Dear Parents and Carers,
Its been a wonderful week and good to see attendance is steady at 94%.
My analysis of attendance compared to last year shows the children are still having too much time off school. This seems to be in relation to holidays in term time and seasonal bugs that are currently circulating.
At the end of next week we will be sending out letters in relation to your child's attendance. If you receive an amber or red letter it signals that we will be asking for medical evidence for your child's sickness moving forward.
I can however announce that at the time of writing this newsletter there are 211 children in school who have 100% attendance. I hope this continues into next week for our celebration assembly so we can recognise the efforts these children have made coming into school.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Filming school grounds
We have been notified that it was witnessed someone filming through the school fence during lunchtime on Friday 13th October, this has been reported to Mr Campbell who is going to seek advice and guidance from Norfolk Constabulary.
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
We have had a number of children who don't have a lunch ordered. We request that meals are ordered before 9am each day or the whole term.
Due to there being a number of meal options to choose from, the kitchen staff need to have the numbers of each meal ordered in advance. With meals not being ordered this is causing an issue for the kitchen team.
Going forward if you do not order a meal for your child a phone call home will be made requesting a packed lunch to be brought in.
If you need help with setting up your account please visit the office so we can assist you.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
The after school activity clubs which are currently running will continue up until the Christmas holiday (20th December 2023). New clubs will start January 2024 however we will let parents / carers know when these clubs are available to enrol your child. The running club which takes place on a Monday will continue to run up until the Summer holiday 2024.
Lost Property
We have sorted through the lost property and any labelled / named items have been returned to the child's class. There is a large quantity of clothing which have no names in them. Please can we ask that all belongings are clearly labelled with the child's name. We will be having another sort through towards the end of term and any unclaimed / unnamed items of uniform will be added to our pre loved rail kept in the reception foyer.
Weekly class updates
This week we have been thinking about our final two senses - smell and taste. The children had the opportunity to smell different things and guess what they were. They also tasted sweet, salty, sour and bitter foods. We have talked a lot about fruit and the children were able to do some fruit printing.
Ruby Class
This week, Ruby class thought about our homes. In English, we wrote captions for a book about homes, and asked and answered questions about homes in the past. In Maths, KS1 continued adding and Reception continued comparing amounts, up to 6. In DT, we made and tasted more healthy food. We created shelters in the forest. In Geography, we learnt the difference between a house, bungalow and flat. We sorted pictures of them, to discover that in Norfolk the most popular home is a house. We then interviewed a Year 5 class to find out where they live, we tallied and graphed their answers, to discover that most of them live in houses.
Moonstone Class
This week we have been busy learning about all the things that begin with the letter S. We have been enjoying our class book 'I like honey but I don't like Bees' and creating our own artwork about our favourite things. We have really enjoyed exploring the woods during forest schools. We have done some fantastic maths around matching and sorting.
Reception - Jasper/Jade Classes
This week Reception are reading 'The very busy spider' and will be trying to remember the sequence of events in the story. We will be looking at different spiders and describing them, while making and creating spider related things. Maths this week is thinking about 'fewer' compared to more and we will also be talking about how we can be a good friend.
Year 1 - Onyx / Opal Classes
This week in year 1 we have been learning our number bonds up to 10, we have been doing this through the use of numicon, cubes, counters and songs. We have been continuing to explore the story Where the wild things are, learning how to sequence events in a story and learning all about authors and illustrators.
Year 2 - Aqua / Amber classes
In English this week we have started a new text, Mrs Noah's Pockets, we are learning to summarise key events and create story maps.
In Maths, we have been learning to count in 3s, we completed our end of unit check on place value, consolidating our new skills and doing our weekly arithmetic test.
In History, we discussed how far the Great Fire of London had spread on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th of September 1666.
In Science, we are learning about food chains and how they are connected.
In PSHE, we learnt about acts of kindness.
In R.E, we are finishing our unit on 'light' and what 'light' symbolises in different religions.
In Art this week, we are starting our final piece of work and recreating the famous 'waves' painting by Beth Krommes, incorporating cross-hatching, hatching, smudging and stippling.
What a wonderful week we've had, full of fun, laughter and learning!
Year 3 - Coral / Crystal classes
Year Three have continued their journey into printing. This week we tried monoprinting with something behind the paper to see how that changed the texture of the paper. In Science, we learnt about how fossils are formed - we are bringing some extra reading home this weekend to help us write about fossils next week. In writing, we have been studying non-chronoligical reports about extinct animals. We wrote about our hobbies to practise ready for next week. In French, we have begun using instruction words. Ask us to 'Ecoutez' next time you want to ask us something.
Year 5 - Emerald / Sapphire classes
Throughout the week Year 5 have been writing persuasive letters to convince Sir Ernest Shackleton to take them on his expedition to the Antarctic. In maths we have been looking at missing number and word problems including addition and subtraction. In Science we have been exploring materials and what makes a reversible and irreversible reaction.
Year 6 - Diamond / Quartz classes
Year 6 has begun to learn about writing speeches in English this week. We are using the formal register and passive voice. In maths we are using formal methods for long multiplication and long division - tricky but we are all trying hard.
In the afternoons we have learnt about Martin Luther King (in RE) and how he fought racial inequality in America.
In art we are studying Cubism and producing our own still life paintings, limiting ourselves to shades and tints of only one colour.
Science has been a bit gory as we start our study of the circulatory system with what is blood and why do we need it?
Computing has been challenging - we are working together to write slideshows about different countries - but we are not allowed to speak. Luckily we are all experts at instant messaging.
We enjoyed The Great Big Assembly to introduce Black History Month and wore yellow for Mental Health Day. Mindfulness, colouring and chatting to our friends was a relaxing break from our lessons.
Bees Knees Awards
Flyers / Leaflets