Heartsease Primary Academy Newsletter - 7th March 2025

joanne.rowley • March 7, 2025


Dear Parents and Carers, 

It has been an excellent few weeks and attendance continues to rise at school. 

By way of an update, I want to thank the parents who have volunteered to support with the policing of the car park at the end of the school day to ensure that the children are kept safe. We will be in touch shortly to share our car park management strategies and if you would like to volunteer to support then there is still time. 

The safety and welfare of the children is our primary concern and to support a smooth pick up process. Please watch the video on our Facebook page so that on Monday at 3:20pm we have a smooth and orderly dismissal. 

Thank you again for all your support 

Kind regards

Mr N Campbell

Office update

Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system

If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.

If an order is not placed for your child we will not be able to offer them a choice on the day, they will be given tomato pasta.

Free School Meals

A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.


Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning to school.

Collecting your child at the end of the school day - New System

New system for pick up at the end of the school day starting Monday 10th March.

If you have a child in Year 1-6 and Reception or Nursery, please collect the older child first then collect the child from Reception and Nursery.

Please view the below link:-


Parents Evening

Parents evening will be held the week commencing Monday 17th March, all dates/times for each class are live on MCAS for appointments to be booked.

If you are not able to attend the listed appointments please speak directly to the class teacher regarding arranging an alternative appointment.

Car Park Volunteers

As you are aware we are trying to improve vehicle congestion within school grounds at the beginning / end of the school day.

All permits have been reviewed and new permits have been issued to only those who are allowed to park within school grounds.

After monitoring the car park, it has been noted that there are still a large number of vehicles entering the car park that do not have permits.

The car park has become unsafe for our children and adults so therefore we are appealing for your help to set up a group of volunteers who would be willing to help monitor the car park particularly at the end of the school day.

If this is something that you would be interested in please either contact the office (office@heartseaseprimary.org.uk) or come in and see us.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Cycling on school grounds

A polite reminder that cycles / scooters should be dismounted when entering school grounds.

Thank you.

School Woods

Please can we remind Parents/Carers that children should not be entering the school woods at the end of the school day, this area is used as an outside classroom and is not a play area.

Thank you.

Fortnightly class updates and achievements


Since returning from the half term holiday the children have been learning about the season of Spring. 

The younger children listened to the story 'Hello Spring' and are beginning to learn about some of the signs of spring and the different sorts of weather they may experience. They talked again about different emotions and how we could recognise if people were happy, sad or worried by looking at the expression on their faces,

The older children learned about all the seasons, especially spring, from the point of view of a tree. The children enjoyed watching how the tree changed over the year. They liked looking for the different animals who lived and played in the tree. They listened to the story 'Seasons come, seasons go: Tree'. The book is written in rhyme. The children have learned what rhyme means - sounding the same at the ends of words and have been trying to identify different rhyming words.

Ruby Class

Week commencing 24th February

This week, we read and wrote about a book called "Mama Panya's Pancakes." It is set in a Kenyan village, so we sang 'hello' in Swahili (Jambo) and looked at the weather in Nairobi. We discovered that the weather does not change much because Kenya is on the equator. In Geography, we began to learn about Kenya, and compared its size with other countries. In DT, we made and tasted pancakes, learning the origin of the ingredients (milk from a cow etc). In RE, we learnt the Jewish / Christian creation story and compared it with one from the Yaruba tribe in Benin. In PSHE, we thought about how to stay safe with medicines. In story time, we enjoyed the story "Mr Wolf's Pancakes." In Maths, Key Stag 1 started reading the time on clocks; Reception compared amounts.

Week commencing 3rd March

This week, we began reading and writing the story "Pretty Salma." In Geography, we learnt the physical and human features of Kenya. In DT, we began designing African masks, looking at pictures of real ones to inspire us. We went to the Sainsbury Centre for an art / dance workshop, using animal masks, and explored other African art. On Thursday, we celebrated World Book day and enjoyed the school disco. In Maths, Key Stage 1 continued learning to tell the time; Reception explored the composition of number e.g. how many ways can you make 5?

