Heartsease Primary Academy Newsletter - 6th November 2023

joanne.rowley • November 10, 2023


Dear Parents and Carers, 

Attendance has increased this week to 93.9% which means that we are on track to achieve 96% attendance by the end of the academic year. 

Please remember that every day off school is a day of learning lost and this cannot be clawed back. We have a very full curriculum offer and "catching up" only puts your child under undue pressure. 

Our stance on raising standards is beginning to have a positive impact on behaviours that we are seeing in and around school. Behaviour events have almost halved since we introduced our clear expectations and sanctions which ensures the children can focus even more on their learning. 

We are now turning our attention to developing a rewards policy in school so that we can reward the children making the right choices and making progress in their learning. This will be shared with you in due course. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr N Campbell

Office update

Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system

We have had a number of children who don't have a lunch ordered. We request that meals are ordered before 9am each day or the whole term.

Due to there being a number of meal options to choose from, the kitchen staff need to have the numbers of each meal ordered in advance. With meals not being ordered this is causing an issue for the kitchen team.

Going forward if you do not order a meal for your child a phone call home will be made requesting a packed lunch to be brought in.

If you need help with setting up your account please visit the office so we can assist you.

Free School Meals

A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.

Monday 13th November - Odd Socks Day

Children are invited to come into school wearing odd socks on Monday 13th November to raise awareness of bullying, this is an awareness day only an no donation required.

Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!


Monday 13th November - Friday 17th November - Parents evenings - Details have now been added to MCAS for you to book an appointment to see the class teacher. Please note that these slots will close on MCAS on Monday 13th November at 10:30am so if you would like to book an appointment please do so before this time.

Friday 17th November - Second flu nasal session - For those children who were absent during the first visit.

Friday 17th November - Children in Need Day - Wear something Spotty! Donations of £1 can be made via MCAS as from Monday 13th November, Please go into 'products' and filter at the top 'fundraising'. Help us support this fantastic charity, thank you

Friday 8th December - Christmas Jumper Day.

Monday 11th December - KS1/Ruby Class Christmas performance - 2pm - parents/carers are invited to attend. Costumes will be provided by school however if you wish to purchase your own costume please feel free to do so.

Tuesday 12th December - KS1/Ruby Class Christmas performance - 9:30am - parents/carers are invited to attend. Costumes will be provided by school however if you wish to purchase your own costume please feel free to do so.

Tuesday 12th December - Reception Christmas performance (PM) - More details to follow.

Wednesday 13th December - KS2 After school carol concert - More details to follow.

Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term.

Car Park

We have noticed a large number of parent / carer cars coming into the car park at the start/end of the school day. Please note that the main school car park is not available to parents between 08:00am - 4:00pm. Only those parents / carers who have been issued parking permits are permitted to park in the school car park. Parking permits are issued on medical grounds only, if you feel you need a permit issued please visit the school office where we can provide you with a permit application form to complete, medical evidence would also be required. The form will then be given to the Head Teacher to look at for authorisation.

Tempest Photos

Have you ordered your school photos yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is Sunday 19th November. Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit www.tempest-orders.co.uk 

If you need any assistance in ordering your photos, feel free to contact Tempest on 01736 751555 (option 3).


Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning to school.

Weekly class updates


This week we have talked about bonfire night and fireworks. We watched a short film of a fireworks display to music then we all used felt tip pens to make our own firework display on a long piece of paper on the floor. We made fireworks using cardboard tubes and sparklers with sticks and tissue paper. We have also learned about Diwali, the Hindu Festival of light. We had a story about their different traditions. Some of us made rangoli patterns and diya lamps. We all had a go at some special Diwali dancing.


This week Moonstone has been learning about Bonfire night as part of our Celebrations topic. We have talked about our own experiences of fireworks and created some fantastic beautiful art work using colour, movement and sparkles! We have listened to music and moved our bodies like fireworks swirling, exploding and falling in the sky.

Ruby Class

This week, Ruby class learnt about Diwali and compared it to bonfire night and other familiar celebrations. We made coconut ice, and tasted samosas. In English, we learnt the Diwali story of Rama and Sita, and retold it in our own words. In maths, we compared and measured lengths in cm. We made a map of the shops we visited on our walk and labelled the shops, then ranked some shops in order of importance. We drew a map of Rosie's Walk.

Reception - Jasper/Jade Classes

This week the children have been looking at adding one more to a number . They have been practising telling real life stories with given stem sentence starts. They are developing a deep understanding of number to 10. Our focus book has been 'Pumpkin Soup'. The children have enjoyed making many different 'soups' using a variety of ingredients and retelling the story to each other. They have pretended to be the three main characters in the story and have acted out the story in the home corners and outside. We have been learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali and making Rangoli patterns, lanterns and lamps. 

