Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to thank you for a great 1/2 term and start to 2025.
This term has seen the launch of our Sunstone room, improvements in attendance and accelerated learning in the classrooms.
The children have undertaken a variety of assessments, and this is showing that the children are making excellent progress.
In Jade and Jasper classes we have begun to roll out our new phonics scheme Sounds Write which is really going to help the children become fluent readers as they progress through the school.
I hope that you all have a great 1/2 term, check out our Facebook page for “free things to do” in the half term as well.
Thank you again for your continued support.
Kind regards
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.

If an order is not placed for your child we will not be able to offer them a choice on the day, they will be given tomato pasta.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
Car Parking Permits
Following on from the last Newsletter all parking permits have been reviewed and all Parents/Carers who have permits have been contacted. To help us keep the car park as safe as possible for the children and adults please can we ask again to not enter the car park at the start and the end of the school day unless you have been issued with a permit. If you do have a permit please display this clearly in the windscreen of your vehicle
Thank you for your support.
Fortnightly class updates and achievements
The nursery children have had a busy couple of weeks.
Last week the younger children had a week learning about different forms of transport. They listened to the book Choo Choo Clickety-Clack! Each day they learned about different groups of transport - on tracks, on roads, in the air and on water. They drove toy cars and trucks through paint and then on paper to see the different marks they made. They used shapes to make their own transport picture. The children were also encouraged to try and draw their own bus using vertical and horizontal lines and circles.
This week they have been learning about some different inventors. Following on from last week they learned about George Stephenson, who built the first steam engine to take passengers. It was called Locomotion No1. The children had to sort pictures of different transport into old and new. They also learned a little about Hedy Lamarr, who was not only an actress, but was also an inventor. She thought of some ideas which led to us having Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in our homes!
The older children have continued with reading some traditional tales. Last week they read Little Red Riding Hood. They acted out the story, pretending to be both Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf. The story led us to talk about strangers and trusted adults. We talked about how we could trust people in our family to help us. In school we thought about teachers and teaching assistants and anyone wearing an ID badge. Outside, if we needed help, we learned to look for people in a uniform with a name badge.
This week we read The Big Pancake. The children ordered pictures of the story and discussed the different characters.
On Tuesday this week all the children learned about how to stay safe online, as part of Safer Internet Day. We talked about the fact that people we do not know use the internet. They are strangers and we know some strangers are nice, but some strangers are mean so we decided we should only go on-line when we are with a trusted adult.
We hope everyone enjoys their holiday next week.
Ruby Class
Week commencing 3rd February
This week, we read and wrote about an Anansi story in English. In Maths, Reception worked on doubling numbers; Year 1 learnt to recognise ½ of a shape; Year 2 revised ½ and ¼ and learnt to recognise 1/3 of a shape. In music, we changed the volume of the ostinatos we were playing. In design and technology, we experimented with putting different numbers of axles in different locations on a chassis, and tested different sized wheels. In outdoor learning, we searched for 2D and 3D shapes. In PSHE, we considered how to respond in different situations - say yes, no, I'll ask, or I'll tell. Because Anansi stories originated in Ghana, we looked at the weather in Accra and said 'Welcome' in Twi (Akwaaba).
Week commencing 10th February
This week, we read and wrote about another Anansi story in English. In Maths, Reception worked on odd and even numbers; Year 1 learnt to recognise ¼ of a shape; Year 2 learnt to recognise 2/4, 3/4, and 2/3 of a shape. In music, we created and performed ostinatos. In design and technology, we designed and made our own vehicles. In outdoor learning, we made 2D and 3D shapes. In PSHE, we considered what is fun or not e.g. being tickled, and how to say 'no' to unwanted touch.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 3rd February
For achievement, working hard on speech, phonics and reading.
Week commencing - Monday 10th February
For achievement in his own maths and Key Stage 1 maths.
Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)
Reception have been busy creating lots of Art work this week in readiness for their big gallery opening on the 26th of February.
Last week we looked at the story Chicken Clicking and learnt about the dangers of using the internet and how to stay safe online.
