Heartsease Primary Academy Newsletter - 20th December 2024

joanne.rowley • December 20, 2024


Dear Parents and Carers, 

Attendance this week is at 94%.

It has been a privilege this year to do lots of fundraising which has supported and help deliver approx 20 hampers to families throughout school. This has been done through the support of staff donations and the charity Dawn's New Horizons. Dawn’s New Horizon supports male and female victims of Domestic Violence, providing a ‘one stop shop’ information and support service over the phone, online and face to face.

The shop is based in Sprowston (12 Corbet Avenue, Norwich, NR7 8HS, website:- https://dawnsnewhorizon.org.uk

Thank you for all your support this term, it has been a wonderful year so far. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 6th January where we will be looking at accelerated learning.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Kind regards

Mr N Campbell

Office update

Aspens Select - Lunch ordering system

If you wish to order your child a school meal please note that the orders have to be placed before 9am on the day. If you have not set up your account and need some assistance please visit the school office so we can provide you with your log in details and help with setting up your account. To find the link to access Aspens Select, go onto MCAS, select 'announcements' and the link can be found in this section.

If an order is not placed for your child we will not be able to offer them a choice on the day, they will be given tomato pasta.

Free School Meals

A reminder that if your child is in Yr2 (Amber and Aqua), they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3 (Coral/Crystal). You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.

Car Park / Permit only

It has been noticed that the car park at the start/end of the school day is becoming very congested which is becoming a safety issue. Please can we remind Parents/Carers that only those that have been issued with a permit have access to the car park. If you do not have a permit please park outside of the school grounds. Permits are issued on medical grounds only. For those that have permits, as from January access to the car park at the end of the school day will be as from 3:10pm.

Please note that the speed limit within school grounds is 5mph.

Thank you.

After School Activity Clubs

The After School Activity clubs which have been running this term (Frisbee / Multi Sports/Recorder) will no longer be running when we return in January. New clubs will replace these and are on MCAS to book. The Running club on a Monday is the only club which runs all year. If your child is already enrolled on the Running club there is no need to enrol again and their place will still be available unless you have been contacted to advise otherwise.

Please note that the clubs are very popular and there are always children on the waiting list. If a child misses 2 or more consecutive sessions we will contact Parent/Carer to advise that the place is no longer available and this place will be offered to a child on the waiting list.

Santa Photos - Christmas Fete

If anyone would like the original photo that was taken with Santa at the Christmas Fete, please let the office know so we can inform Miss Rudd who is organising this.


Please be reminded that if you child has an episode of diarrhoea / vomiting they need to be at least 48 hours clear from the last episode before returning to school.

Congratulations on your retirement Mrs Thurston!

All of the children and staff would like to wish Mrs Thurston a very happy retirement! Mrs Thurston has been part of the Heartsease community from the 1960s when she was a child herself at Heartsease Infant School and has, over the years, been such a pivotal member of our staff team. Hundreds of children who have passed through our school have had the pleasure of being supported by Mrs Thurston across KS2 and more recently in Y6 where she has worked tirelessly in preparing children for their SATs and the transition to high school. Her kindness and dedication to help children achieve their potential are just a few of her many attributes that have made her so valued and respected. She will be greatly missed and we wish her all the best for a relaxing and enjoyable retirement. Thank you for everything Mrs Thurston!

Fortnightly class updates and achievements


Over the past two weeks the children have been learning about Christmas. The children have learned that Christmas is a Christian festival. They have heard the story of the Nativity. They have also learned about different Christmas traditions - the different decorations we put up, including lights and a Christmas tree. Also, about the special food that is eaten at this time of year. In Forest School we made a large star which we decorated with natural materials. The children performed several Christmas songs in the hall. They did brilliantly and we were very proud of them.

The staff at Bishys would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. We look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

Ruby Class

Week commencing 9th December

This week, Ruby class practised their Christmas play with Key Stage 1. We continued writing 'Fire Cat' in our own words. We continued working on subtraction. In History, we learnt about 'artefacts' and how we know about the Great Fire of London. In Design and Technology, we explored how to make towers using folded card. In music, we created our own fire music; our friends danced to the music, being large or small flames, depending on the volume of the music.

Week commencing 16th December

This week, Ruby class performed their Christmas play with Key Stage 1. We visited Barchester Woodside Care Home, with Year 2, to sing our nativity songs to the residents. We finished writing 'Fire Cat' and working on subtraction. We baked bread that was similar to the bread eaten in 1666. We made Christmas cards and decorations. We used the knowledge we had about how to make paper strong to build the tallest towers we could, that would support a 1kg weight.

