Dear Parents and Carers,
As we near the end of the academic year I wanted to share some things that will be coming up at the start of the new year.
It is my intention that the celebration assembly will be moved to a Friday afternoon at the end of the school day, where the parents of the children receiving awards/commendations will be invited to attend. We will need to look at the logistics around this but I would really like you as parents to be involved in the celebration of your children's success in school. More detail to follow in September.
We will be launching our new Attitudes to Learning policy which will replace our current behaviour policy. There has been much work undertaken around creating a positive atmosphere in the school through the use of our Steps to Success and this will be further developed through the introduction of our core values and expectations below.
In the coming year we would also like to communicate more effectively and will be trialing the use of our Facebook page to post information for you to keep you in the loop.
Please see our most recent post...
Thank you for all your support this academic year, it has been my and the staff teams pleasure to serve you and your children as they learn and grow.
I hope you have a great summer break and look forward to an excellent year starting on the 4th September 2024!
Kind regards
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
Year 4 / Topaz class Parent evening sessions
Appointments will go live on MCAS for you to book on Friday 12th July as from 3pm.
The available sessions will run from Monday 15th July - Thursday 18th July.
After School Activity clubs
The current After School Activity clubs will finish at the end of the Summer term and will be replaced with new clubs which will start when we return from the Summer break in September.
A message/email will be sent out via MCAS to Parents/Carers informing you of the new clubs and when the clubs will be available to enrol your child.
Uniform orders
If you wish to collect uniform orders before the Summer break the order will need to be placed before Wednesday 17th July to allow us time to fulfil the order and let you know via MCAS that the order is ready to collect from the school office. Any orders placed after this date will not be ready to collect until we return in September.
England Euro's Final - Sunday 14th July
With the England Euro's final taking place on Sunday evening, just a polite reminder that all children are expected to be in school for 08:30am on Monday morning.
Thank you
School of Sanctuary
“We support the ‘City of Sanctuary’ vision that the UK will be a welcoming place of safety for all and proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution.
We endorse the City of Sanctuary Charter, and agree to act in accordance with City of Sanctuary values and apply the network principles within our work (as far as our specific context enables us to).
We recognise the contribution of people seeking sanctuary. Sanctuary seekers are welcomed, included and supported within our context. We expect our branches or local groups (if any) to support their local City of Sanctuary group if one exists, and will facilitate contact between them and their local City of Sanctuary group.”
Fortnightly class updates and achievements
W/C 1st July
This week we read the book Emma Jane's Aeroplane as part of the transport topic. We were learning about air travel. We made paper aeroplanes and flew them inside and outside. Linked to the book, the older children learned about different cities around the world, starting with Norwich and London, then others abroad including New York, Paris and Sydney. We looked at photos of the famous landmarks in these cities.
W/C 8th July
This week we are thinking about space travel. We read the book Astro Girl and The Way Back Home. We have made rocket pictures using 2D shapes. We have thought about what it would be like to be an astronaut, thinking about what they eat and learning about some of their training. It has also been Sports Day. The children enjoyed taking part in a carousel of activities with their families on the field. Thank you to everyone who came and supported the children.
Ruby Class
W/C 1st July
This week Ruby class finished writing their retell of Hansel and Gretel. In Maths, Reception revisited counting backwards and Key Stage 1 began comparing and measuring mass. We began exploring collage. In Geography, we learnt about keys on maps and the 4 compass points. We played games to develop our speech and enjoyed the school disco.
W/C 8th July
This week, Ruby class began learning the story of Little Red Riding Hood. In Maths, Reception continued counting backwards and Key Stage 1 continued measuring mass using cubes or grams. In Geography, we applied our mapping knowledge to draw a map for Little Red Riding Hood. In Art, we continued developing our collage skills. In Science we learnt to compare trees - evergreen or deciduous.
Weather permitting...!!!
We went outdoors and joined a forest school making a fire. We competed in sports day.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing - Monday 1st July
For being resilient when persevering with challenging phonics.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 8th July
For being resilient when plans changed during the week.
Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)
W/C 01.07.24
Our core book has been 'The Dark' by Lemony Snickett. The children have enjoyed drawing dark and light pictures and exploring dark and light spaces, using torches. We talked about what makes us scared and how we can help ourselves to feel safe. The children made some superb Guatemalan 'worry' dolls. The week culminated with our trip to the Time and Tide museum where we learned about explorers. The children were very well behaved and a credit to our school.
W/C 08.07.24
We carried on with our core book 'The Dark' for a few days before moving onto 'Commotion in the Ocean'. This is a noisy rhyming book set under the sea. The class enjoyed learning about, drawing, creating and painting sea creatures. Our home corner was turned into an underwater cave. Also this week the children went for a transition day to meet their new teacher.
