This session will be held in the Pastoral office, please enter via the main school office.
Refreshments will be available.
We look forward to seeing you there.
KS2 have enjoyed going to Catton Grove this Spring term and had a great time doing some Fitness.
Underdog International Visit
On Friday 1st March a group of 8 children to visited Underdog International at the PACT animal sanctuary in Hingham.
The children had a wonderful time and were extremely well behaved, they made us proud.
They worked with a therapy dog called Sunshine who was gorgeous. They had a tour around the sanctuary and saw emus, peacocks, rabbits, goats and cats just to name a few animals. At the end of the session they had a chance to groom a real pony.
The staff were amazing and to thank them for the day the children sent pictures and wrote about their favourite bits of the day.
As a take away the children made little worry monsters which they brought home. All in all it was a fantastic experience.
Thanks to Underdog International – we hope to visit again very soon.
Fortnightly class updates and achievements
We have started a new topic this half term, we are learning about 'growing.'
Last week we read the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We had the opportunity to retell the story in the role play and small world areas. We planted some broad beans and runner beans and have been waiting for them to start growing. We printed leaves so we could make a beanstalk in the classroom.
This week we read 'Jasper's Beanstalk'. We were able to understand why Jasper was looking for giants up his beanstalk. (A link to Jack and the Beanstalk). We have continued to watch our beans. We were very excited when they started to grow a root. Some of them have grown leaves now. We have also started to look at flowers. We have named the different parts of a flower. Some children have done amazing paintings of daffodils.
Ruby Class
W/c 26.02.24
Key Stage 1 started learning to tell the time, either o'clock or half past. We learnt about North America - we looked at landmarks and ate waffles and pancakes with syrup. We read the Gruffalo story (because it is set in a forest, like North America) and began writing our own version.
We learnt about Mary Anning finding fossils. We practised leaving the forest in an emergency by the fastest route. In DT we started to learn to sew a running stitch, using wool going through cardboard.

W/c 04.03.24
We continued with last week's maths and English. We ate food from Mexico - guacamole and tortilla chips. We found North America on our maps of the world. We continued learning about Mary Anning, sequenced a time line of key events in her life, and dissected fake coprolites to see if they were from a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore. We sewed using binca material. We read the Creation Story. We dressed up for World Book day, and acted out the Gruffalo story in the forest.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 26th February
Alfie A
For quickly learning what adding is.
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 4th March
Alfie S
For determination to swim across the pool.
Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)
W/c 26.02.24
We started the week with a walk around the school grounds looking for signs of spring.The children enjoyed identifying the various signs and ticking them off their list. They even managed to find a bird's nest high up in an ivy bush. They have continued to explore addition, looking specifically at number bonds to ten gown in a ten frame. The children have enjoyed painting and collaging chicks and developing their cutting skills to cut out chicks and other animals. Our home corners have been Veterinary Surgeries where the vets have been treating all of Percy the Park Keepers friends. Our first 'Read with us' Friday was enjoyed by all.
W/c 04.03.24
What a great week of learning. We have been observing how trees change in Spring which has led to lots of drawings, paintings and craft activities. The children have continued to enjoy exploring our school grounds for signs of Spring. In maths our focus has continued to be number bonds to 10, using the part-whole model. The children have begun to explore the bonds in a more systematic way and to recognise the commutative law of addition.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 26th February
Jade Class - Cody
For his enthusiastic approach to learning.
Jasper Class - Martin
For having a great attitude to learning. He is focussed and concentrates when working independently with tasks.
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 4th March
Jade Class - Mia and Chinedu
They have settled in really well, already making friends and enjoying learning.
Jasper Class - Ronnie
For always trying his best. He has a great attitude to learning and towards everyone in the class. he is a role model to others.
Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)
On Thursday the whole of Key Stage One took part in World book day activities, the stories the children were immersed in were;
-Room on a broom
-Hansel and gretel
Little Red Riding Hood
In science the children completed science investigations to be able to answer the enquiry question; What are materials and how do we use them in everyday objects? We started our weekly sessions of bushcraft; we made shelters; learning how to work together as a team!