Attitudes to Learning Award

 Week commencing - Monday 9th December


For achievement – confidently performing in front of adults and peers for Show and Tell and in the Christmas play.


Week commencing - Monday 16th December

Head Teachers Award


 For kindness, respect and teamwork (never complaining when he repeatedly had to share during golden time), and achievement (choosing to extend our learning in his own way during choosing time).

Reception (Jasper / Jade Classes)

Reception have been busy practicing for their Nativity performance and making festive decorations. They decorated their own home corner with a tree, cards they had made and paper chains they had also made. We had a lovely Christmas dinner with music and crackers and playing 'What's the time Mr. Wolf'.

The Nativity on Wednesday the 18th was brilliant, and they all did so well, we are very proud of them.

Santa has been to visit the children today (Friday) to give them an early present because they have worked so hard this term.

Can we take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Year 1 (Onyx/Opal Classes)

Over the past two weeks, we have revisited subtraction and addition in maths. In english we have learnt how to speed write special friends and compose interesting sentences. Geography we learnt about the seas and ocean around the UK. Last week in History we compared shops today to shops in the 1950's; using what we have learnt about shops in the 1950s over the past few weeks. Science we have now learnt all 5 types of animals and this week we looked closely at similarities and differences between their features. 

Attitudes to Learning Award

 Week commencing - Monday 9th December

Onyx Class


For always working hard and thinking hard.

Opal Class


For achieving in all areas of the curriculum by applying and focusing more.


Week commencing - Monday 16th December

Head Teachers Award

 Onyx Class


Richard is always smiling and focused, challenging himself and working hard.

Head Teachers Award

 Opal Class


For constantly an always child; showing kindness, respect and working as a team this has allowed him to achieve in all areas of the curriculum. 

Year 2 (Amber/Aqua Classes)

The children have been very busy with their learning during the last two weeks. They finished writing their story from another culture. The setting was the street market in Nairobi and there were lots of lost kittens and dogs who were found, either hiding under sacks of coffee beans, in pots of Ugali or in crates of vegetables. Our Geography has been comparing the countries of Kenya and England, details of which they were able to include in their story writing. We have finished our math block of naming, describing and sorting 2 and 3D shapes.

The highlights of the last two weeks were definitely our Christmas performances to families and singing to the residents of Barchester Care Home. The children were a credit to themselves and we were very proud of them.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 9th December

Amber Class


For always being kind and thoughtful to others.

Aqua Class


 For showing his teamwork when contributing to classroom discussions. He has worked hard to develop confidence in sharing ideas and thoughts across all lessons. Keep sharing!


Week commencing - Monday 16th December

Head Teachers Award

 Amber Class


Eliano recognizes that hard work and effort are just as important as achievement. He is always focused to put the maximum effort into his tasks. This hard work and motivation contributes to his considerable success in lessons. Eliano must also be commended for his kindness and support to his class colleagues. Well done.

Head Teachers Award

Aqua Class


 For brilliant settling into Year 2. She is always on task, concentrating well on independent tasks and strives to improve her handwriting. She is now writing with a handwriting pen! Way to go Ava!

Year 3 (Coral / Crystal Classes)

Year three have been learning to write dialogue within a historical story. Journey with us back to a hill fort and a Roman attack. Ask us what our plan was to save the settlement from invasion. When we read together, remind us where the inverted commas go. In DT we learnt that we can make our own version of a processed yoghurt and topping - we made fruit compote and toasted oats for a topping - yum. In maths we have really started putting our Times Tables Rockstars to good use as we are now learning about multiplication and division. Knowing our tables has really helped us with this so keep encouraging us to rock those tables! Of course Christmas has been well underway in our classroom. In RE, we learnt how the incarnation and salvation were linked to the Trinity. Of course for music we have been focussing on singing - we can wait to share our favourite with you because it is all about the magic of Christmas day.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 9th December

Coral Class


Coral Class are proud of Aurora because her explanation in maths was exemplary. She understood exactly what she needed to state mathematically and made it clear why she disagreed with the character’s suggestion. She used mathematical examples to show that she knew why they were wrong. Well done, Aurora!

Crystal Class


 For showing his teamwork when contributing to classroom discussions. You have worked hard to develop confidence in sharing ideas and thoughts across all lessons. Keep sharing! 


Week commencing - Monday 16th December

Head Teachers Award

Coral Class


Ivy can be relied upon to be on 'TRAK' in every aspect of school life.

Head Teachers Award 

Crystal Class


For his outstanding achievement in showing kindness and compassion towards others.