Well done to everyone who took part in the sports day, whata lot of fun!
I must just mention a huge thank you for the fundraising for the RSPCA. Our class raised the largest amount in school!
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 1st July
Jade Class - Bliss
For being committed to improving her behaviour, and commitment to learning, in phonics. Well done, keep it up.
Jasper Class - Emmie-Rose
For being responsible when tidying the classroom and helping others to tidy their things. Emmie-Rose has also worked very hard this week, especially when writing. Good job.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 8th July
Jade Class - The whole class
They have all been curious learners this week. They demonstrated this in the class with their questioning, and enthusiastic contributions on our trip to the Time and Tide museum.
Jasper Class - Shyla
For being resilient when finding things tricky and not giving up.
Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)
The past two weeks have been jam packed with fun learning. We have hugged trees to measure the trunks of trees and investigated the rings to determine their age. We 'went' to a cake shop to buy halves and quarters as well as set up our own pizza shop to sell halves and quarters. We are all super excited about going to the dinosaur park on Tuesday.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 1st July
Onyx Class - Skye
For being committed to her learning.
Opal Class - Isla-Rose
For always being determined in all subjects.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 8th July
Onyx Class - Paisley
For being responsible
Opal Class - Esila
For being a responsible citizen of Heartsease; Always making the right choices, being kind and supportive to others and thinking hard.
Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)
English writing- We are going back to our Strong Start Writing programme and targeting gaps in the children's learning. We are focusing on writing full sentences that express a full thought and have nouns and verbs in. We will then be extending our sentences with expanded noun phrases, adverbs and conjunctions.
English reading- We are absolutely loving Fantastic Mr Fox!
We have been honing in on our retrieval, inference, vocabulary and sequence skills.
Maths- we finished our unit on position and direction and started a new unit on statistics, focusing on tally charts, tables, block diagrams and interpreting and drawing pictograms.
We have been working really hard to develop our listening skills and have been impressing our teachers with the HOPE strategy, hands up, one voice, pens and pencils down, eyes front. We love a calm learning environment.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 1st July
Amber Class - Ezra
For fantastic listening and learning behaviours around the classroom and always being everybody's biggest supporter!
Well done Ezra!
Aqua Class - Olivia
For being aspirational this week. She scored 100% on a comprehension quiz and put lots of effort into maths this week, well done!
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 8th July
Amber Class - Lahe
For persevering and being ambitious, your hard work in handwriting has finally paid off and you have finally got your pen license!
Well done Lahe.
Aqua Class - Mia
For being confident this week and for outstanding independence in maths.
Year 3 (Coral/Crystal Classes)
In reading this week, we have been looking at our latest core text called The Dancing Bear. This has inspired us to consider humans' impact on our planet and how we can reduce this impact through sustainability. In addition, we considered which endangered animal we would like to adopt or positively impact the lives of through making more sustainable and environmentally friendly choices. One of the pupils in crystal class found out that only 1 in 1,000 baby turtles make it to adulthood. In maths, we summarised last week's learning of statistics by drawing our own bar graphs and pictograms. This week we have started to look at telling the time to the hour and half-past. Why not help us learn to tell the time at home? This week we have been focusing on the techniques and language of instructional writing. We have used inspiration from our art lessons to write instructions detailing how to make a piece of artwork using sgraffito. Lastly, we all had a lovely time meeting and getting to know our new teachers who will be looking after us in year 4. This will sadly be mine and Miss Rudd's last update of the year. We are incredibly proud of all the children who have been a part of year three this year. We wish you all the best as you move into year 4. Here's to a fantastic last week!!!
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 1st July
Crystal Class - Luth
For being committed to his learning when improving his joined handwriting. He has worked hard to improve his presentation, letter formation and joins. Keep being fab!!
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 8th July
Coral Class - Lola
For being committed to trying her best to succeed in every lesson.
Crystal Class - Sofia
For being a resilient learner in maths. She is consistently working hard to tackle challenging questions. Well done for showing great silence and determination. Keep being a star!
Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)
It has been another fantastic few weeks for year 4. We have come to the end of our writing unit and finished off our fascinating news article on the discovery of Tutenkhamun by the famed archeologist Howard Carter. This Egyptian theme has meshed well with our history unit looking at the Ancient Egyptians. We have spent the last fortnight decoding ancient hieroglyphs and understanding the important achievements of the New Kingdom. In maths we have been revisiting past units, ensuring that our knowledge base is primed ready for year 5!
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 1st July
Garnet Class - Taylor-Rey
For working really hard this week to make sure his handwriting is as neat as it can be. It is getting better and better!
