Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had an excellent start to the new year with the children working very hard from the off!
The new student librarians have been working hard every lunch time this week as they code our non-fiction section of the library ready for children to come down and use. They have done a great job so far!
The Spring assessments are also underway, and I am pleased to note that the year 6 pupils have done very well, showing that they are working hard with their teachers and are making progress towards their SATS in May. Next week the children in year 2 will also undertake their reading and maths assessments. Please reassure your children that these assessments are never anything to worry about. We undertake assessments so that we can identify any areas that the children may be excelling at as well as areas that need more support from the teachers.
I am proud of how all the children have returned and that their attitudes to learning are excellent.
Thank you for your support
Kind regards
Mr N Campbell
Office update
Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system
If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.

If an order is not placed for your child we will not be able to offer them a choice on the day, they will be given tomato pasta.
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at You could save up to £400 a year.
Reporting an Absence
If your child is going to be absent from school please could you contact the office by 8:50am on the day of absence. Please either speak to a member of staff in the office, leave a voice message or send an email to
When advising that your child is going to be absent please could you advise the child's name / class and the reason for absence. If insufficient information is given i.e child is ill we will have to contact the Parent/Carer for more information as all absence reasons are logged on the child's attendance record. Thank you.
As from Monday 20th January there will be a new system in place if you wish to speak to a member of staff from the Pastoral team when dropping your child to school.
The Pastoral team will be focussing on assisting and settling those children that need some additional support first thing in the mornings when the children arrive so therefore will not be available until after 9:30am.
If you wish to speak to a member of the team there will be communication slips for you to fill in at the main office. We would require you to fill in your name, childs name, brief description of the issue and a preferred method of contact (whether you require a call back or email). We would then ask you to post these completed slips in the red post box situated on the wall in the office foyer.
The Pastoral team will aim to contact you the same day.
At the start of this term we opened a specialist room called Sunstone Room. This is a space for children who require additional support around their social emotional and mental health needs.
Sunstone runs in the afternoons for groups of children that have timetabled interventions such as Elsa, Thrive or LEGO therapy. We also run behaviour support interventions including Zones of regulation and Desty. All of the groups are run by qualified members of staff.
Each child that access Sunstone has been identified through the SEND register and has completed a Boxall Profile assessment which indicates the level and type of support required. Children will follow their identified programme for around 6 -10 weeks depending on the individual and the intervention programme. Once completed a further assessment will be delivered to determine further support and next steps.
The room provides a calm environment for children to focus on emotional and mental health needs reducing the pressures of the academic curriculum. Some children may access the room every day, others 2- 3 times a week.
Our aim is to help children develop a resilience that they can build on in their everyday lives, making them happier and healthier members of the school and wider community.
This year's Wear Your SCARF Day will be taking place on Friday 7th February 2025, during Children's Mental Health Week (3-9 February 2025). We're inviting children to come into school wearing a scarf on this day as a symbol of support for children's mental wellbeing, while celebrating the values of SCARF - Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship.
No contribution required.
Fortnightly class updates and achievements
Welcome back everyone and a Happy New Year to you all. Also a special welcome to our new children and their families.
We have had a busy time since we came back to school. The younger children have been thinking about winter and wintery weather. They went outside and played with the frost and ice. They read the book Lost and Found about a little boy who helps to take a penguin back home to the Antarctic.
This week they have been learning about what we use water for. They have been investigating floating and sinking, pouring and washing.
The older children have begun their topic about Traditional tales. The first week they enjoyed the book You Choose and made up their own stories. This week they read Goldilocks and the Three Bears. They have retold the stories using props. They learned a song, played with porridge and were able to try eating some porridge.
Ruby Class
Week commencing 6th January
In Maths, we started to learn the names of 2D shapes - some children worked on circle, square, rectangle, triangle; others learnt pentagon, hexagon, octagon. We are thinking about Africa, so in English, we started reading and writing about Meerkat Mail. In PSHE, we considered how different people live, and built a role play house the size of one in a shanty town in Africa; we learnt that in all countries there are different sized houses. In Science, we learnt what animals, including humans, need to survive. In story time, we enjoyed the book 'The Wonder' about a boy who daydreams.