Year 4 (Garnet/Topaz Classes)

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been completing our writing topic on exploring poetry. We analysed the form and structure of Haikus and Cinquains. We then created our own poems and edited them with more precise vocabulary. In reading, we completed our core textbook: 'The Girl That Stole An Elephant' and its related comprehension activities. In maths, we have completed our first textbooks covering place value, addition and subtraction, area and the first part of multiplication and division. In Science, we have continued to learn about states of matter including how matter changes state through melting, evaporation and condensation. In art, as part of the Christmas fare, we created wreaths. In spelling we have been learning about words that use various prefixes and have started to revise words ending in the suffix -tion. In history, we learned which kingdoms were formed by the Anglo-Saxons.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 9th December

Garnet Class


Every lesson he is always quietly focused on whatever task he has been given, ensuring that it is completed to the best of his abilities

Topaz Class

Scarlett B

For showing some brilliant teamwork this week. She has impressed me with her participation and listening skills. Scarlett also showed a wonderful attitude when working with her partner. Well done!


Week commencing - Monday 16th December

Head Teachers Award

 Garnet Class


This is for being a constant helpful presence in the classroom. Whether it is tidying up, handing out books or washing up paint pallets, she is always the first to offer to help.

Head Teachers Award

 Topaz Class


For her all-round outstanding attitude to learning. She always tries her best, is organised and eager to participate. Grace should be very proud of her achievements this term.

Year 5 (Emerald/Sapphire Classes)

What a term it has been! The whole of Year 5 has been fantastic putting in 100% effort in all of their subjects. We have had a whirlwind of maths; fractions, addition, subtraction, place value, English; Myths including dialogue, poetry, balanced arguments and more, reading; we have gone from the depths of Antartica into Ancient Egypt and beyond. In all these subjects we have seen a great advancement in their understanding and application of ideas. We are all excited for Spring 1 and hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 9th December

Emerald Class 


Throughout the week he has put in 100% effort into achieving the best that he can achieve. Keep it up!

Sapphire Class

Chloe A

For demonstrating excellent understanding of adding, subtracting fractions and converting improper fractions to mixed numbers independently.


Week commencing - Monday 16th December

Head Teachers Award

 Emerald Class


For being determined to achieve and showing great effort in all subjects so far. Keep it up!

Head Teachers Award 

 Sapphire Class


Throughout the term she has shown a real determination to achieve in every subject!

Year 6 (Diamond/Quartz Classes)

Year 6 have been working hard at their songs for the KS2 performance. They have taken their lyrics home to practise.

We have finished our current text, How to Live Forever by Colin Thompson. Year 6 enjoyed both the illustrations and the premise behind the story.

In English, we are planning and writing up a news report. This is based on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii. This will lead us on nicely to after Christmas, where the children will be creating a narrative based on the events of the volcanic eruption.

Year 6 have finished their work on fractions and are now working on units of measurement.

A reminder that after Christmas, Quartz class will be swimming on a Friday afternoon and will need to bring their swimming kit in for this. A letter has been sent home to parents.

After 27 years, we are sad to see Mrs Thurston leaving Heartsease Primary Academy and the Year 6 team. Mrs Thurston has been amazing in helping the children progress in their learning. She will be sorely missed by everyone.

Finally, the Year 6 team wish everyone a Merry Christmas. We hope you enjoy the break.

Attitudes to Learning Award

Week commencing - Monday 9th December

Diamond Class


For his amazing achievement this week. He has a real enthusiasm for learning. He asks questions, shares answers and does his best in every subject. Well done!

Quartz Class


For showing excellent contribution to the learning. Mohamed is always happy to answer questions in class and provide important discussion points, showing off his own knowledge, especially in Writing and Maths. Mohamed is also very helpful with others around him, working well in paired tasks.


Week commencing - Monday 16th December

Head Teachers Award 

 Diamond Class


For dedicated student who cares very deeply about her learning and achieving the best that she can.

Head Teachers Award 

Quartz Class


For being a kind and polite pupil, who always works hard in class and follows the School's core values each and every day.

PE Star

Week commencing Monday 16th December


For his amazing creative dancing.

Rainbow Reader

Phoebe - Opal Class

Charlie - Opal Class

Times Table Rockstars Certificate

Estere -Topaz Class

William M - Topaz Class

Ellie-Mae - Topaz Class

Chase - Garnet Class

Additional Forthcoming events / Dates for the diary

Friday 20th December

Last day of term

Monday 6th January

School reopens

Flyers / Leaflets

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