Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been an excellent 1/2 term with all the children working very hard in school. I am pleased that over this half term our atrium gallery is beginning to take shape with a showcase of art projects from across the year groups. Mr Wellard has been working with the students to create a "to scale" solar system in the middle of the library area, and the children are adding the different facts that we want everyone to learn.
Year 6 mock SATS went really well, each day starting with breakfast, relaxation and then assessments. Please look out for parents evening for year 6 soon after the Easter Break.
We as a staff have also spent our time reviewing our behaviour policy so that it celebrates and rewards children for doing well in school and to find a way to be more restorative. This is something we will be refining on the training day and I will share with you in full after the Easter break.
The friends of the school had yet another successful round of discos and there are plans a foot to try and host summer fete etc but more parental support is required. There will be a meeting that I would like you to attend to support the friends coming up after Easter so please look out for this as the funds they raise have really enhanced the curriculum provision this year already.

Thank you for your continued support.
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
Year 6 Parents Evening - Week commencing Monday 22nd April.
A decision has been made to bring the Year 6 parents evening forward due to SAT's.
Appointments will be available the week commencing Monday 22nd April.
The dates will go live on MCAS for you to book an appointment the week commencing Monday 25th March until Monday 15th April.
After School Activity Clubs
Just a reminder that the running club on Monday 25th March / Gymnastics Club on Wednesday 27th March are cancelled.
New clubs will commence the week of Monday 15th April.
Fortnightly class updates and achievements
W/C 11th March
We have continued with our growing topic. The beans have some leaves now. It is very exciting. We have read the story of Sam plants a Sunflower. We have planted some sunflowers ourselves, and are keeping our fingers crossed they will grow. We made our own sunflowers using a paper plate for the flower head and looked at the painting Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh. We had a go at copying the picture using pastels.
We have also read the story Martha Maps it Out, about a girl who likes drawing maps from the universe to her own bedroom, and everything in between. We have drawn our own maps about a variety of subjects. Some of the older children were able to go on a local walk to the One Stop shop. They went into the shop and bought pears for our snack. On the way there and back they looked at different landmarks, including the church and a beautiful blossom tree.
W/C 18th March
Our beans have grown really tall. We planted some out in a larger pot, and those on the door in plastic bags are growing out of the top of the bags.
A couple of groups have been on the local walk. They were able to see photos of the landmarks they were looking for before they went.
Our topic this week has been Superheroes and princesses. We have read lots of stories, made superheroes from potatoes, linked to the book Supertato, and lolly sticks. Some of us have made and decorated masks and crowns. We have investigated different materials and their properties including ice and magnets.
Another busy week!
Ruby Class
W/C 11th March
This week, Ruby class explored South America, tasting Brazilian cheese scones and chocolate truffles, and learning about the landmarks. We made hand puppets, using our running stitch skills. We enjoyed the school disco. In English, we read 'the Tree,' about creatures in the Rainforest, then wrote our own version. Year 1 and 2 finished learning to read and draw clock times; Reception finished working on number bonds to 10. We made clay pebbles to turn into inuksuit,
W/C 18th March
Ruby class wrote book reviews about Julia Donaldson. We went to the zoo, to consolidate our knowledge about types of animals, what they eat, and the continents where they live. We learnt about David Attenborough. We finished making our hand puppets - adding features. Each child used their clay pebbles to make their inuksuk. We also created an owl by junk modelling. In Maths, Reception started learning to subtract; Key Stage 1 started learning to make turns - whole, half, quarter etc.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 11th March
For continuing to overcome his fears.
End of term - Head Teachers Award
For great all round progress in all areas including engagement, and achievement.
Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)
W/C 11.03.24
This week our core book has been,'Martha maps it Out'. The children have enjoyed looking at the features of maps and then drawing their own. They have also created maps out of playdough and sand, using various objects such as lolly pop sticks and crystals . They have drawn maps outside using chalks.and used sticks to draw them in the ground.