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 26th February
Opal Class - Isla-Rose
For being curious in this weeks science lesson to discover how we use materials in everyday objects.
Onyx Class - Ibrahim
For being passionate about learning and helping others.
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 4th March
Onyx Class - Marnie
For being kind to others and having a positive attitude to learning.
Year 2 (Amber Class)
What an AWESOME week it has been for us Year Twos!
This week we celebrated World Book Day 2024 a little bit early!
We will still be dressing up for the official World Book Day next Friday though.
We visited four classrooms with four different reading and craft activities. Such fun!
Check out the photos on our google classroom.
In Maths, we started a new unit on fractions this week.
We can recognise halves and quarters and can write these fractions down.
We have started to learn fractions of amounts, this is very tricky but we are not giving up!
We know that learning our times tables will help us with fractions and division.
In English, we started reading a new GIANT book called the Street Beneath My Feet and we learnt about sedimentary and igneous rocks, we learnt about the inner and outer core and the Earth's crust. We learnt about the water pipes and electrical wires underground and even the London underground and how far it goes below the ground.
In Science, we revisited everyday materials and learnt that we use different materials for different jobs because of their properties.
In Music we created our own cartoon strips based on everyday sounds that we hear.
In Computing, we have started a brand new unit on pictograms and have learnt how to use tally marks to represent objects.
We are super clever!!
Year 2 - Aqua Class
In science, your child should be able to tell you a lot about materials--we are focussing on properties such as durability, rigidity and flexibility. We have also re-visited Mrs Gren--the seven features of being alive. Ask your child to re-call them.
In history we are finishing our unit on Edith Cavell, dramatising and writing about how she really was a pioneering heroic nurse. There is a beautiful display of her life
In geography, we will be drawing a map with a key.
Our big question in RE is "What is the Jewish Passover?" We will learn about traditions Jewish people keep today to help them remember the meaning of Passover.
In English, we are writing formal invitations and will invite our teddies to a teddy bear picnic. We are also reading a book, The Street Beneath My Feet, which teaches us the layers of the earth under our feet. Ask your child about these layers!
In maths, we will be learning about pence and pounds and how to find totals and change.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 26th February
Aqua Class - Lola
For using ambitious vocabulary that you have learnt in reading.
Amber Class - Bastian
For his amazing, calm role-model learning behaviours this week and learning how to communicate in more positive ways.
Well done Bastian! Keep up the great work.
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 4th March
Aqua Class - Alex
For amazing focus in comprehension, you can retrieve and infer independently!
Amber Class - Toby
For his resilience and hard work day in and day out.
Toby is a role model pupil and excels in everything he does.
We will miss you so much Tobes but we wish you all the best at your new school.
Keep shining bright!
Year 3 (Coral/Crystal Classes)
Over the last two weeks, Year 3 have been learning about writing instructions. We started thinking about the steps to make a jam sandwich and developed our imperative verbs to create our own instructions for making a collagraph. We used collagraphs in art for printing. In history, we began our study of the Roman Empire and thought about why the Romans wanted to invade Britain. In computing, we have begun studying branching databases. We are trying to understand how to sort items using their attributes - it's really tricky! Maybe we could sort some items in the kitchen into groups to think about this some more. In art, we have begun studying 3D art. We are creating a relief artwork. At the moment, it's solid black - next week we will add highlights to show the depth more. We used a tempura paint to cover the surface. In maths, we have started fractions. Please test us next time we have pizza or cake at home.

Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 26th February
Crystal Class - Freddie
For going above and beyond to be kind and helping others in class and around school. keep being amazing! Crystal class are proud of you!
Coral Class - Austin
Austin has been learning to write instructions using an imperative verb. He used his learning and applied it during art to create the instructions for making a Gesso relief artwork. Well done, Austin!
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 4th March
Crystal Class - Hazell and Maisie
For being excellent partners in maths. You use teamwork skills throughout the lesson to tackle questions and challenges. Well done, keep working hard!!!
Coral Class - Alan
Alan is a consistent and persistent member of our classroom. He can be relied upon to always be working well and he truly supports his peers. Well done, Alan!
Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)
In English, we have started our new unit on explanatory texts, after completing our unit on persuasive adverts before the half-term. In maths, we have continued to learn about fractions including mixed fractions, subtracting and adding mixed numbers and fractions of amounts. In geography, we learned about different time zones around the world and located them on a globe. In computing, we have started to program code for our repetition in shapes unit. In Art, we explored different forms of painting and the artist Helen Frankenthaler's work. In Science, we have completed our units on teeth, digestions and food chains, and have started our new topic on electricity.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 26th February
Topaz Class - Harry
He has tried his best in every lesson, and will always enthusiastically participate. Brilliant!
Garnet Class - Talha
For always trying your best no matter the subject, you are a fantastic example for other students to follow.
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 4th March
Topaz Class - Caleb
He has impressed me with his writing and particularly his attention to detail when self-editing. Wonderful!
Garnet Class - Harvey
You have put in a fantastic amount of effort this week, making sure that even if something wasn’t quite right, we went back and corrected it.
Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)
And so the second have of the Spring Term has begun… it’s going to be a busy one. We started off with starting an exciting new book for our reading lessons, ‘The Boy in The Tower’. Why are the buildings mysteriously collapsing during the night?. Our focus for writing is a synopsis of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. This will involve choosing our vocabulary carefully. Mathematics has us working on percentages and making the connections with fractions as well as decimals. Art.. well rather a lot of clay saw some interesting 3-d structures being built around a form (not sure the cans will ever be removed!). Finally it has been World Book Day which started off with a live streaming lead by the British Library on Fairy Tales. This included the renowned author - Michael Rosen.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 26th February
Emerald Class - Ken
Throughout the week he has been an engaged and passionate learner, he always thinks questions through and tries his best to answer them to the best of his ability.
Sapphire Class - Phoebe
For working hard on improving her handwriting.
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 4th March
Emerald Class - Darcey
For producing a fantastic scene from A Midsummers Night's Dream with such confidence and pride. You were extremely good at working in a group and rehearsing your line.
Sapphire Class - Kiara
For her amazing mathematics knowledge in this week’s lessons where she showed a fantastic understanding of calculating the perimeter.
Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)
In Reading, we have just finished our current class text The Island and have moved onto our next text which is Skellig.
Quartz class has started learning about News Reports in Writing this week. Diamond are continuing their work on News Reports. They have started to plan their writing and begin to write up their own this week.
In maths we are continuing to learn about algebra in the afternoon but are moving back onto fractions in the morning.
In Science we continued our learning of Light.
In History we continued our learning of the Windrush Generation
Diamond are beginning their swimming lessons on Friday 8th March, so please remember swimming kit.
Year 6 enjoyed World Book Day on Friday 8th March where we carried out some exciting book related activities.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 26th February
Quartz Class - Oliver
For his excellent work in writing. Oliver has written a brilliant explanatory text on the circulatory system, giving detailed explanations and using lots of sophisticated language.
Diamond Class - Nicola
For making great contributions to maths this week and showing a real determination to improve. Well done!
Bees Knees - Week commencing Monday 4th March
Quartz Class - Ann
For showing resilience and determination in her fractions work this week in Maths. through hard work, Ann become more confident in simplifying, adding and subtracting fractions.
Diamond Class - Ayana
For having a real positive attitude to learning and are determined to improve. You always do your best. Well done!
Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary
School Disco's
Tuesday 12th March - Bishy Barney Bees Nursery / Reception (Jade/Jasper Class) - 3:15pm-4:15pm.
Tuesday 12th March - Years 3 / 4 - 4:30pm-5:45pm.
Wednesday 13th March - Year 1 / 2 / Moonstone / Ruby Class - 3:15pm - 4:15pm.
Wednesday 13th March - Year 5 / 6 - 4:30pm - 5:45pm.
National Down Syndrome Awareness Day
Thursday 21st March 2024
Join us and dress up in your most colourful, fun outfits.
Reception - Jade/Jasper Class - Parent Cafe
Thursday 21st March - 2pm
Parents and Carers are welcome to attend - please enter via the main school office.
Flyers / Leaflets