Year 1 - Onyx / Opal Classes

This week we have been practicing nativity songs and told the children what their role is in the play. We have been learning how to plan a story and learning about 2D and 3D shapes. In science we learnt about wild plants and where they grow.

Year 2 - Aqua / Amber classes

In science we are learning how animals change as they mature. For example, frogs change from tadpoles and human babies mature to toddlers, children, teenagers and then adults.

In geography we are comparing Kenya to England using this vocabulary: country, continent, coast, capital city.

In maths we are subtracting and finding more and less.

In English we have started reading Paddington Bear and will also be writing sentences. We have started to join our letters in handwriting.

Year 3 - Coral / Crystal classes

Year Three have continued to investigate, 'Can you make a box from fabric?' This week has seen us make cardboard template boxes covered in fabric - our quest to make a purely fabric box, though, continues. In science, we learnt about the different functions of the skeleton: it protects, supports and helps us move: as us what we would be without a skeleton! In maths, our mission is to fully understand and use methods for adding and subtracting. Finally, in reading we have been looking at different texts including what a fictional court transcript would look like. It's a little but like a playscript!

Year 4 - Topaz / Garnet class

Year 4,  I have had an interesting week in English, learning how to critically analyse two of C.S. Lewis' poems, thinking about what devices the author uses and why. In Maths, we've finished our unit on addition and subtraction and have moved on to learning how to calculate the area of a shape. We've been resuming our journey with the Saxons this week, learning about the kingdoms they formed and the dangers of being a king during this period. In Art, year 4 have been looking at a type of Ghanaian textile called kente cloth. They were attempting to replicate its patterns and colours using tie-dye techniques.

Year 5 - Emerald / Sapphire classes

This week has seen Year 5 start the week by relaxing with yoga in their PE lessons along with gymnastics. In Design and Technology, they have been revisiting the properties of different materials to identify those best to make a reflective band. Within writing lessons the children are continuing to explore the elements needed to write a myth in the first person. This week Year 5 has been looking at the tale of Hercules' fifth task which sees him clearing out a stables but not just any old stables. It actually takes two rivers to get it clean! One grammar element they have been developing is the use of relative clauses. Finally, the focus in mathematics has moved to fractions, especially equivalent fractions. Remember what you do to the denominator, you need to do to the numerator. In this unit the children will also be pulling on their understanding of multiplication and division. 

Year 6 - Diamond / Quartz classes

Year 6 have worked so hard this week learning how to add and subtract mixed numbers. It has been a real challenge and we are so proud of their determination.

We have written poems in English, improving and editing them with figurative language.

In both Reading and Science we have learnt more about the Circulatory system, including what squeamish means.

We have come to the end of our first Computing Unit: Computing systems and networks – Communication and collaboration. Their exit tickets showed how much they have learnt.

Mr Bonner and I are looking forward to seeing you all at Parents’ Evening appointments next week.

Bees Knees Awards

  • Ruby Class - Logan - For regularly writing independently and at length.
  • Jade Class - Daisy - Daisy made up real life stories, to the whole class, to demonstrate her understanding of adding one more using the maths stem sentence starts independently. Well done Daisy.
  • Onyx Class - Nefeli - For settling into her new school with such confidence, curiosity and creativity. 
  • Opal Class - Ava - For being helpful in the classroom and towards her class mates.
  • Aqua Class - Dexter - For quick re-call of the three times table.
  • Amber Class - Ezra - For a huge improvement in his concentration skills and impressing me in Maths.
  • Coral Class - Jasmine - Jasmine is truly a curious learner and always makes sure that she understands the information and connects it to her prior knowledge. She works hard to recognise root words and increase her vocabulary which is helping her learning across all subjects. Well done, Jasmine! 
  • Topaz Class - Arya - Her participation and enthusiasm, in every lesson, has been wonderful to see. Brilliant!
  • Garnet Class - Sevasti - For being able to adapt fantastically well to a new environment, hitting the ground running and showing how good of a worker you are! 
  • Emerald Class - Lexi - For working extremely hard on beautiful presentation in both her Art and DT book (keep it up in all subjects). You've also shown great determination during Maths this week, and learnt it's great to be 'challenged'.
  • Sapphire Class - Evie-Jayne - For her growing confidence in answering questions in class especially those relating to mathematics. Well done Evie. 
  • Diamond Class - Isabella - She has tried so hard this week in every subject and really focussed on improving her work. Well done!

Flyers / Leaflets

Children are invited to come into school wearing Spotty clothing, £1 donation can be made via MCAS, please see 'dates for the diary' section above for more information.

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