The children enjoyed continuing with observational drawing of spring flowers. The disco was enjoyed by all those who went , the children having practised their dance moves during the day. In maths our focus continued to be number bonds to ten, identifying missing numbers from part-whole models.
W/C 18.03.24
This week has been our Arts enrichment week. The children have enjoyed creating large and small artwork in the styles of Vincent van Gogh, Jackson Pollock, and Mondrian both inside and outside. They have created junk models of their own design and explained them to the class. The children made observational drawings in the art gallery homecorners. A lot of the art work will be displayed at the Reception Spring Gallery Exhibition on Tuesday 26th March to which parents, grandparents and carers are welcome. Our maths focus has been looking at patterns. Understanding pattern is one of the main foundations of all mathematics learning. When children are investigating patterns and their representations, they are forming valuable understanding that will enable them to make links in more complex mathematical concepts, such as the understanding of how numbers work and algebra. We enjoyed welcoming parents, grandparents and carers to our class cafes.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 11th March
Jade Class - Riley
For super independent writing in class.
Jasper Class - Julia
For always being kind to others and showing a great attitude to learning.
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Jade Class
For being kind and caring towards everyone in class. She is always happy to investigate and experience new things, with her 'have a go' attitude. She keeps on trying even if she finds it tricky. It is lovely to see her enjoy learning everyday, always with a smile on her face. Well done.
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Jasper Class
For always being kind and respectful towards children and adults.
Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)
Over the past 2 weeks year 1 have been further exploring our bushcraft skills, using saws, hammers and making shelters. We have been developing our communication and team building. We have been spending lots of time developing our writing, practicing skills which including joining special friends, our presentation and our sentence construction.
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Opal Class
For always working hard and being kind to others.
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Onyx Class
For always being ambitious with his learning and supporting others.
Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)
In writing, we wrote an invitation inviting our parents to come for a Teddy Bears Picnic (more information to follow). We used a formal tone throughout our invites and used exciting language that engaged the reader. Let us know if we did a good job!
In reading, we started reading Paddington again and started a new unit focusing on developing our reading skills including making predictions, making inferences and retrieving from the text.
We are really enjoying Paddington.
In Maths, we have been learning about halves, thirds and quarters, we found 3/4 a bit tricky (to be expected, as this is always a tricky concept) It will really help if you can help us learn our 3 and 4x tables. We are practising these lots on TTRS and in the classroom. We also completed our end of unit check on Fractions this week and we have made excellent progress with this, which really came to light in the maths tests. We are so proud of all of the children for their determination and resilience in tackling their Spring assessments. Well done all!
In R.E we have been learning about how Jewish people celebrate Passover (Pesach) with their families.
In Computing, we have been learning about pictograms and we created our own tally chart on their classes favourite colours. We discussed the least popular and most popular colours.
In Geography we have been drawing sketch maps and labelling human features and physical features of our school.
In History, we have been learning about Edith Cavell and we are coming towards the end of this unit. The children's knowledge has astounded us and many staff members across the school have commented how knowledgeable your children are about Edith Cavell! Well done Amber and Aqua. What a week of learning it has been!
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 11th March
Aqua Class - Sophie
For demonstrating determination with understanding part whole model problems. You have become much more confident because of your efforts.
Amber Class - Amelia
For being an excellent friend.
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Aqua Class
Jessica loves learning facts and new vocabulary which she uses in discussions. Jessica is also an extremely focussed child and completes independent tasks brilliantly.
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Amber Class
For transforming his behaviour this term, being kinder to his peers and making good progress in all subjects. We are so proud of you! :)
Year 3 (Coral/Crystal Classes)
Year three have been progressing well with their 3D artworks. We have now completed our relief and used bronze paint to create a metallic look. Next we will be designing insects that we will create to sit on these reliefs as a base. In science, we continue to learn about plants. This week we are learning about photosynthesis and how plants create their own food. We are recognising that without plants, we cannot exist and considering if we are doing enough to look after trees on a global scale. We remembered that we learnt about this earlier in the year when we studied the text Greta and the Giants. In maths we have begun ordering fractions and understanding the difference between unit and non-unit fractions. We'd still like you to practise at home with us using pizza and cake of course! In computing we learnt about attributes and how we can ask questions to create a database that sorts using attributes.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 11th March
Crystal Class - Leila
For working hard to improve her reading. She has been showing determination and engagement during lessons and after school to develop her reading and comprehension skills.