Attitudes to Learning Award

 Week commencing - Monday 24th February


For achievement in English – she is much more confident with independent writing now.

 Week commencing - Monday 3rd March

All of Ruby Class for showing respect by listening to Abby as she showed us the sculptures and lead us in our dancing, during our Sainsbury Centre trip.

Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)

In reception we have looked at the books 'The Wonder' by Faye Hanson and 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' by Jan Fearnley. We had a very successful 'Art gallery' day, thank you to all who attended and enjoyed making pancakes this week. 

Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)

Last week we immersed ourselves in how to look after our planet through the core text Clean Up! This we have used expression when re telling the core text through music and vocabulary; applying rich language into writing sentences. In Geography we have learnt about the North and South Pole. In History we have learnt future about David Attenborough and what he has done. In Design and Technology we learnt how to thread a needle and make a stitch on fabric. 

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 24th February

Onyx Class


For always having an aspirational attitude to learning.

Week commencing Monday 3rd March

Onyx Class


For his achievement within reading this week, focusing his attention and reading with precision.

Opal Class


For showing commitment to achieve in all writing lessons this week; improving her writing by responding to support and advice.

Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)

In math over the last couple of weeks the children have been learning about fractions. The unit built on the children's knowledge of sharing and grouping in division, asking them to divide a whole into equal parts and that those parts have given names. In English the children wrote a story which was set in Scotland.. It included cultural details that showed an understanding of Scotland. In Geography the focus was learning about the Brazilian rainforest. History focused on the notable historical buildings in Norwich.In science we revisited everyday materials . We also compared objects that are alive, are not alive now and have never been alive. In Design Technology we started a new Block on Mechanisms. The question needing to be answered is, 'Are bigger wheels always better?' The children learned how wheels an axles worked together and built their own moving vehicles.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 24th February

Amber Class


for her amazing teamwork when investigating and making vehicles with axles.

Well done , keep it up!

Aqua Class

Mila G

For growing confidence with division. "I can do this by myself!" you said proudly.

Week commencing - Monday 3rd March

Amber Class


For being really engaged with his learning this week. He worked carefully on his non-with enthusiasm and care to find one quarter of shapes and numbers, moving on to identifying three quarters independently, using mathematical language.

Well done and keep it up!

Aqua Class


For sharing her ideas and comments with confidence to her classmates.

Year 3 (Coral / Crystal Classes)

Year three have been working really hard on their formal writing styles; writing a non chronological report on Norfolk and the main cities and towns within the county. In DT, we have been learning about different types of motion and understand how levers and linkages are used everyday. We have made our own catapults and have designed our own toy!

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 24th February

Coral Class


She has excelled in reading, writing and maths. She is continually making good progress because she is diligent and focussed in every lesson. She should be very proud of herself. Well done, Jessica!

Crystal Class


For his teamwork during group and paired work. He always works collaboratively with others in the class, sharing his ideas and opinions in a way that supports others. Keep being a great team player.

Week commencing - Monday 3rd March

Coral Class


Coral Class are proud of Aurora because she has excelled in reading this week. She read with prosody and answered questions clearly with examples from the text. She used inference to work out the meaning of what was being said and read up, down and around to work out the meaning of unknown words. Well done, Aurora!

Crystal Class


She always perseveres with what is asked of her, even when it is difficult and is always eager to help.

Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)

In English, we have finished writing our persuasive adverts and have started our next topic on explanatory texts. In reading, we are continuing to read our core text 'the boy at the back of the class'. The children are really enjoying the text which has quite a few similarities that they can relate to. In maths we completed reviews of certain areas of fractions and have started our Power Maths version. In history, we explored what life was like for the Vikings, and in Geography, we will be learning about what times zones are and how they affect us. In art, we started our 3D collage unit and have produced wonderful sculptures with wire and tissue paper to demonstrate movement. In spelling, we have been focusing on homophones and near homophones.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 24th February

Garnet Class


He has really worked hard with his reading. It’s fantastic hearing his enthusiastic and expression when reading aloud.

