Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been an excellent full week back at school with the children engaging fully in their lessons.
The Attitudes to learning policy has been launched and is in full effect and can be found here . One of the small changes that has been introduced is that of "Fantastic Walking". This has already made a significant impact on the transitions around the school. Walking to break/lunch walking back to class and into assembly.
You will also see on page 4 of the policy, the children who are achieving commendations at the end of each day can store these up and once they get to 50 they will receive a star that they can wear on their tie or polo shirt. This is another way to celebrate children who are making excellent choices in school.
On page 9 you will also see that if children are going to receive an Attitudes to Learning Certificate (the old Bees Knees) then we are inviting parents/carers in on a Friday afternoon to join in the celebration.
We have also been joined this week by colleagues from the Unity School Partnership to review different curriculum elements to ensure that every moment available for learning is maximised.
The children have done so well and I am excited to see what we can celebrate over the coming weeks.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Kind regards
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
Car parking permits
Those who have been issued with car parking permits, please note that due to the school day finishing at 3:20pm, access to the car park is not permitted until 3:10pm, access in the morning is from 8:20am-8:50am.
Only those who have permits should be entering the school grounds.
Uniform orders
When ordering uniform, we will send you an email via MCAS once the order is ready to collect from the school office.
Pedestrian Gate
The pedestrian gate at the bottom of the school ground will be closed during school hours. To enter the school grounds please press the intercom to speak to a member of the reception team.
Please can we ask that on entering/exiting the school grounds that the gate is kept closed.
Thank you
Fortnightly class updates and achievements
W/C 9th September
All the children have made a great start to the year. It has been great to see familiar faces and to welcome new children to our nursery. All the children are beginning to settle and learn the new routines. This week we have been learning all about the nursery and the different areas and what happens there. They have been playing a game where they have to identify the area from a photograph. Some children have been exploring the woods in Forest School.
Ruby Class
This week, Ruby class continued reading Katie in London. Katie visited St Paul's Cathedral, The Tower of London and the London Eye, so our writing was based on those landmarks. In Maths, we continued working on place value or counting. In Science, we looked at the material used to make different objects and thought about why they were a good choice of material - you wouldn't make a window out of wood. In Geography, we revisited the names of the 4 countries of the UK and learnt the names of their capital cities. We went into the forest and made sure everyone knew / remembered the rules for staying safe in the forest. In Art, we explored 'drawing with paint,' including stippling, on different textures of paper.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 9th September
Sidney and Riley
For teamwork, persevering on a really challenging 3D puzzle.
Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)
Reception children have settled in brilliantly. They will be doing full days as of next week and forest school and pe will also be starting.
Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)
Welcome back to all the children. Over the past 8 days we made pictures of ourselves for the steps to success and have moved up the steps when we have had positive attitudes to learning, showing; team work, kindness, respect and achievement.
In English we have started a new book, Beegu and have made predictions by looking for clues in the text and pictures. In maths we have timed ourselves to measure length and height; we measured all sorts of objects within the classroom within 2 minutes. In science we look closely at patterns and similarities in natural materials.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 9th September
Onyx Class
For her fantastic achievements to her work this week, well done Lucy
Opal Class
For showing kindness and respect to all children.
Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)
What a great start to the new school year for both classes. The children have settled really well into the school routine and have already shown their determination to do their best in all lessons. We have been enjoying reading Grandad's Island by Benji Davies, practising both our retrieving and inferring skills.
Our first science lesson was all about observing. The children used magnifying glasses to look carefully at various objects and then used their acquired skills and scientific language to observe objects in nature in our school garden area.
Our geography lesson looked at human features in the environment, with the children enjoying completing a Tally chart on features they could see from the school grounds. Well done to those children who have already read at home, expectations are that all will read three times per week out of school. Please remember to sign your child's reading diary.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 9th September
Amber Class
For her fantastic achievement in all lessons.
Aqua Class
For braving the wind in our outdoor geography lesson, way to go Jay!
Year 3 (Coral / Crystal Classes)
Year Three have had an excellent start to the year. Firstly, we began reading Greta and the Giants - ask us why this is an important story for us to think about. Through this book, we have been reading biographies and developing a character profile of the real-life Greta who inspired the book. In maths, we have been increasing our understanding of Place Value and reading, writing and knowing the value of each digit in numbers up to 999. Do check in with us on reading numbers like 723 as some of us are finding it really tricky and would like to practise with you. In history, we began to study the Stone Age and learnt that there were three sections: Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. I wonder if we can tell you what each of those words actually means (clue lithic means stone!) In computing we began to recognise how digital devices turn inputs into outputs through processes.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 9th September
Coral Class
For his amazing teamwork, caring for his learning and the learning of everyone around him. He chose to tidy areas of the classroom so that everyone could enjoy their golden time.
