Heartsease Primary Academy Newsletter - 30th October 2023

joanne.rowley • November 3, 2023


Dear Parents and Carers, 

Attendance this week is 93.7%

The children have settled back into school well after the half term break and continue to work hard.

Next week you will be receiving information regarding parents evening's which are being held Monday 13th November - Friday 17th November. This information will be sent out via MCAS (My child at school).

Information was sent out earlier in the week informing you of important dates coming up this term. We will continue to do this regularly to keep you up to date.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr N Campbell

Office update

Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system

We have had a number of children who don't have a lunch ordered. We request that meals are ordered before 9am each day or the whole term.

Due to there being a number of meal options to choose from, the kitchen staff need to have the numbers of each meal ordered in advance. With meals not being ordered this is causing an issue for the kitchen team.

Going forward if you do not order a meal for your child a phone call home will be made requesting a packed lunch to be brought in.

If you need help with setting up your account please visit the office so we can assist you.

Free School Meals

A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.

Monday 13th November - Odd Socks Day

Children are invited to come into school wearing odd socks on Monday 13th November to raise awareness of bullying, this is an awareness day only an no donation required.

Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!

Dates for the diary this term:

Monday 13th November - Friday 17th November - Parents evenings - More details to follow next week.

Friday 17th November - Second flu nasal session - For those children who were absent during the first visit.

Friday 17th November - Children in Need Day - more details to follow.

Friday 8th December - Christmas Jumper Day.

Monday 11th December - KS1 Christmas performance (PM) - More details to follow.

Tuesday 12th December - KS1 Christmas performance (AM) - More details to follow.

Tuesday 12th December - Reception Christmas performance (PM) - More details to follow.

Wednesday 13th December - KS2 After school carol concert - More details to follow.

Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term.

Parent Cafe

Friday 24th November - Reception (Jade / Jasper Classes) 2pm -  parents, grandparents and carers are invited into class for our Autumn Parent cafes. Entrance will be through the main reception.


Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning to school.

Weekly class updates


In the nursery this week we have been thinking about Halloween. We read the book 'Pumpkin Soup.' This led us to look at a pumpkin. We cut one open and explored what was inside. We found lots of seeds. We have kept some to plant next year so, hopefully, we will be able to have more pumpkins. We also read some Meg and Mog stories. We have talked about things we need to be a witch. We have created our own potions and spells and made magic wands.

Ruby Class

This week, Ruby class thought about the local area of Heartsease. We went for a walk to see the use of buildings. We saw houses, bungalows, flats, a church and a variety of shops. We also spotted use of technology and shapes in the environment. We noticed that the house numbers were odd on one side of the road and even on the other. We predicted what the story of 'Rosie's walk' would be. We then read it and added sound effects, before retelling it. In maths, we used the prepositions from the story and added others. In Geography we answered the question 'what is a map?' In PSHE we talked about safety on Halloween and bonfire nights.

Reception - Jasper/Jade Classes

This week we have been learning the story of Guy Fawkes. Please ask your child to retell this story to you! The children have enjoyed role play in the home corner and outside , enjoying dressing up as Guy Fawkes, his conspirators, the King and King's guards. In maths our focus has been 3D and 2D shapes, discussing their properties and how they are similar and different. We continued our learning during our forest school sessions in the woods. 

Year 1 - Onyx / Opal Classes

This week we have been learning how to subtract using a whole part model; subtraction to find the missing number and breaking apart. In Science we started a new topic of plants; we learnt how to identify different parts of a plant and what they need. In English we have been looking at similar nouns and objects such as claws and talons in the story where the wild things were. Re we learnt about the differences and similarities between Eid and Christmas.

Year 2 - Aqua / Amber classes

We have had a fantastic first week back. This week we have been learning:

Writing- what makes a good sentence?

Science- What is an animal?

Music- Finding and keeping a beat

Computing- How to take a good photograph (digital computing)

R.E- To understand the meaning of belonging 

PSHE- How are you feeling today?

We have also started Karate and swimming this week- we loved every second!