Week commencing 13th January
In Maths, we continued to learn the names of 2D shapes, working with pictures instead of physical shapes. In English, we continued reading and writing about Meerkat Mail. In Science, we learnt about habitats, so we could compare these when Sunny visits his relatives in Meerkat Mail. In Geography, we learnt how to make a key, so we could map the countries Sunny visits. We focussed on South Africa, singing and saying 'Hello' in Swahili - Sanbonani. In music, we started to learn about pulse and rhythm. In outdoor learning, we looked for signs of winter: evergreen or not. In story time, we enjoyed the book 'The Suitcase' - about a character that has to move to a new country.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 6th January
For achievement, because he has been really engaged in learning this week.
Week commencing - Monday 13th January
For achievement, because he has settled into Ruby class and is already beginning to use his sounds when speaking.
Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)
Reception Parent Workshop with Mr Wellard
Parents' I would like to invite you to a reading workshop on the 29th of January at 2.30pm.
Join me for coffee and possibly some cake and a discussion around how you can support your children with reading at home. No one will be put on the spot, and I promise it will be fun and informative. The plan is you will come slightly earlier and it will run till it is time to collect the children. Reading is fundamental to children being successful in school and in life. As a children's author myself, reading has always been a passion of mine. Let me share with you the best early reading tips I have accumulated over a 25 year teaching career in Early Years. I am looking forward to it already and if you attend you may get a Dojo point as well 😂
Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)
Since our return from the festiveness of Christmas, we have been immersed in roleplay and imaginative play around the two books Squirrels and I am always kind; in English. We have learnt who Mary Anning is and what she discovered around fossils. In Geography this week we revisited continent's and oceans of the world and how these connect to Hot and Cold places. In DT we have made different joints to create a stable building out of recyclable materials.
Week commencing - Monday 13th January
Onyx Class
For his achievement within learning. Martin is always working hard and showing kindness to others.
Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)
What a great start back to the new year. All the children have been focused on their learning and have managed to get straight back into the 'swing of things' having had a lovely time off. We have really enjoyed hearing about all the activities they have taken part in over the break.
In English we have completed a unit based on humorous poetry and commenced a new one focusing on non-chronological report writing. In math our unit focus has been multiplication in the context of sky counting, equal groups, times-tables, multiplication sentences and arrays..
We learned about the human and physical features of Norwich in our Geography lesson. Our science sessions have focused on different materials and their properties. We started a new art unit on printing and are looking forward to family members joining us for our Clay Pottery workshop.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 6th January
Amber Class
For his fantastic attitude in all lessons. He listens carefully, follows instructions and works hard to try and achieve the learning outcomes of lessons.
Aqua Class
For the Achievement award. He can brilliantly draw number lines to help to subtract.
Week commencing - Monday 13th January
Amber Class
For consistently works hard to try and achieve the learning outcomes of each lesson.
Aqua Class
For enjoying imaginary language and being able to discuss it through Quangle Wangle from the land of Tute.
Year 3 (Coral / Crystal Classes)
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 6th January
Coral Class
Coral Class are proud of Daniel because of the rapid progress he is making in his English. This week he has been reading English texts and using English more and more every day. Well done, Daniel!
Crystal Class
For his outstanding achievement in maths this week. He has shown great confidence and enthusiasm when applying his mathematical knowledge to the 4- and 8- times tables. Crystal Class are so proud of you!
Week commencing - Monday 13th January
Coral Class
For working so hard to improve his learning this week. He has focussed on each lesson and has applied his learning. Independently, he has chosen to extend his work too! Well done, Dominik!
Crystal Class
For working collaboratively with others in class and around school. Keep being a team player!
Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)
It has been a fantastic first two weeks of the spring term for year 4. Inspired by the cold (although disappointingly not snowy) weather, we have been writing a newspaper report about an imaginary snowstorm that that has left Heartsease under a thick blanket of snow and ice. It’s been interesting imagining how this might affect locals!
In reading we have started a brand-new book called Varjack Paw. This tells the story of a young cat who escapes the confines of his cozy life and discovers adventure and danger on the outside.
In maths we have continued learning about multiplication and division, but this time the challenge has been increased, with year 4 learning to multiply and divide 2 and 3 digit numbers! It has been a challenge, But we are slowly getting there!
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 6th January
Garnet Class
She has come back from half term strongly, working really hard in each lesson and demonstrating fantastic understanding of each given task.
