Heartsease Primary Academy Newsletter - 28th June 2024

joanne.rowley • June 28, 2024


Dear Parents and Carers, 

I am pleased that this last two weeks have had some sunshine for the children as it has certainly helped as we continue towards the last few weeks of term. 

Below you will see our school improvement priorities for the coming academic year. I am sharing this with you so that you have an overview of what we will be focusing on as a school in the coming 12 months.

Over the coming academic year I will be providing you with updates relating to these 5 key areas.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr N Campbell

Office update

Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system

If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.

Free School Meals

A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.


Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning to school.

Lost Property

We have accumulated a large volume of lost property, if your child has missing items please do check the lost property. Please can we ask that all items / belongings are clearly labelled with your child's name, if any items are found this helps us with being able to return them to their owner.

We will be sorting through the lost property towards the end of term, any unclaimed / unlabelled items will be washed and put on our pe loved rail located in the main office foyer.

The Friends of Heartsease Primary - Ice Pole Sale

Last week the Friends held an ice pole sale after school, they raised a total of £136.00. Thank you to everyone who came along and supported them.

Fortnightly class updates and achievements


W/C 17th June

This week our theme has been boats. The younger children read the story 'Who sank the boat?' It is about a cow, a donkey, a sheep, a pig and a mouse who wanted to go for a boat ride. But who made the boat sink? The older children concentrated on the story 'Lost and Found' about a little boy who meets a penguin and tries to help him get home to the South Pole. The children have enjoyed both stories. We learned about floating and sinking, what this means and which materials floated and sank. By the end of the week we were predicting what would happen. We also practised filling and emptying containers with water.

W/C 24th June

This week our theme has been trains. The younger children read the story 'The Train Ride', while the older children read 'Oi! Get off our train'. Not only did they learn about trains, but they revisited the subject of environmental change and looking after the planet because in the story endangered animals get on the train to ask for help. All the children have enjoyed creating different track layouts to use. The younger children have explored mark making by rolling engines and trucks through paint and onto paper to look at the patterns they make. The older children have been concentrating on their names by making name trains with the trucks being the different letters of their name.

Ruby Class

W/C 17th June

In English, we continued writing the Hansel and Gretel story. In Maths, Years 1 and 2 continued calculating 1/4 of amounts; Reception continued doubling amounts. In Science, indoors and out, we learnt to name, and understand the function of, the parts of a tree. In Art, we continued exploring different materials, adding wool to our wax-resist work from last week. In Geography, we concentrated on recognising physical features. We talked about Refugee week, discussing how it would feel to leave one's home, and considering why people have to leave, or have to stay.

W/C 24th June

In English, we finished writing the Hansel and Gretel story. In Maths, Years 1 and 2 calculated 1/2 and 1/4 of amounts; Reception learnt to find half of amounts.  On Monday, we went to Gressenhall for a day learning about Traditional Tales; we met children from other SRBs there. In Science, we went outdoors to learn the names of trees. In Geography, we looked at our school site, focussing on human features. In Art, we applied all the skills we had developed to create self portraits on cotton. 

Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing Monday 24th June

All of Ruby Class

For being curious in the learning when we went to Gressenhall, everyone was enthusiastic and engaged all day.

Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)

W/C 17.06.24 - Jade Class

This week the focus book was Anansi and the Golden Pot.

The children enjoyed learning about Ghana and where it is in the world. Other traditional tales were read and compared with one another. The moral of the story was that being generous brings joy.The children made some wonderful golden pots. Our maths focus was revisiting number bonds for mastery and recognising patterns of the counting system.

W/C 24.06.24 - Jade Class

The core book this week was Each Peach Pear Plum. The children practiced retrieving a wide range of language from the nursery rhymes and fairy stories that they could recall. They learned to understand the past through stories and that their lives are different from children long ago. The children wove bags they could wear.Our maths continued to develop the children's sense of chronology using familiar events in their day. They expressed their ideas and feelings using sentences, including use of past, present and future tenses. We used the language of time throughout the day and the children had access to clocks so these could be referred to at key points in the day so that they became familiar with them.

Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing  Monday 17th June

Jade Class - Evie-Mae

For being a positive role model to others, showing confidence and maturity when taking on roles within the classroom.

Jasper Class - Charlie

For super adding and subtracting.

Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)

Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing  Monday 17th June

Onyx Class - Luca

For being confident.

Opal Class - Nathan

For thinking hard; one example this week was when he used previously taught language in science to be able to answer the question what does the vore mean in carnivore.

Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 24th June

Onyx Class - Olivia

For being confident.

Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)

Year 2 are starting a unit on time in maths. We are going to focus on analogue time and reading quarter to and quarter past the hour. We will also be learning about statistics, finding information on tables and graphs. Questions about which is the most popular and least popular will be asked.

In writing we are writing a recount from personal experience. The children will be writing about something they have done with their family like a trip to the park, cinema or restaurant.

We are reading a chapter book, Fantastic Mr Fox. Your child will answer questions by retrieving, learning how to write an annotation, predict and summarise what they have read. 

In history we are finishing our learning about King Edmund. Ask your child to re-call facts about where he lived, how he died and how he is remembered. They should know a lot!

In science we are revisiting MRS GREN, the seven things all living things need in order to be alive. Your child should know a few of them or all of them!

Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing  Monday 17th June

Amber Class - Romina

For an amazing week of learning and putting in 100% effort.

Romina has worked hard to improve her listening skills this week and this has really paid off!

Well done Romina!

Aqua Class - Eeva

For being aspirational learning this week. You choose and spell with brilliant vocabulary in your writing.

Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 24th June

Amber Class - Georgia

For an amazing week of great behaviour and excellent listening. Well done Georgia!

Aqua Class - Dexter

For being a confident learner this week. He completes maths and challenges with amazing confidence.

Year 3 (Coral/Crystal Classes)

This week Coral and Crystal class have been working hard to finish reading the story of the Magician's Nephew. We designed medals for the charters from the story that we most admired. Why not ask us what happened to Strawberry the horse? 

In Design and Technology, we have been putting our engineering skills to the test by creating our own mechanisms with moving and fixed pivots. 

Over in Maths, we have been recognising, drawing, and creating 2D and 3D shapes. 

In our History lessons, we have continued to explore the fascinating topic of the Roman invasion of Britain and its impact on the lives of Celtic people during this time. Did you know that London once had an amphitheatre similar to the iconic Colosseum in Rome? Ask us what else the Romans built in Britain. 

In PSHE, we have taken the time to reflect on our experiences in year three, celebrating our achievements and growth over the past year. We will continue to look back on fond memories and think about how we can continue to improve and grow as we prepare to transition to year four.

Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing  Monday 17th June

Coral Class - Estere

For being a creative thinker in writing. She was able to create a conversation between two historical figures stating how they spoke, moving the story forward through what they said and using powerful verbs correctly. Well done, Estere!

Crystal Class - Aria

For showing confidence in her learning when contributing her own unique ideas and perspectives to group work and class discussions. Well done! Keep being amazing.

Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 24th June

Coral Class - Cora

For showing confidence in her ability to work through challenging problems and questions in maths.

Crystal Class - Toby

For showing confidence in his learning when contributing his own creative and ambitious ideas to class discussions.

Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)

Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing  Monday 17th June

Topaz Class - Chloe A

For demonstrating passionate learning through her excellent editing and neat writing within her analysis of the poem 'Jim'.

Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)

Over the last fortnight, the children in Year 5 have been continuing to work on their DT project to build a model of a Morrisio shelter that was used in the bombing raids in World War 2. To achieve this the children have learnt which is the best join to use as well as looking at the importance of triangles when building a structure. They discovered that sawing the wood was not easy especially if you are trying to make an effective mitre join. We sadly finished The Explorer but were pleased to find that it had a happy ending. All the children and the slough, Bacca, survived and the epilogue showed them 12 years later meeting in the Ritza. 

We have now started the story Five Children and It by E Nesbit (author of The Railway Children). The language is archaic as it was written in the early 1900 but it has an interesting storyline that includes a Psammead. The children are enjoying it and if we can find a copy of the 2014 film we will show it to them later in the term. 