Topaz Class


He has shown remarkable progress in settling into his new surroundings. He has adapted brilliantly to the routines and expectations of the classroom. His ability to adjust to new situations is commendable and reflects his resilience and positive attitude towards learning. Well done!

Week commencing - Monday 3rd March

Garnet Class


This is for her consistently impeccable presentation in every subject. Its always a joy looking through her books at the end of the day.

Topaz Class


Alan has demonstrated wonderful engagement, participation and focus this week. He has shown a great determination in all subjects and has really tried his best across the board. I was particularly impressed with his work on fractions with mixed numbers.

Well done!

Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)

Time flies when we are having fun. 2 weeks in already and the excellent work has been non-stop. We have looked formal writing in English and are in the process of writing a formal letter to try and get investors interested in our products. In maths we are currently ensuring our knowledge of multiplication and division is secure so that we have strong foundations going into Year 6. In the afternoons we have been searching the skies in Science and discovering more about our Solar System. Keep on going Year 5!

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 24th February

Emerald Class 


Throughout the week she has been engaged with all our learning showing a real desire to achieve. 

Sapphire Class


For excellent input during reading lessons this week. Outstanding infer and understanding of implicit language used.

Week commencing - Monday 3rd March

Emerald Class 


Throughout the week he has worked well in all his lessons showing excellent determination and a willingness to to achieve. 

Sapphire Class


Sapphire class are proud of Findlay as he is always showing kindness, well mannered and hard working. Always on task, active listening and a positive role model.

Well done and keep up all the great work.

Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)

Week commencing 24th February

Year 6 have been working in Writing on their second explanatory text. They are planning and writing a detailed explanation on earthquakes.

In Maths, we have continued our work in both adding and subtracting decimals with different decimal places.

We started a new text called The Island. The book focuses on prejudice. This is our class text for the next two weeks.

A reminder that Diamond are now swimming on a Friday afternoon.

Week commencing 3rd March

Year 6 have completed the final set of mock SATs. They have started every morning with breakfast in the hall, followed by Yoga with Mrs Marrison. 

We have continued writing up our explanatory texts and editing them this week.

For World Book Day on Thursday, Year 6 read a book called The Journey by Francesca Sanna. This focuses on refugees, and their struggles when travelling from a war-torn country to safety. We then created artwork based on the illustrations from the book or their favourite book.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 24th February

Diamond Class


For her amazing achievement this week. She has worked so hard to settle in to Diamond Class and has been doing her best in every subject. Well Done!

Quartz Class

Moh A

For his work in Writing this week. Moh has worked well in planning his explanatory text on earthquakes, researching important facts and information, and has now started to use to create a detailed explanation in his writing.

Week commencing - Monday 3rd March

The Whole of Year 6

Mr Bonner and Ms Mcgee are proud of Year 6 for their amazing teamwork, respect, achievement and kindness this week in completing their last set of mock SAT's. Well done!

Superstar Award

Week commencing Monday 24th February

Lukey - Crystal Class

For amazing attitude and commitment to his work, well done!

PE Star

Week commencing Monday 24th February

Charlie - Amber Class

For working super hard in the fitness fun event at Catton Grove.

Week commencing Monday 3rd March

Roxanna - Aqua Class

For her brilliant teamwork this week in the PE lesson.

Bronze Commendation Award

Congratulations to Yavus in Garnet Class. A fantastic achievement!

Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary

School Class Photos

Tuesday 11th March 2025

(If your child does PE on this day please send them into school wearing their school uniform but with their PE kit so they change after their class photo has been done, thank you).

Parents Evening

Week commencing Monday 17th March 2025

(See above for more information).

Flyers / Leaflets

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