Topaz Class
Amelia T
For working brilliantly this week. She has impressed me with her focus and determination in all lessons. Every time instructions are given, she will immediately start her work and do her very best. Well done!
Week commencing - Monday 13th January
Garnet Class
For always giving her absolute best no matter the lesson and everything is completed to the highest standard!
Topaz Class
For demonstrating excellent work all week. He has particularly impressed me with his participation and enthusiasm in History. I enjoyed his explanations of why certain artefacts may have buried with a person. Well done!
Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)
What a return we have had! Over the last two weeks we have worked hard in every subject. We have begun looking at multiplication in maths and will be moving onto division on the next few lessons. In English we have been writing a cultural story based in Ancient Egypt looking at how dialogue and expanded noun phrases can positively impact our stories. In the afternoons we have begun looking at the Mayans and will be comparing them with the Anglo Saxons. In Science we have started looking at forces and what happens with different forces.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 6th January
Emerald Class
Theo C
Throughout the week he has shown great teamwork and determination in all lessons.
Sapphire Class
Helping and supporting Abida settling in into Sapphire class. Showing kindness to Ullah by helping her with her work, bring friendly and introducing Ullah to the rest of the class. Thank you Kaiden.
For an excellent first week at the school. Already showing all the school's core values of respect, teamwork, kindness and achievement. Welcome to Heartsease and well done.
Week commencing - Monday 13th January
Emerald Class
He is driven and determined to achieve in every lesson. He shows determination, kindness and teamwork throughout each and everyday. Keep up the exceptional work!
Sapphire Class
For her excellent understanding of latitude, longitude and contribution during the geography lesson this week. Well done Lorna, keep up the wonderful work.
Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)
Week commencing 6th January
Year 6 have started a new class text, which is All Aboard the Empire Windrush. We are learning how migrants from the Caribbean moved over to Britain after WW2 as part of this book, as well as in History. They were known as the Windrush Generation.
In Writing, we are planning and writing a third person narrative based on escaping from Pompeii. This links to our news report, which we completed before Christmas.
We are now learning about decimals in Maths and how to convert from fractions.
In Science, we are learning of the importance of the kidneys and water transportation.
Quartz are now swimming every Friday for their PE lessons.
Week commencing 13th January
Year 6 completed their second set of Mock SATs. They have started each morning with breakfast in the hall followed by Yoga with Mrs Marrison, before completed any of their SATs papers. This will be the same setup when they do the real thing in May!
Quartz will be doing Into University next week. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday will see staff from UEA come into and work with the class. Wednesday, we will be at the Museum of Norwich at Bridewell from 9:30am until 2:30pm and Friday at UEA from the same time. Diamond will complete their Into University week the following week.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 6th January
Diamond Class
For her amazing writing this week. She has worked so hard ro use descriptive language, creating a wonderful atmosphere. Well done!
Quartz Class
Quartz Class are proud of Lennon Mawby for his achievements in class this week. Lennon has come back after the Christmas break showing great enthusiasm and determination across all lessons. He is working hard to up-level his work to add further action, description and dialogue in his writing.
Attitudes to Learning Award
Week commencing - Monday 13th January
Diamond Class & Quartz Class
The whole of Year 6
We are proud of the whole of Year 6 for completing their second set of Mock SATs this week.
They have all shown great resilience and determination to perform to the best of their abilities in each paper.
PE Star
Week commencing Monday 13th January
The PE team are proud of Dea in Daomind Class.
Not only does Dea excel herself in PE, she has also been awarded a special award in her martial arts club she attends out of school. Her club has awarded her with the 'Student of the Year'. This is well deserved for a hardworking focused, lovely young lady. Well done Dea!
Superstar Award
Week commencing Monday 6th January
For outstanding work and learning, Well done!
Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary
Parents Evenings
W/C 17th March
Year 6 end of Year
W/C 23rd June
Reception to Year 5
Thursday 6th March & Friday 7th March
Friends School Discos
Tuesday 1st July & Wednesday 2nd July
Friends School Discos
Thursday 10th July
Nursery Graduation - Times tbc
Thursday 17th July
Year 6 Prom - Times tbc
Friday 18th July
Year 6 Leavers Assembly - Times tbc
School Photos
Thursday 6th March
Class Photos
Inset Days
Friday 27th June
School Closed to pupils
Flyers / Leaflets