FInally we are starting to study the Edo people, who lived in the City of Benin in Southern Nigeria in the 900s CE. We discovered that the first Kingdom of Benin

was called Igodomigodo. In the next few weeks we will be looking at how they lived and what they believed in. 

Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing  Monday 17th June

Emerald Class - Samuel

For being passionate about his learning in every lesson every day. He always thinks carefully about his answers and does his very best every day. Well done, Samuel!

Sapphire Class - Lennon

For constantly making connections throughout his learning this week. He is becoming a vocabulary expert. Well done Lennon. 

Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 24th June

Emerald Class - Portia

For being determined the past few weeks to try her best in every subject, go above and beyond in order to achieve the accommodation certificate and focus on herself. We are all very proud of her. Keep up the incredible work, you can do this!

Sapphire Class - Lyssia

For constantly making connections throughout her mathematics lessons this week. Lyssia has been a real star, explaining her thinking and helping others to see the reasoning behind the maths. Excellent week Lyssia.

Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)

Last week, Year 6 began working pairs to create their own theme park in Maths. They are putting their mathematical skills to the test by developing their problem solving skills, budgeting and working as a team. They are also creating an online presentation to promote their theme park.

We are looking forward to our Year 6 Residential to X Adventure on Wednesday 26th June. They will be tackling a range of challenging tasks including, raft building, archery, zip line and more exciting activities.

A final reminder that parents wishing to pay for our bowling trip on Monday 1st July, need to do so ASAP otherwise your child will not be able to attend.

Steps to Success Awards - Week commencing  Monday 17th June

Diamond Class - Nenyasha

For being a creative thinker this week. he has worked well this week with his partner to share ideas and create a Theme Park.

Quartz Class - Amia

For being a creative thinker this week. Amia has been very creative in her narrative writing. She has carefully thought out her ideas and used lovely description in her piece of work. Amia was also very helpful in organising the hurdles in PE this week.

Steps to Success Awards - Week Commencing Monday 24th June

Diamond Class

Imogen, Cameron, Ollie, Jack, Glory, Nenyasha, Mason, Caleb, Amelia, Nicola, Amia, Jake, Courtney, Ann

For being responsible citizens of Heartsease Primary Academy this week. They have helped lead PE and assisted in the classroom.

PE Steps to Success Award - Week commencing Monday 17th June

Archie of Garnet Class

For being determined citizen of Heartsease Primary Academy this week. he listened carefully to the javelin lessin, followed the instructions for the throwing technique and managed to get the longest throw in Year 4. Well done Archie!

Tommy of Ruby Class

For being a resilient citizen of Heartsease Primary Academy this week. he has impressed me this week with his running. Even though Tommy finds its difficult, he never gives up trying. he kept on running and ran all the way around our track. Good job Tommy!

Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary

Monday 1st July

Year 6 Hollywood Bowl trip

Tuesday 2nd July

KS2 Sports Day (AM) - See below timetable

Tuesday 2nd July

 KS1 Sports Day (PM) - See below timetable

Tuesday 2nd July

Nursery/Reception (Jade/Jasper), Year 3 (Crystal/Coral), Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz) - School Disco

Tuesday 2nd July

Friends Ice Pole Sale 12:15pm-12:55pm

Wednesday 3rd July

Moonstone / Ruby / Year 1 (Opal/Onyx) / Year 2 (Amber / Aqua) / Year 5 (Sapphire / Emerald), Year 6 (Diamond / Quartz) - School Disco

Wednesday 3rd July / Thursday 4th July

Year 6 Bikeability

Thursday 4th July

Year 5,  Thorpe St Andrew Olympic event

Friday 5th July

Reception (Jade/Jasper Classes) Time and Tide trip

Monday 8th July

Friends Meeting - Straight after school, meet in reception.

Monday 8th July / Tuesday 9th July

Year 5 Bikeability

Tuesday 9th July 

 Reception Transition - Session 3 - 1:30pm-2:45pm

Monday 15th July

Nursery Graduation - 2:00pm-3:00pm - School Hall

Friday 19th July 

 Year 6 Prom - 6pm-8:30pm

Friday 19th July

Last day of term

Wednesday 4th September

School reopens

Flyers / Leaflets

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