Art Gallery - Wednesday 26th February - 2:45pm
We would like to invite you to our Art Gallery afternoon on the 26th of February at 2.45pm. You will come to the school office and sign in and then come and collect your child from the studio to start your gallery tour. Once the tour is complete you are welcome to take the children via the school office but they will need signing out please. RSVP via classdojo.
Thank you.
Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)
English we have been independently composing sentences around themes within the core texts Celebrations and Mrs Noah's garden with great success!
In Geography we have learnt who David Attenborough is and what he has achieved. In Geography we have learnt about the Equator and how this affects the planet in terms of climate. We have built with bread, experimenting whether it is easier with bread or toast using lemon 'concrete' we made.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 3rd February
Onyx Class
For his hard working attitude to learning.
Opal Class
For working very hard, thinking hard and applying herself to every task this week. She has achieved in all subjects.
Week commencing Monday 10th February
Onyx Class
For always showing kindness to people around her, thinking of her friends and helping others.
Opal Class
For Kindness. He has been helping others even when they are not asking for it showing empathy and being thoughtful towards those around him.
Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)
Week commencing 3rd February
In math we finished Unit 7 on multiplication and division which focused on recalling and using multiplication and division facts for the 2,5 and 10 times tables, including recognizing even and odd numbers. In English we learned the skills needed to write an invitation. In science we were looking at how absorbent materials are and carried out various experiments testing out the absorbency of different types of paper. In our Geography lesson we thought about the question, how different and similar are Nairobi and London. The class learned about the architect Dame Zara Hadid. They then built and tested structures made out of paper.
Week commencing 10th February
In math we started a new unit which builds on the children's knowledge of equal groups. There was an introduction to specific key language, such as numerator and denominator. There was a focus on halves, finding fractions of a shapes and an amount. The class wrote a formal invitation to a Teddy Bear picnic. We then invited all the teddies into school for the picnic!In science we looked at waterproofing and experimented with wax crayons and candle wax. In ICT we completed our final lesson on internet safety
What a busy half term, the children have all worked hard and we have had lots of fun learning. Enjoy your break and we really look forward to seeing you all in a week.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 3rd February
Amber Class
Skye has been engaged in her learning and has been trying her best. She showed good rhythm and pulse in our music lesson. Well done.
Aqua Class
For great participation in her new Prosidy lesson. She found answers with fast fingers, explored vocabulary and read with choral reading. "This is fun," Roxana exclaimed.
Week commencing - Monday 10th February
Amber Class
For always fully engaging with his learning. He wrote an excellent invitation to the Teddy Bear Picnic, making sure to include the ‘Ingredients for Success’.
Aqua Class
For achievement, she can now read 39/40 phonic special friends. Fantastic progress Isla-Rose!
Year 3 (Coral / Crystal Classes)
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 3rd February
Coral Class
For consistently working hard across all lessons this week, demonstrating skill and enthusiasm.
Crystal Class
For her achievement working independently in maths.
Week commencing - Monday 10th February
Coral Class
Coral Class are proud of Mia because she has returned to school with such a positive attitude to her learning. It’s been really tough for her but she is being resilient and working hard. Also, she is already making progress in her daily work. Well done, Mia!
Crystal Class
For her outstanding achievement in maths this week. She has developed and shown confidence when multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Keep being an amazing mathematician!!
Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)
It's been another good fortnight for year 4 as we have wrapped up our writing unit our cultural story about a disaster which occurred on bonfire night. In reading, we are coming to a close on our core text Varjack Paw. We're all excited to discover the truth behind the mysterious vanishings. In maths we have been learning all about perimeter and how we can work it out using only one side! In geography we learned about longitude and how it can be used for navigation. We also had our block of testing, which allows us teachers to see where our children are and therefore how we can help them. The children put in a fantastic effort so well done to them!
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 3rd February
Garnet Class
For making fabulous progress with his reading in the last term, scoring higher than he ever has!
Topaz Class
William’s enthusiastic participation and eagerness to learn this week has been lovely to see. He has shown some great independent editing skills which have really improved his writing.
