Dear Parents and Carers,
I am so pleased to be writing to you at the end of what has been a very exciting two weeks at school.
Car Park Safety
Having reviewed the car parking over the past 2 weeks it has become evident that our car park at the end of the school in particular is becoming congested and borderlining on dangerous because of the number of unauthorised vehicles who insist on entering school grounds.
As part of this review i have surveyed the space within the car park and feel that it is safe to have upto 10 vehicles to arrive to collect children which means our current system is not fit for purpose.
Over the current 2 weeks we will be reviewing permit holders and writing to individuals to clarify their status and requirements. However even with this review being undertaken i still need your support as the school community to abstain from parking within the school grounds if you do not have a permit, without your support and help no system i introduce will be effective because only when we work as a team respecting each other's needs can we achieve the safety for our children.
I hope you understand and thank you for your cooperation and continued support.
Kind regards
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.
If an order is not placed for your child we will not be able to offer them a choice on the day, they will be given tomato pasta.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
Lost Property
Lost property is now kept in classes. Please could we ask that children's belongings are named so if found we can return to the child. Thank you.
Our overall school attendance at this point in the year is 93.5% which is lower than this time last academic year. We understand that there have been a lot of bugs illness going around which has affected this attendance.
Data has been analysed to find that there are a significant number of children who arrive late to school (before 9:10am) but in arriving late they are still missing their reading/phonics session which runs 9am until 9.30am.
Please discuss this with your child and we will ensure that we do so in class and assembly so that when children are well, they are in school on time and ready to learn.
Fortnightly class updates and achievements
Last week the younger children read the book Oi Frog! This is a funny story about a frog and a cat. The cat tells the frog that all the animals have a special place to sit - including him! But the frog doesn't want to sit where the cat tells him he should! The children thought about different ways the animals moved and different ways they could move their own bodies.
This week they read Dear Zoo. A child wants a pet, but the zoo sends several unsuitable animals before finding the right one. The children loved joining in with the repeated phrases and opening the doors. They have all had a go at painting their favourite animal from the story. They talked about the different features of the animals, including the different patterns on their coats.
Last week the older children read the story of The Three Little Pigs. They talked about good and bad characters in the story. They have explored different materials and experimented with ones to find suitable ones to build strong houses for the pigs. We even talked about how to arrange the bricks to make the walls stronger. The children built some amazing models.
This week they read the Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children all worked together to build a 3D map so they could retell the story. They have learned that on maps green means land and blue is water. They have talked again about good and bad characters and have designed their own troll.
On Wednesday all the children had a special day to celebrate Lunar (Chinese) New Year. They listened to the story about why the years are named after animals. They watched some programmes about the different ways people celebrate. They liked the lion and dragon dances. This year is the Year of the Snake. The children made snakes using paper chains and playdough. The children were able to taste some noodles and prawn crackers.
Ruby Class
Week commencing 20th January
This week, we continued reading about Sunny's travels in Meerkat Mail - he went to a rainforest in Liberia, his nocturnal cousins in Madagascar, and another nocturnal cousin in a marsh in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In English, we wrote about how he felt and wrote a postcard home. In Geography, we coloured the countries on a map and made a key of the colours. In music, we tried playing ostinatos, using body percussion, then instruments. We heard the story 'I am Nefertiti' about a girl who plays the drums, but shrinks when her teacher decides to call her Nef. In DT, we made sandwiches traditional in Liberia, with sardines, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and red onion. In Science, we thought about whether things are alive, dead, or have never been alive, and found examples out in the garden. In Maths, we began learning 3D shapes - cube, cuboid, pyramid, prism. We sang hello in Lingala (Mbote), a language from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and looked at the weather in the capital city - Kinshasa
Week commencing 27th January
This week, Sunny the meerkat finally arrived home to the Kalahari desert in Botswana, so we sang hello in Sesotho (Dumela) and looked at the weather in Tshane, the closest town to the Kalahari . In English we sequenced the jackal's story as it followed Sunny, ordering the days of the week, then wrote how the jackal was feeling. In maths, we continued working on 3D shape. In outdoor learning, we searched for the animals in our forest habitat. In DT, we started learning about wheels and axles. We read the story 'William Bee’s Things that Go'. In music, we tried to play 'call and response' ostinatos. In PSHE we thought about when we feel safe and unsafe.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 20th January
For achievement, because he designed a golf course, then created it by junk modelling
Week commencing - Monday 27th January
For achievement, because she has become more confident with blending sounds for reading.
Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 20th January
Onyx Class
For having a positive attitude to learning this week
Opal Class
For achieving in all areas this week with a new and improved attitude towards learning.
Week commencing Monday 27th January
Onyx Class
Because he is always working hard in all areas of the curriculum being kind to others and helping others with their learning.
Opal Class
Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)
In math over the last two weeks, the children have been focusing on two methods of division, and how to calculate using these strategies. The children learnt the importance of equal groups when dividing, and how to distinguish between the number of equal groups and the number in the group.
In our writing lessons we have been learning the features of non-chronological reports and written our own about materials and their properties.
We really enjoyed welcoming family members 'to our Great Pottery Tile Making' session. What fabulous William Morris inspired tiles were created. The children also enjoyed making new polystyrene tiles for their overprinting and collagraphy.
In science we have been finding out about the different properties of materials and deciding which products they would be best used for. Our current ICT block focuses on staying safe online.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 20th January
Amber Class
For being really engaged in her learning. Well done Nefeli.
Aqua Class
For brilliant achievement in independently reading long pieces of text and answering questions correctly. An amazing skill to have, well done Oliver!
Week commencing - Monday 27th January
Amber Class
Jeremy has been really engaged with his learning this week. He worked carefully on his non-chronological report about materials and was ambitious with his vocabulary.
Aqua Class
For careful reading and answering comprehension questions, fantastic work!
Year 3 (Coral / Crystal Classes)
Year Three has finally finished their writing on a poor, starving lizard - do ask us how it ended. In History, we have continued to learn about the Romans. We know they had many public buildings and liked to socialise and be entertained. We are not sure watching their gladiators would suit us though! We think we will stick to the modern equivalent. In geography, we have been learning some of the famous landmarks of Wales and Northern Ireland - ask us what the Giant's Causeway is. Ou next writing piece is going to be a non-chronological report on three places in Norfolk. We are doing Norwich, Great Yarmouth and Swaffham. It would be great to do some work at home on these wonderful Norfolk places. Things that would be useful to know: what they're famous for, a brief history, places to eat and things to do. Maybe, we could even go there with you for a visit and get some first-hand experience!
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 20th January
Coral Class
Coral Class are proud of the kindness Samuel always shows to others. He consistently makes good choices about his words and actions. He always yields his choices to make others happy. He is a role model! Well done, Samuel!
Crystal Class
For showing teamwork when integrating back into class for ART and DT lessons. You have shown an ability to work with and alongside others in a clam and kind way.
Week commencing - Monday 27th January
Coral Class
She has been working so hard on improving her writing. She used powerful verbs, combined with carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs to create atmosphere in her writing about a Lizard's departure. She thought hard about the reader and how to convey the emotion of this piece. Well done, Luna!
Crystal Class
Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)
Over the past couple of weeks, Year 4 having been working very hard in all areas of the curriculum. In writing, we are continuing our new topic on writing an adventure story. We have reviewed and learned about using fronted adverbials, similes, metaphors, using third person pronouns and writing in the past tense. In maths, we have just completed our topic on multiplication and division. This included learning about factor pairs, related multiplication and division facts, informal written methods and word problems.
We are still reading our core text: Varjak Paw and have completed comprehension tasks related to prediction, retrieval, personal responses, inference and authorial intent. In Geography, we learned about lines of latitude, and in History, we explored how we now know about the Anglo-Saxons and how religion influenced them. In art, we learned about 'Kente Cloth' and its origins then created our own designs using water colours. We also created printing blocks, and our own prints in black paint on contrasting coloured backgrounds. In spelling, our focus has been on the 'u' sound spelt' ou' and words ending in the suffix 'ly'.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 20th January
Garnet Class
She has adapted really well to moving to a new class and has really hit the ground running. Anyone would think she had been here from the start!