Year 3 - Coral / Crystal classes

Coral and Crystal class have had such a busy week. Thanks to all our parents, who sent packaging in, we were able to learn about food labelling and how to look for balanced nutrition in our diets. In Design Technology, we learnt how to make fabric stiff. We shall be applying that learning to making fabric boxes - who knew you could make a box out of fabric! In writing, we have begun learning to write letters of complaint. Let's hope we don't have too much to complain about.

Year 4 - Topaz / Garnet class

In English this week, we have learned about critically analysing poems which included looking for rhyming schemes, orally rehearsing using volume, intonation and movement. We also explored verb choices and  direct quotations from a text to illustrate a point. In reading, we have read and completed comprehension questions related to common themes in extracts, words in context, and aspirational people such as Mae Jemison and Katherine Johnson.

In maths, we completed our addition and subtraction topic and focussed on word problems with multiple steps. In geography, we researched information about the river Yare, explored its features such as its tributaries, source and mouth on maps. In art, we completed our multilayered surface and created tertiary colours. In RE, we learned about understanding the truth, and in PSHE, we explored empathy for others and our emotions. In French, we revised numbers and started our new topic on colours and emotions.

Year 5 - Emerald / Sapphire classes

Welcome to Autumn 2. We hope you all had a relaxing half term (even if it was rather wet!). This term we are focusing on Ancient Egypt in English. We are reading about the adventures of Lily in the 'Secrets of a Sun King'. She reads a strange news article where a professor disappears leaving only his feet! What has this to do with her Grandfather and the tomb of Tutankhamun? This then feeds into our writing based on Ancient Egyptian myths. In mathematics we have continued with looking at factors, multiples along with introducing prime numbers and composite numbers. 

Art has seen the children expanding their printing skills which included making a stencil. Finally the children have started their new PE topic of gymnastics and yoga. 

Year 6 - Diamond / Quartz classes

Another busy week in year 6. We have begun our Writing Unit studying War Poetry, focussing on For The Fallen by Laurence Binyon. In reading we started Pig Heart Boy, which links to our Science work about the circulation system. Maths has been very tricky - the new work on fractions has really made us think hard.

In the afternoons RE has been a new unit finding out about Buddhism. History has continued our study of the Blitz, focussing on the evacuation of children away from the cities.

Bees Knees Awards

  • Jade Class - Riley and Isla - For both completed some lovely writing about the fireworks we watched using their letter-sound correspondence knowledge. Well done
  • Jasper Class - Chester - For really working hard on writing his name. 
  • Onyx Class - Marnie - For always working hard and being ambitious.
  • Opal Class - Charlie - For working hard 100% of the time and for being kind and thoughtful towards his class mates
  • Aqua Class - Willow - For brilliant writing this week! She always remembers punctuation.
  • Amber Class - Isabella - For her excellent attitude towards learning and shining extra bright this week in maths, Well done Isabella!
  • Coral Class - Cora - For always being enthusiastic over her learning and applies herself fully to every task. She is an excellent representative of the best of our class. Well done Cora!
  • Crystal Class - Hazell - For working hard to overcome challenges in maths. 
  • Topaz Class - Harry - He has settled in brilliantly. I have been particularly impressed with his participation and hard work. Well done!
  • Garnet Class - Avyaan - For always putting in a fantastic amount of effort no matter the topic, producing fantastic quality work every time.
  • Emerald Class - Dea - It has felt like you have been here forever, not just for a week. You have applied yourself well in all lessons and have been involved with class discussions. keep up the excellent start.
  • Sapphire Class - Harley- During Bush Craft Harley asked Mr Price how to solve a problem and then taught his team mates how to do it. Mr Price was very impressed. Excellent work Harley. 
  • Quartz Class - Keanu - For always being polite to both adults and children in the classroom, and for also being a motivated learner across all areas of the curriculum. Well done! 
  • Diamond Class - Mia-Marie - She has been working so hard to improve your writing across all subjects. Well done!

Flyers / Leaflets

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