Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to a new academic year at Heartsease Primary Academy.
There have been some improvements and changes undertaken over the Summer break which I am excited to share with you:-
I am so pleased to welcome you back tomorrow and look forward to seeing you all at drop off!
Kind regards
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
First day back - Wednesday 4th September 2024
The school gates will open at 08:30am and the school day finishes at 3:20pm
Parents / Carers are to take children round to the Nursery gate signposted when entering the school grounds, a member of staff will be on the gate to meet and greet.
Reception children (Jade/Jasper Classes)
Children will enter their classrooms via the gate to the side of the play area. Teachers / TA's will be on the door to greet the children as they arrive.
Year 1 (Opal/Onyx classes) / Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)
Children will enter via the top gate situated outside the main school office and will be collected at the end of the day from their classroom.
Year 3 (Coral/Crystal Classes) / Year 4 (Garnet / Topaz Classes)
Children will enter via the door to the right of the main school office and will be brought down to the bottom playground for collection at the end of the day.
Year 5 (Emerald / Sapphire Classes) / Year 6 (Quartz / Diamond Classes)
Children will enter via the top gate situated outside the main school office and enter via the door to the side of the building. Children will be brought down to the bottom playground for collection at the end of the day.
Staff will be on hand outside the school building on Wednesday 4th September to assist with directing Parents/Carers/Children.
Reception - Jade / Jasper Class transition times/dates
Wednesday 4th September / Thursday 5th September / Friday 6th September
Jasper Class - 08:30 - 10:00
Jade Class - 10:30 - 12:00
Monday 9th September / Tuesday 10th September
Jade/Jasper Classes - 08:30 - 11:40
Wednesday 11th September / Thursday 12th September / Friday 13th September
Jade/Jasper Classes - 08:30 - 13:00 (includes lunch)
Monday 16th September
Jade / Jasper Classes - Full day (08:30 - 15:20)
After School Activity Clubs
New after school activity clubs will commence the week of Monday 9th September. The clubs will go live on MCAS on Wednesday 4th September at 9am. Please note that spaces are limited. We do have a waitlist once the clubs become full. If a child misses 2 consecutive sessions you will be contacted to advise that your child has been removed from the club and the space will be offered to the next child from the waiting list.
Please note that the running club which will take place on a Monday will continue throughout the Winter and where possible it will be held outside (weather permitting). Please do keep this in mind when enrolling your child.
Uniform orders
Any uniform orders placed during the school holiday are now ready to collect from the school office, orders can be collected up until 3:30pm on Tuesday 3rd September or alternatively can be collected at the end of the school day on Wednesday 4th September.
We also have a pre loved rail in the office foyer full of uniform which has been donated.
Uniform requirements
We ask that all children wear uniform as follows:-
Reception / Year 1
Year 2 - Year 6
PE Kit
All children will require a PE kit as follows:
Stud earrings or a watch may be worn to school. For health and safety reasons, no other jewellery is permitted. Earrings must be removed for PE/Games/Swimming.
Ordering school uniform
Sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and ties are all available to purchase on MCAS for collection from the School Office.
All clothing should be clearly marked with your child's name.
Reading Records
This academic year, all children in KS1 and KS2 will have a Reading Record Book. Every child should read at home as well as in school.
In KS1 the expectation is that an adult at home listens to the child read every day (2 pages). They will then sign the Reading Record Book. Also the child will be listened to by an adult everyday at school. Reading Record Books will be regularly checked in school.
In KS2 the expectation is that an adult at home will listen to the child read at least 3 times a week. They will then sign the Reading Record Book. Within school, the child will be listened to once a week by an adult. Reading Record Books will be checked once a week.
Thank you for your continued support with this.