Coral Class - Niyah
Niyah is an attentive learner and is committed to being the best learner she can be. She is curious and asks well-thought out questions during the lesson and is always ready with an answer. Well done, Niyah!
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Crystal Class
For always bringing the sunshine! She always shows a positive attitude in every lesson. She consistently tackles challenges with a smile. Well Done!
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Coral Class
For working on his handwriting. Each day, his handwriting improves a little and he is really trying to form letters clearly and consistently. He doesn't find it easy but he is being resilient and persevering. Well done, Noah!
Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)
In English we are continuing with our adventure stories and poems. In reading, we finished reading the core textbook, The Boy at the Back of the Class.The children enjoyed it so much that they all clapped the ending! In Maths, we are continuing to learn about decimals such as dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10 and 100; hundredths as fractions and decimals. In geography, we completed our unit on latitude and longitude and will be starting our new topic on the water cycle. In Science, we started our new topic on sound, and in French we continued to learn about places and how to say where to put certain items in different places.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 11th March
Topaz Class - Bentley
I loved his enthusiasm in maths, and was very impressed with his gradient painting and placement of in art silhouettes Brilliant!
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Topaz Class
For his unceasing effort and excellence at listening attentively, always trying his best in every lesson, and working independently. Fantastic!
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Garnet Class
No matter the subject or task, she shows his strengths in making sure the work always comes first and is of great quality.
Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)
Over the last two weeks, Year 5 has been exploring the different phases of the moon as well as why there is day and night. We have also looked at the different events during the time of the Ancient Maya which included the fact that they invented a calendar alongside a system of writing. In mathematics, we looked at perimeter along with area and are now working on line graphs. The children are enjoying the continuation of The Boy in the Tower. Now Ade the main character and his mother maybe the only people left in the whole tower block and no one is coming to rescue them from the Bluchers. Finally we have been working on biographies of Tim Peake, the first British astronaut to walk in space. He also ran the London Marathon on a treadmill whilst in space.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 11th March
Emerald Class - Lena
Throughout the week she has tried really hard in all subjects and has shown real dedication and determination to create some excellent pieces of English.
Sapphire Class - Ariana
For her in depth mathematical thinking when solving maths challenges. Well done.
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Emerald Class
Throughout the term she has set an excellent example in every subject. She has a real passion for learning and is always ready with a well thought out answer to a problem.
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Sapphire Class
For being very studious in his studies throughout this term.
Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)
We have carried out our last set of Mock SATs this week (w.b.18/3/24)
In Maths, we are finishing our work on Area, Perimeter and Volume and moving onto Statistics next week.
In History, we are continuing to learn about the Windrush Generation.
Bees Knees - Week commencing - Monday 11th March
Quartz Class - Samiyah
For her enthusiasm across all subjects, especially writing. This week, Samiyah has been working hard on her News Report, using both direct and reported speech to share information with the reader.
Diamond Class - Prince
For having a fantastic attitude to learning and for being determined to improve. Well done!
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Quartz Class
For always being kind and respectful to others and always trying his best in all subjects.
End of term - Head Teachers Award - Diamond Class
You have such a positive attitude to learning and a real determination to improve in all areas of the curriculum.
Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary
Tuesday 26th March
Reception Classes (Jade/Jasper) - Spring Gallery Exhibition - School Hall - 2pm-3pm
Reception parents invited to attend.
Wednesday 27th March
Last day of term.
Monday 15th April
School reopens.
Flyers / Leaflets