Topaz Class
For demonstrating excellent work all week. I am always impressed at his attitude to learning, and in particular his impeccable behaviour.
Well done!
Week commencing - Monday 27th January
Garnet Class
She is a warm and cheerful person within the class, she helps to make the class a welcoming place for everyone.
Topaz Class
Isobelle's enthusiastic participation and eagerness to learn this week has been wonderful. She has shown fabulous attentive listening and excellent problem-solving skills in maths.
Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)
We have been working hard in maths over the last few weeks. Looking at multiplication and division. Step by step we are becoming experts. In English we have just finished writing a story based in Egypt and are now moving on to writing a synopsis of A Midsummers Night's Dream. In Science we have continued looking at forces and how they affect different objects.
Next week we will be testing! Good luck to everyone!
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 20th January
Emerald Class
For trying exceptionally hard to achieve in his lessons and his attitude to learning has been excellent.
Sapphire Class
Outstanding week in all learning. Great class involvement during all lessons especially during writing. Editing his narrative for the class while using the visualizer with focus on expanded noun phrases, synonyms of 'said' and relative clauses.
Week commencing - Monday 27th January
Emerald Class
Throughout the week he has worked hard to achieve in every lesson. He has contributed to group discussion and spoken well.
Sapphire Class
For always the first to offer to help with a smile on his face, a valued member of the class and the school.
Well done, Samuel.
Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)
Week commencing 20th January
Quartz class had an excellent week with Into University. They learnt about a number of Historians that were influential to the history of Norwich. On Wednesday, we attended the Museum of Norwich at Bridewell, where we were shown how Norwich has been shaped over time and on Friday, Quartz class went to the University of East Anglia, for a tour of the site, to show them what they can learn at university and we finished off the day with all children, in their groups, delivering a presentation on their chosen person of history related to Norwich.
Diamond class continued writing their third person narratives related to escaping a volcanic eruption in Pompeii. They have worked hard to include description, action and dialogue to their piece of writing to build tension and excitement.
Week commencing 27th January
Both classes are continuing with their third person narrative based on Escape from Pompeii. In Maths, we are now learning out percentages, and how they compare with both fractions and decimals. Year 6 have started a new topic in Science- Light. We will be carrying out a number of different experiments where children have to identify the direction in which light travels and what factors cause for the brightness of light to change.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 20th January
Diamond Class
For his amazing achievement and perseverance in maths this week. Well done!
Quartz Class
Freddie W
For his excellent teamwork skills this week.
Freddie has worked well with others during our Into University week. He has taken a hands-on approach to all activities but has also made sure that others are involved in each activity. This culminated in a group presentation at UEA today.
Week commencing - Monday 27th January
Diamond Class
For his amazing achievement this week. He has worked hard in every lesson and taken real care with his presentation. Well done!
Quartz Class
Ella has been working hard at staying focused in all lessons. She has shown excellent engagement in class, especially in Writing, where she shares exciting ideas of description, action and dialogue that she has also included in her third person narrative. Ella also continues to be a helpful member of the class.
Rainbow Reader
Week commencing Monday 20th January
Busby - Opal class
Week commencing Monday 27th January
Isla - Onyx Class
Richard - Onyx Class
Samuel - Onyx Class
Oliver - Onyx Class
Norbet - Onyx Class
Chisom - Onyx Class
Superstar Award
Week commencing Monday 20th January
Jessica - Amber Class
For fantastic attitude to all the changes this week and doing so well with her SAT's papers. Well done!
Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary
Please see amended term dates
Flyers / Leaflets
Are you interested in training to be a teacher?
Unity Schools Partnership are an associate college of the National Institute of Teaching and will deliver Initial Teacher Training from July 2025. We are keen to recruit members of our communities to become teachers in our schools. The webinar is due to take place on Wednesday 5th February 6pm-6:45pm. If you are interested you can apply directly Find courses by location or by training provider - Find teacher training courses - GOV.UK using the search function to look for your preferred location.