Crystal Class
For his amazing achievement when applying mathematical concepts independently and during group work. Keep being an amazing mathematician.
Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)
It's been a full on start to the brand new school year for the new year 4, but it's been a successful one! We've all hit the ground running with our brand new 'TRAK' core values, taking to it like they were always there. Alongside this, we have all been working hard with our learning, with the new year 4's adapting well to this year's curriculum. I'm sure we'll continue to excel all throughout the term.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 9th September
Garnet Class
For being respectful to the classroom as she is always the first to tidy up, going the extra mile without even being asked!
Topaz Class
She is always trying her best in class, and is always well organised and prepared for the next lesson.
Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)
A fresh start to a whole new academic year. What a start it has been with the new Year 5s working hard to up their game as they enter their penultimate year at Heartsease.
So what have the children been studying? In English, we are looking at how to write a formal lesson. Within this they children are thinking about using persuasive language as well as writing in the first person Mathematics has started with reviewing place value as well as practicing addition and subtraction in our arithmetic drill lessons.
The Ancient Greeks are the period of time that we will be studying in History with the first lesson looking at the terms century and decade. Finally in science this week looked at the properties of a material as well as revisiting gasses, solids and liquids.
Finally, please check the Google Classroom where you will find the up to date timetable. PE is on Monday and at the moment the year group is not swimming. Google Classroom is a great way of seeing what the children in Year 5 are doing as all our planning is put on there daily.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 9th September
Emerald Class
For showing real commitment to achieving all of the goals that we have set him. We could not be prouder! Keep it going!
Sapphire Class
He has tried hard and has put a huge amount of effort into his work. A brilliant beginning to Year 5.
Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)
Year 6 have had an amazing start to the year. They have settled in well.
We have been working on our presentation skills across all subjects.
For Reading, we have started our class text, Rooftoppers.
Our first Writing unit of the year is Autobiographies.
In Maths, Year 6 are learning about Place Value to 10 million, as well as completing weekly Arithmetic Quizzes.
Children will be receiving Spelling homework every three days, to be completed and brought in the next day.
A reminder for children to come into school in their PE kit every Friday, Quartz are swimming on Friday's and need to bring swimming kit as well.
Reading records will be sent home with their child this week. Children will need to read three times a week and for parents to sign their reading record. This should be brought into school every Monday.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 9th September
Diamond Class
For her amazing achievement this week. Laila has done her best in every single lesson. Well done!
Quartz Class
For showing Kindness to others. Tia has settled really well into Year 6 and has shown wonderful kindness to others around her. Tia has helped several of the children in our class by working as a supportive learning partner. She makes sure that they are getting used to the routines in Year 6.
PE Update
EYFS, Y1,Y2,Y3 and Y4 are learning ball skills, control, different movements with the ball, different throws, tracking and receiving a ball and attacking and defending.
Y5-football skills and respectful play
Y6-Dodgeball, game play and rules
PE Star
Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary
Parents Evenings
W/C 30th September 2024 - Parents Evening-Settling in
W/C 3rd March 2025- Year 6 End of Year
W/C 23rd June 2025 - Reception to Year 5
Thursday 14th November & Friday 15th November 2024 - Disco
Wednesday 11th December 2024- Christmas Lunch
Friday 13th December 2024 - Christmas Jumper Day
Friday 13th December - Christmas Fayre 3.30-6.30pm
Friday 13th December 2024 - Christmas Fayre 3.30-6.30pm
W/C 16th December 2024 - Festive performances
Thursday 19th December 2024 - KS2 Christmas Performance
Thursday 6th March & Friday 7th March 2025 - Disco
Tuesday 1st July & Wednesday 2nd July 2025- Disco
Thursday 10th July 2025 - Nursery Graduation
Thursday 17th July 2025 - Year 6 Prom
Friday 18th July 2025 - Year 6 Leavers Assembly
School Photos
Thursday 26th September 2024 - individual pupils
Monday 21st October 2024 - Siblings
Thursday 6th March 2025 - Class Photos
Tuesday 1st October 2024 - Flu Vaccinations for Rec to Yr6
Tuesday 15th October 2024 - Nursing Team Reception & Year 6 Height/Weight
Friday 13th December 2024 - Flu Vaccinations catch up
Reception transition 2025
W/C 7th October 2024- Reception Sept 2025 - Book tours
Thursday 10th October 2024 - New Reception parents Sept 2025- Open Evening 5-6pm
W/C 16th June - Pupil Reports to go out
Inset day - School closed
Friday 27th June - Inset Day -School Closed to Pupils
Flyers / Leaflets