Topaz Class - Harley
For working so hard to improve and retain his words and letter reading with Mrs Epurescu. Brilliant Effort!
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 8th July
Garnet Class - Jayden
For working really hard to improve his independence and resilience, pushing through and having a go at even most difficult tasks.
Topaz Class - Kelsey
For being passionate in her learning this week. She is always ready and organised for every lesson. Wonderful!
Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)
Week 5 was an extremely busy week for the children. Firstly, we were meant to be having Sports Day.. lots of excitement all round only to be scuppered by the weather. Luckily it was rearranged for the 12th and hopeful - as I am writing this before then - all will be well . All the children have worked extremely hard to master the skills needed to compete in their heat so fingers crossed that it has not rained today. On Wednesday they went to watch a great performance of Alice in Wonderland performed by the students of Open Academy. Finally this week ended with the children all going to the Olympics where a great time was had by one and all.
Within our Science lesson, over the last two weeks, we have been revisiting some of the topics. Firstly we started with the phases of the moon followed by comparing amphibians and insects. Finally we looked once more at the reproductive cycle of plants. These areas were identified by our new quizzes that are electronic and help the children to recall what they have learnt.
In History the children have been finding out more about the City of Benin that was situated in Southern Nigeria. They learnt that the city had 30 straight streets that radiated from the centre of the city along with the fact these streets had underground drainage which carried away the storm water. After this, they explored the different trades that were found within the city and made it wealthy. The city was considered a 'safe and sophisticated place'. Amazing as this was over 844 years ago.
So one more week in Year 5. We are sure it will be a great one!
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 1st July
Emerald Class - Bailey
For being passionate about his learning in every lesson every day. he always thinks carefully about his answers and does his very best every day. Well done, Bailey!
Sapphire Class - Ethan
For being totally committed to his learning this week. Throughout the lessons he has been focused and trying his best. Along with this Ethan has produced carefully drawn diagrams as well as trying to improve his handwriting. A brilliant week Ethan.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 8th July
Emerald Class - Poppy
For always being passionate about her learning who is a fantastic role model to her peers. She has also been a 'creative' learner this week with wanting to make her structural shelter more aesthetically pleasing. Well done, Poppy!
Sapphire Class - Yu Rong
For thinking creatively this week by making connections between what he knows and what he is trying to work out. A brilliant week, Yu Rong.
Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)
Year 6 had a brilliant time at Hollywood Bowl, on Monday 1st July. There was some brilliant bowling and the food was delicious.
We are continuing to practice for our Leavers' assembly, which will be held on the last day of term, Friday 19th July, at 10:30am.
Year 6 are on transition days to their new high school this week. Children that have been in school have been busy making decorations for our Year 6 Prom. A reminder that the Friends of Heartsease are hosting a water fight for Year 6, after sports day on Tuesday 16th July. Permission letters and £2.00 donation before next Tuesday.
Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 1st July
Diamond Class - Kendal
For being creative during her theme park project, her design and pictures were amazing.
Quartz Class - Benas and Anjolaoluwa
For being committed. They have both done really well in settling into their new school this week. Both children have quickly made friends and have been working well in both groups and individually in class.
Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 8th July
Diamond Class - Rahat
For always being committed to doing the best work he can, in every lesson.
Quartz Class - Frank
For being responsible. Frank has taken responsibility in helping to settle one of our new students into Quartz class. He has made them feel welcome by including them in class activities and games at break and lunch. Frank has been very kind in making sure they feel a part of Quartz class.
PE Star
Oscar and Benas
For being a creative citizen of Heartsease Primary Academy this week.
Their lesson they planned and delivered this week. It was simple, fun and they even thought about how to adapt it to different year groups. I may have to step down from PE and let them take over!
Well done to both children.
For being a determined citizen of Heartsease Primary Academy this week.
Despite falling over in his sports day race, he was a real trooper and tried again! Proud of you Reggiei
PE Update
The children who attend the after school street dance club performed at the MadderMarket "We're all going on a Summer Holiday" show.
Well done to all the children who took part.
Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary
Monday 15th July
Nursery Graduation 2-3pm
Parents welcome to attend, please enter via the main school office.
Tuesday 16th July
Year 1 and Year 2 Dinosaur park trip.
Tuesday 16th July
Year 6 Sports Day and Water fight 1pm-3pm.
Friday 19th July
Year 6 leavers assembly 10:30am - 11:30am
Year 6 Parents/Carers only are welcome to attend, please enter via the main school office.
Friday 19th July
Year 6 Leavers Prom - 6pm-8:30pm.
Friday 19th July
Last day of term.
Wednesday 4th September
School reopens to pupils.
More dates regarding the next academic year will be sent out once we return from the Summer holiday.
Flyers / Leaflets