Week commencing - Monday 10th February
Garnet Class
For demonstrating constantly his confidence in maths, showing the ability to grasp concepts and utilise them well within the lesson.
Topaz Class
Amelia C
Amelia has demonstrated wonderful confidence in her work this week. She has also shown attentive listening skills and active participation in class discussions. Amelia has consistently tried her best, showcasing her dedication to her learning. Brilliant!
Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)
What a whirlwind of a half term. In Year 5 we have been non-stop busy! Last week every child sat tests that help us understand what we need to do next to support your child in our classes. Everyone put in 100% effort, and we couldn't have been prouder of the year group. We have just finished our work with multiplication and division and have now moved onto fractions and multiplying them! We are also closing out our synopsis of A Midsummer Nights' Dream. I hope you all have a restful week, and we look forward to seeing you when you return!
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 3rd February
Emerald Class
Throughout the week he has worked hard to achieve in our lessons. Well done and keep it up!
Sapphire Class
Sapphire class are proud of Finlay for his excellent performance of Oberon, King of the Fairies during the class rendition of the Shakespeare story, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Well Done!
Week commencing - Monday 10th February
Emerald Class
Throughout the week she has shown real determination to succeed in all subjects.
Sapphire Class
Well done on your first week at the school. You have settled in very well and are already demonstrating excellent work, focus and listening. Joining in during class discussions and making friends.
Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)
Week commencing 3rd February
Diamond class had an excellent week with Into University. They learnt about a number of Historians that were influential to the history of Norwich. On Wednesday, we attended the Museum of Norwich at Bridewell, where we were shown how Norwich has been shaped over time and on Friday, Quartz class went to the University of East Anglia, for a tour of the site, to show them what they can learn at university and we finished off the day with all children, in their groups, delivering a presentation on their chosen person of history related to Norwich.
Quartz class continued writing their third person narratives related to escaping a volcanic eruption in Pompeii. They have worked hard to include description, action and dialogue to their piece of writing to build tension and excitement.
Week commencing 10th February
This week, we finished our current class text, All Aboard the Empire Windrush. In this text, we learnt about the journey of many immigrants, who travelled from the Caribbean shortly after WW2, to setup life in Britain. We will be starting our new class text, The Island, after half-term. Both classes are continuing have finished with their third person narrative based on Escape from Pompeii and are now learning about Explanatory Texts. In Maths, we are continuing with percentages, and how they compare with both fractions and decimals. Year 6 have also been learning about pulley systems in DT. They created their own from bottles and cereal boxes and will be bringing these home. A reminder that Diamond class will be swimming on Fridays after half-term.
Our next set of Mock SATs will take place on the w.b. 3rd March, which is the second week back. Like the last set of mock SATs, breakfast will be available Monday-Thursday when the children come into school, followed by yoga with Mrs Marrison.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 3rd February
Diamond Class
Ruby, Poppy, Laila, Jenson, Roxie
For their amazing teamwork this week during their Into University activities and trips. Well done.
Quartz Class
For her achievements in class this week. Ariana has been working well in writing her third person narrative. Ariana has included a wide range of descriptive devices to engage the reader. She has also edited well throughout the week, making a conscious effort to include a range of multiclause sentences for description and effect, helping to further improve her piece of writing.
Week commencing - Monday 10th February
Diamond Class
For her amazing achievement in maths this week. She has answered some tricky questions and joined in the class discussions. Well done!
Quartz Class
For her achievements in class this week. Lyssia has been working hard and has shown more confidence in her own work and in answering questions as well. Lyssia has shown excellent engagement in Maths, which has helped her improve her knowledge on fractions and percentages.
PE Star
Week commencing Monday 10th February
Natalia - Amber Class
Natalia showed resilience and persistence in her fitness lesson this week. She demonstrated brilliant agility in her jumping and hopping through the ladder.
Well done!
Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary
Friday 14th February
Last day of Term.
Monday - 17th February - Friday 21st February
Half Term Week.
Monday 24th February
School reopens to Pupils.
Flyers / Leaflets